Part 1 - Smut content

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It was the summer of 2014 where you and your best friend Daniel were hanging out together.

You had 2 tickets to an upcoming concert and you asked Daniel if he would go with you.

Y/N: Danielllllllll
D: Oh no! What's wrong?
Y/N: My mum got us tickets to a concert do you want to come with me? Please *Puppy dog eyes*
D: Urrrgghhhh you know I cant resist those eyes! I'm falling more and more in love with you and them every day *Daniel covers his mouth*
Y/N: What?! Wow I cant believe it
D: I know you dont feel the same but I will....

Y/n cut Daniel off by kissing him

D: You can keep doing that any time you need me to be quiet

Y/N sat in front of Daniel giggling. Daniel's smile grew bigger as Y/N giggle was his favourite sound ever

Y/N: Dont worry I will *Winks* Daniel I feel the exact same as you but I didnt want to say anything cause you liked Jasmine alot.
D: I only liked her cause I knew I could never have you
Y/N: Daniel?
D: Yeah babe
Y/N: *Blushes and giggles* Will you go out with me?
D: Dang! Y/N!!!
Y/N: W-w-what?
D: I wanted to ask you
Y/N: So what's your answer Mr Seavey?
D: Well future Mrs Seavey it's a yes from me.

Daniel couldnt believe he said that to Y/N, he started to blush.

Y/N: I like the sound of that but we are to young at the moment... but honestly I've dreamt about being your wife since the day we kissed at kindergarten
D: R-r-really? Cause I've been the exact same

Could this be fate?

D: When do you want to go on our date?
Y/N: Tomorrow at 12pm?
D: Why 12pm
Y/N: Ohhh emmm I just wanted to spend the whole day with you... sorry
D: *Kisses Y/N* That sounds perfect and dont be sorry. I have a surprise for tomorrow....
Y/N: Nooo Daniel, you know I hate surprises....
D: I know that's why I said it *Daniel giggles*

Daniel's giggle is Y/N second favourite sound.

Ohh your wondering what her first is? Well..... her best friend/now boyfriend has an amazing angelic voice when he is singing... that probably didn't make sense but that was Y/N favourite sound ever.

She was so proud of his voice, and how great a singer he is. She keeps encouraging him to go do America's got talent but he doesn't listen....

Y/N had an idea.....

Y/N sits at her laptop when Daniel is away home for his dinner. She researches America's got talent for the rules.

Daniel is 15 coming up for 16. This may work....

She applies in Daniel's name and posts a video she secretly recorded of him singing and playing his guitar.

Applicant submitted.... Just in time cause Daniel has just come back. Y/N quickly shuts off her laptop.

Phone rings..

Y/N: Hello?
??: Is Mr Seavey there?
Y/N: Yes? Can I ask who is calling?
??: Its the producer from America's got talent. We seen a lady submitted the application for a young man and we thought since someone else submitted the application he must be a great singer. We watched the video and we want to invite him to audition.
Y/N: Ohh wow! Hold on one second.
D: Y/N who is it?
Y/N: Promise not to fall out with me or get mad?
D: I promise, what did you do?
Y/N: I submitted an application for America's got talent and the producer is on the phone!!!
Y/N: You promised not to get mad *starts crying *
D: Omg I'm so sorry Y/N I didnt mean to upset you.
He went to give you a hug but you pushed him away and handed him your phone.

D: Hello
AGT: is this Mr Seavey?
D: Yes speaking?
AGT: I recieved an application for you to audition for our show, and because it was submitted by someone else we had to check it out, and let me tell you Young Man you are an amazing singer, very talented and I would like to offer you the chance to audition?
D: OMG R-r-really? I would love too.
AGT: We have your email address, we will email you all the details. We look forward to seeing you soon. PS Son, dont be mad at your friend, she clearly likes your music and your talent.
D: Thank you sir, I will fix it and look forward to seeing you as well

Phone conversation ends. Daniel turns around to see Y/N had fallen asleep crying.  He felt so guilty, he knew what he had to do....

Daniel lifts Y/N up, and puts her head on his chest, cuddling her close to his body, he strokes her hair, and leaves kisses on top of her hair.

Y/N woke up with 2 arms around her waist and on someone's chest. She looked up to see Daniel sleeping peacefully, she gives him a kiss on the lips. Daniel immediately wakes up.

D: Baby I'm so sorry for shouting, I didnt mean to make you upset, I sometimes forget what's happened in your life.
Y/N: Its okay Daniel, I'm sorry I cry over silly things and I'm so fragile. You deserve someone stronger than me
D: Hey! Dont ever say that again! You are stronger than you realise, youve been through so much shit and you still manage to be kind, caring and sweet Y/N, I dont deserve anyone better because you are the best there is out there. If anything you deserve better. I love you so much Y/N

A big smile appears on Y/N face, she leans in and kisses Daniel passionately.

Things started to get a bit heated.

D: You dont have to do this if your not ready?
Y/N: I want too and I want you to be the one. I love you so much Daniel and cant think of anyone else taken my virginity.
D: Y/N how about we do this?
Y/N: don't you want me?
D: No no no baby, that's not it, and not true, trust me I do. I want to be you're boyfriend first. Can we maybe go on a few dates first and maybe then?
Y/N: I would love that.
D: Good, me too. Y/N will you be my girlfriend?
Y/N: Yes!!!

Daniel and Y/N share a passionate kiss. Y/N is sitting on top of Daniel and can feel his cock becoming hard.....

She starts to palm his hard cock through his trousers. Daniel moans in pleasure. She pulls down his trousers and takes him in her mouth.
Her head his bobbing up and down.  Daniel is groaning in pleasure.

D: I'm close

Y/N keeps going and Daniel spills his load in her mouth.

D: Shit baby that was amazing, but I thought you were a virgin? How did you learn that?
Y/N: *Giggles * I am but I thought I would try it to relieve you
D: Thanks babe *Daniel starts to get hard again*

He pins Y/N down on the bed.

D: Are you sure you want to do this?
Y/N: Y-yess more than anything
D: Okay, first I'll give you pleasure and ease you into it all gently but it will hurt a little, please tell me to stop if it does.
Y/N: O-Okay

You and Daniel have been friends for so long so you knew each other very well, you didnt think it was weird or unusual. It felt natural and comfortable........

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