Chapter 1

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1650 yards.

"Ready..... GO!" coach mason yelled as i nose dived into the water. Go autumn go! My mind was screaming at me. You can do this! It’s your last lap! Show 'em what you've got! I sprang towards the wall and flipped. Came back. *breath* swim. Swim. Swim. My brain was beating against my skull with anticipation, and with that I touched the wall. I raised my head above the water and saw my coach smiling at me. "Autumn!" he yelled as he pulled me out of the water and into a hug. "You did it!" I smiled and turned around to the scoreboard and sure enough it said Winners: Rocky hill high! I turned back to my coach and gave him another huge hug. "You're going to the top, kiddo!" That was the most amazing day of my life. 'You’re going to the top...' imagine that...

It's been 6 months since that day. I should be on tour across the states with my team but a family death made my family go in to a panic. Today is the last day of school and I’m moving tomorrow;  I'm moving to this random school in Troy, Minnesota. It’s called Athens High. I’ll be in 10th grade but my parents love to make me study so I’m going to be in 11th because that’s where I placed. They have a swim team there and I don't know if I wanna join because my team may be upset. I miss them. They were the only people who understood me just like I understood them.

The next day its time to get moving and everything’s already at the new house. It’s in a quiet part of town, on a hill I heard them say. I sat on the plane trying to ignore my parents request to turn my IPod down. Did they succeed? Nope. As we arrived to Minnesota I felt my heart pounding in my chest, realizing I am in a new town and this is a new beginning for me.

I'm the New Girl and He's the Werewolf Quarterback [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now