Chapter Four- Training

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The next morning, training begins. Alexis has barely spoken to me since the train, and then it's just polite comments. I gave up after a little while.

I've been dreading training since the beginning. I must pretend that I'm a career, I must pretend to be vicious and bloodthirsty. It's not like I'm not good at lying, I just don't particulary like it.

We are given plain black training gear, just like home. The Training Center is down in the basement, far below the ground. We're one of the first ones there, and my stomach sinks when I see the other people there.

District One are there, Ruby and Blaze, and they're taking to another pair of tributes. I suppose they must be District Four, but what surprises me is that one of them, the girl, is tiny. As we approach them, the girl seems to be about twelve.

'District Two...' Blaze smiles at us. 'So. Our alliance-' Ruby interrups, rolling her eyes. 'God, we'll never get anywhere with you organizing this. The alliance: you two, us, and the two from District Four. That is..' she says, eyeing the small girl evilly. 'If little girl here has talent.' The girl narrows her eyes at Ruby, and snaps back.

'Don't you call me little girl. I may look small, but I'm fast, and I could probably kill you easily.'

Ruby smiled widely and clapped the girl on the back. 'I like you. What's your name?'

'Dory.' she says, a smile playing on her lips. We all make introductions, and I find out the District Fours name is Troy. He doesn't talk much. He has light hair and dark eyes. Dory, on the other hand, doesn't look like she's from District Four. She has dark hair and hazel eyes. By the time we've agreed on the alliance, the training center is nearly full. 

'Now, what about weapons?' Ruby asks. I look down, trying to avoid her eyes. 'Valerie, what about you? What's your weapon?'

'Um..' I mumble. 'Bow and arrows. And throwing knives. I can use swords, too.' Well atleast they might leave them alone if they get to the Cornucopia first.

Ruby raises an eyebrow. 'Really? Gosh, we've got a girl of many talents here. But sorry, the swords mine. Blaze gets the axe.' It's decided that Alexis gets the mace, Troy a spear or a trident, and Dory a dagger and some knives-how much depending on how she can throw, which we will fing out soon. Which means I get some knives and the bow. But it doesn't really matter, I was going to get them anyway.

Training starts, and I go to the knives first. I watch person after person throw, none very good. Once it's my turn, I pick up the knives. The metal cools my palm, and I relax, even throwing the knife from hand to hand. I throw, once, twice, three times, more. each time the knife hits the human size target dead center. I throw again, and one hits it in its head, its heart, its stomach. Hitting the place I want it to every time. Then the targets begin to move, but it does nothing to stop my aim. When I'm done, nearly every one in the training center is looking at me. The rest of the careers are smiling at me from the back. It's Dory's turn after me, and she's good, but not brilliant.

I go to the bows next, and it's the same result. Again, the same with the swords, but this time, Ruby does not smile. She stares at me with loathing. 

The rest of the training, I do the other stuff. I don't bother going to the spear or mace section, I would just make a fool of myself. And I don't want to lose the great reputation I have. I surpass everything else.


The next few days, I go from station to station, sometimes with Alexis or the careers. Whenever I pass someone from the other districts, they seem scared of me. I feel awful, when they look at me like that. They all seem so small, so underfed and undernourished.

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