Chapter Eleven

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Pack Mentality

Blaire POV
For the past 2 weeks, we were planning, discussing and figuring out which way to go and turns out that Michelle almost did get them there, but Andrea lost her husband during that fight on their way over and they had to turn back,”We went back to Nevada temporarily and we stayed in Willow since then”
“We thought it was the end of the line for us because the zombie population has increased for the past 5 years and we’ve been collecting supplies from groups and gangs because we thought if we had enough, we would have enough ammo to make it through” Hearing Andrea’s explanation, the room that they had for her and the group, planning out where to go,”Didn’t you guys try the Coast?”
“Blaire, you’re adorable, you’re smart, but we’ve tried everything, anything you can think of, we already tried, going to Huntington Beach is impossible” I wiped my nose and sniffed,”Aw shit, Andrea, do you have medicine?” She pointed to the left,”And tea’s in there too, water is in that barrell over there, the filter pitcher is above it, don’t use too much though”
“So you guys said that you were low on supplies” She sighed and Taryn said to us,”It’s what we had to say in order for the others to help out one another, but you guys were good”
“But not good enough” I said to Taryn, Dylan suggested this,”I say we just dive in headfirst” I crossed my arms and walked back over to the table,”Dylan-” Michelle chimed into the middle of my sentence,”We have 3 kids with us, our sons and daughters” Andrea nodded,”Is The Organization really worth it?”
“My brother and sister are in there” Andrea looked at me across the table,”You don’t know that Primus”
“But I’d rather go back there than stay out here where it’s more, we’re all stronger in numbers Levitt” I said to her and she kinda stopped talking after that, Dylan sighed and rubbed his nose, Michelle pursed her lips, the group was quiet and then Sean opened his mouth,”Dyl’s right, I say we go for it’ Andrea was furious at Sean internally, I was able to tell,”Sean”
“Andrea, Blaire’s right, we’re stronger in numbers, you should’ve known this” Aw shit and he was still speaking his mind,”She’s right, the world is becoming more dangerous and don’t you want the world to be safe for Sarah and Trey?”
“Yes” She answered his question, Pete said,”You gotta go through Hell to find peace again, what do you think happened in that Vietnam War? The Civil Rights Movement?” Some of the people in there were teens such as Sean, Adam and Kimmie, Arwen, etc and some of them either didn’t remember History Class or wasn’t up to that Grade Level”
“If you’re going through Hell, keep going” Gwen said to the group,”Winston’s saying” Andrea nodded when Gwen said that,”Exactly and with this many people and with that many supplies, we’ll make it there without a scratch” After hearing Patrick’s answer, Andrea said to the group,”But we don’t know if you guys have much experience, you haven’t even seen Sacramento or San Fransisco, have you? Any of you?” We all looked at each other and we each answered no except the ones that stayed with her then Dylan said to her,”But we made it this far, we’re not gonna stop our Journey here”
“Dylan, you left your group for that woman there” She pointed at me,”But we worked together, we protect one after another, it’s how we do it in our group, we don’t just assign each other” Andrea looked at him straight in the eye,”Eventually you’re gonna have to, especially with this many people, let me see what all of you got and we’ll start from there”

Andrea POV
One after the other, I saw and I’ve seen the skills that they have. Patrick would be guard, Chloe would be Combat and Sneak Attack, Gwen would be sneak attack, combat and sniper, Arwen would be a shooter, Tawnin would be Sniper, Pete would be the one that can be Resourceful, Combat and Shooter, Skylar is only gonna be a fighter and with any weapon that doesn’t have a trigger according to Pete and Blaire and also protecting the little ones, Cayden would be good with Sneak Attack and can make one hell of a meal, so he ended up being the Cook, Chloe can work on Camouflage to help me whereas Blaire and Dylan, hearing the group about both of them, all I could think was,"What's so goddamn special about Blaire Primus and Dylan Howell?" They must’ve had one hell of a leader, they were able to shoot without looking, fighting out of locks, etc and when I went up against all of them, you can always tell by how they are with every situation you put them in and how they will manage to get out of it. Dylan is Lieutenant, Armory Manager, Combat and for Blaire, she’s one hell of a warrior, I made her the Assassin and that is one of everything, she’s also a Co-Leader, one of the girls, Clara didn’t take it so well,”You made her Co-Leader? You said that I was next”
“She has everything I need, she’s got everything, okay? You do too, just not as much as her, she knows how to run a group, Dylan as well, they’ve been out there a lot more than us, so they can get us there Clara. The group out there, they are still here because of Michelle”
“And you made her an Assassin, what about Dylan?”
“He left that spot open for her, I offered, he declined and suggested her” She scoffed,”You need to understand Clara, this isn’t a regular group, trust is what matters for us right now, they haven’t even harmed one another”
“You’re taking Blaire’s side on this”
“There aren’t any sides anymore, this is all or nothing, Blaire and Dylan’s group is what we’ve been needing for God knows how long, why am I even still talking to you? Get the hell out!” I pointed the door and she huffed then walked out the door,”God damn it” I walked around for a bit and Sarah came in,”Mommy?”
“Yes? Sweetie, what is it?”
“I have an owie” I picked her up,”Oh come here, we’ll get you cleaned up” I pulled out band aids and put some ointment on it,”So it doesn’t get infected”
“How can it get infected?”
“Because stuff like dirt and dust can get in there and make it worse, we don’t want that now, do we?” She shook her head,”We got new people, they’re all really nice to Trey and Emery”
“Yeah? They treating you nice?” She nodded,”Yeah, one of them is like Dad” My heart stopped hearing her say that,”Mommy, do you think Dad’s in heaven?” I sighed and threw the Band aid wrapper away,”Of course sweetie and he’s watching over us” She nodded,”Sarah, he’s not really gone, he’s right there”
“In my heart” I nodded,”Yes” She looked down,”Now hop along, have you, Trey and Emery ate yet?” She shook her head,”Okay, I’ll see what I can whip up for the three of you” She held my hand and we walked out to the kitchen,”Is Emery my sister?”
“Honey, she’s Michelle’s daughter, your aunt, she’s not your sister” She nodded and looked down,”But you can consider her your sister” She looked up,”I can do that?”
“Of course”

