Chapter Thirteen

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Brianna's POV

"What are you really doing here, Nathan"? I asked before I sat on the sofa opposite him in the living room area.

"You know, you have a big appetite for someone with a small frame as you". He ignored my question, something I noticed he liked doing.

"That's because I forget to eat sometimes".

"So you're stuffing yourself with foods from different countries?"

"Yup! Now that I've answered all your questions, can you tell me what you are doing here?" I said with one raised brow.

"Do you want me to leave?" He returned my expression.

Ugh another question, what is wrong with him.

"Actually, I won't mind".

"Let's be friends". He blurted out. I wasn't expecting the words that came out from his mouth. He said it so casually that you'd think we were already close.

However, if he became friends with me,it was going to be easy to ask him out in public and Paul would be able to get enough pictures.

"Sure, let's be friends."

I munched my food quietly and ignored the fact he was staring at me. I put the grilled chicken inside the coleslaw just to experience something new.

"You'll destroy the taste". He said as he took a sip of orange juice. He had been taking a good amount of it from the carton and i was trying to stop myself from strangling him.

I lost it when he poured another big amount of liquid into his glass.

He was going to finish my drink.Without thinking I dived towards his direction and knocked the sofa he was sitting to the floor.

The glass fell on the carpet and the contents in the carton spilled on both of us. I had no idea that I could push a man down with a chair; my force must have been really strong. We ended up in an awkward position.

I was dangling on top of him and he just laid there staring at me. "If you wanted the drink you should've just said so."

He furrowed his brows like he understood what I was trying to do. "You're trying to seduce me." He chuckled. "You'll have to try harder then cause I don't see you that way."

I got up immediately and realized my shirt was soaked with juice and my bra became noticeable.

"Stop looking at my boobs"? I said when I caught him staring at my chest region.

"What chest?" He stated blankly.

I gasped. Such an arrogant ass. I went to the bedroom to change into a black sleeveless top and for some reason I wanted to wear my grey sweatpants.

When I got back to the living room, he had gone. I called the front desk to let them know i needed a housekeeper before i heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door for the fourth time today, to see him wearing a white crew neck sweater with a Navy denim jacket. He still had the grey sweatpants on but he had changed the cap to a beanie. This guy was definitely into fashion and I liked that about him.

"Let's go for a ride" he said as he adjusted his beanie.

"To where"?

"Can you just shush and follow me?"

I hesitated for a while before I said. "Okay". I only agreed so Paul could get enough pictures.

We took the elevator to the parking lot and i watched him carefully as he played and tossed his keys in an up and downwards motion. I studied his motion for a while and when the keys flew up again, i caught it  and ran towards the car.

"I'm driving'' I smiled.

"No, you're not". He frowned and tried to take the keys out of my hand. I opened the car door and sat in the drivers seat.

"Brianna, I'm serious get down". He glared at me.

"Are you coming or not"? I pushed the start button and the car came on. He rolled his eyes and turned to enter the passenger seat.

Nathan was not happy about my driving because he nagged the whole time. "Switch on the headlamp! Use the navigation light! Don't speed, don't speed! Change gear, change it! She's going to crash my precious ferrari! Who taught you how to drive, Stevie Wonder? Lord I don't want to die, I don't want to die".

"Nathan, would you relax and enjoy the ride". I glanced at him.

"Keep your eyes on the road." He snapped. "How can my life be in this woman's hand?"

I ignored him. I halted the car when I saw big objects moving in front of us. Cows! What were cows doing in the middle of the road by this time? I looked at Nathan who sighed in relief when i stopped the car. "Aren't you going to do something about it?" I looked at him.

"California produces the most milk in the US, it's bound to happen. Wait for them to move".

I know we said we were going to be friends but he was getting on my nerves again. I got out of the car and stood in front of the cows.

"Come on cows, you need to move so that i can get a picture with this arrogant ass. Matter of fact, where is their shepherd?"

"Cows don't have shepherds!" Nathan yelled and got down from the passenger side to go into the driver's seat.

I tapped one and it looked at me furiously. In fear, i ran into the car and locked the door.

"I told you to wait for them to move and not to provoke them."

"I only tapped it gently. I didn't provoke it."

"You were nagging at it. I can understand the cow's frustration."

"It's looking at me. It's coming towards us. Do something!"

He turned on the headlights and the cows scampered.

"Thank God." I said in relief.

"Brianna, what did you do to my car"?

"What happened to your precious car, Nathan?"

He tried to turn on the ignition but it didn't come on.

I leaned forward to check the dashboard. "It looks like you're out gas".

"You think I don't know that? Look at what your speeding caused. If I was driving, I would've known there was no gas."  He got out of the car and started walking straight like he knew where he was going. Was he really angry at me?  He was the one that suggested we should go for a ride when he didn't have gas in his car. I checked my phone to see if I could get an Uber but my battery was low. We were at a quiet street with no house at sight.

How did I drive this far?

When I got out of the car, Nathan was already far ahead of me. I had to run to get to him.

"Where....are you going?" I asked panting.

"As you can see, it's dark we need to look for a place to stay. Are you an airhead that you can't notice that?" He walked faster.

What was his problem?

Sorry for the late upload. Will do my best to upload faster. Please don't forget to vote, comment and share if you want to. But I want you to.

Published date:- 8th June 2019.

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