Blaire POV
Seeing Cayden and Chloe playing tag with the three kids kinda made me wonder about a few things, I was sitting on one of the bleachers sharpening a few knives, I looked over at Dylan talking to one of the guys from here. I closed my eyes for a few seconds,”Don’t let them hear us” Heavy breathing,”What are you waiting for?” The grazing upon my thighs, the sensuality….the connection, I needed to get my head out of the clouds, so I took a deep breath and went back to work, Skylat came over,”You love him don’t you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Dylan” She turned her head over to him.”You love him?” I nodded,”Yes, what’s your point?” She scoffed lightly,”Does he know?”
“Yeah, we’ve been dating”
“But can it turn into more than that? Will it?” I took a few seconds to think about it,”Blaire, can it? Do you see it?”
“Wh-why are you asking me this?”
“I was just curious about you two, I mean you have been together for God knows how long, you’ve been surviving by each other’s side and now here you are, Willow ,Cali” Gwen stepped on the bleachers,”Hey Blaire need help?”
“Yes please” She gave Skylar the dirty look and she walked away,”You’re welcome” I thanked her when Skylar walked away,”What was she doing this time?”
“Wanted to know about Dylan and I”
“Huh?” I looked over at her and asked her,”What is it?” She shrugged and answered,”I’ve noticed her giving him a few looks, but it’s probably nothing, Dylan knows better, doesn’t he?” I nodded,”I trust and I know that he wouldn’t”
“Because he cares about you, I mean you two obviously love each other, he wouldn’t stop talking about you when we were stuck in that Hellhole” I kinda smiled at her,”Really?”
“Oh yeah, when he was having a panic attack, he didn’t listen to my voice, but heard what I was saying” Then I was confused,”What? What do you mean?”
“He was hearing what I was saying to him, but he told me that he alternated the sound of my voice to yours, he’s….he’s something Blaire and if Skylar tries to do anything, that’s a way of knowing that he’s something that she can’t have” I smiled,”Pete will find out about it eventually and he probably isn’t gonna do a single thing about it”

It was at night, we got our own beds, Dylan and I were next to each other, we just lied there facing each other, he was asleep with a book in his hand, I got up slowly to take the book out of his hand and put it next to him on the night stand. I went out and saw Andrea in her room, the light was on, she was reading a story to the children. I was standing in the room listening to her,”Oh Primus, I didn’t think you’d be up this late”
“I didn’t think so either”
“Is there something wrong?” I shrugged at her question,”It’s just this feeling I’ve been getting now and I don’t know how to describe it”
“Do you want to describe it to me?” I shook my head,”I don’t know yet, but can you do me a favor?”
“Sure what is it?”
“How many Assassins are there in this group?”
“You, Sean, Adam and Taryn, why?” I started twiddling my fingers,”I was wondering if you can make Dylan one” She sighed,”There’s only room for you 4”
“Andrea, you know he’s experienced enough to be one, Kavanaugh always made room for one more” She had her arms crossed and turned around,”What name did you say?”
“Kavanaugh, why?” She pulled me into her office and pulled out a picture,”Who’s this?” She was sitting at her desk,”My latest Husband Dallas Lecitt, he died before he knew that I was pregnant with Trey, he was in the services with Kavanaugh and he sent him home unexpectedly when we were in Utah” She was born into a Military Family, she became a Nurse and her background story was interesting and how Dallas and her met,”Sarah still asks about him, she remembers bits and pieces of him and I want to try my best to be honest for her, for Trey, it-it was hard taking care of two children, but with the help of this group, it does make things easier around here and Cayden”
“He can make one hell of a meal” I said to her and she agreed,”Skylar is…..” She didn’t need to finish the sentence, but I knew,”Clara and her are similar”
“Yeah well, it is what it is” She nodded,”Clara was originally the next to be Co-Leader and she heard about you taking her spot”
“It doesn’t bother me, it would if she laid a hand on me or anyone else in our group” She nodded,”That’s why I chose you, I like your thinking” She sat back slowly,”I still think that you should add Dylan to the group”
“You know I can’t do that”
“Did Dallas ever mention that Kavanaugh always makes room for one more, the more the better” She was quiet,”Know that we’re all stronger in numbers, along with The Assassins as well, Dylan has what it takes”
“I’ll think about it”

The next day, she told Dylan that he’s part of The Assassins now, still in position as Lieutenant, he accepted of course after her saying that there is now gonna be room for one more

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