Part 30 - The End

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After an hour and half

The nurse has taken Zach's blood bag away and take his needle out.

She gave him a biscuit and cup of tea/coffee.

She does the same with Tate and Corbyn

They take the blood into Y/N's room and the Dr gets it set up.

The nurse starts the blood transfusion up.

N: Mr Seavey, your wife is getting her blood transfusion now.
D: Thank you, can you tell us about the babies now?
N: Ofcourse.
Baby number 1: is a little girl, she was born at 19.15pm, weighing 4 pounds 8oz
Baby number 2: is a little boy, he was born at 19.18pm weighing 4 pounds 2oz
Baby number 3: Is a little girl, she was born at 19.22pm, weighing 4 pounds 10oz
Baby number 4: is the little terror. It's a little boy. Who cause all the problems. He was born at 19.26pm weight pounds
As you can tell 2 of them are underweight and will need to be kept in a few days.
D: Thank you
K: You have 3 of each now son.
J: I am so proud of you and Y/N son.
D: I just hope she wakes up soon
J: She will

*Skip 2 days*

The twins have been in to see the babies, they have seen Y/N but they dont understand why she doesnt talk back.

D: I wish you would wake up baby, I need you and the kids need you. I feel so lost without you. Please wake...
Y/N: Dan..
D: I'm here baby

Daniel gets the nurses in and they remove Y/N's tubing etc.

Y/N: Hey Daniel
D: Hey babe
Y/N: How are you?
D: Tired and missed you far to much
Y/N: I'm sure if I had known I would have missed you too, I love you
D: I love you too. What are we gonna name our babies?
Y/N: How are they?
D: All 4 are perfect
Y/N: 4?!
D: Baby number 4 was hidden in a part of the womb which caused all of this to happen
Y/N: Oh wow! Little trouble maker already
D: We had 2 girls and 2 boys,
Y/N: We have 3 of each and never having anymore.
D:I agree!! Not going through nearly losing you ever again.
Y/N: awwww baby
D: I was thinking about calling our trouble maker Jamie Y/D/N Seavey?
Y/N: I love that name
D: What about Ayanna Jane Seavey?
Y/N: Yeah I love that, what about Jasper Jeffery Seavey?
D: Ohh that's different. I like it
Y/N: Angelica Y/M/N Keri Seavey?
D: Yes! That's settled.
Y/N: When can I see them?
D: When ever your ready
Y/N: I'm ready.

Daniel goes out the room. Keri and Jeff bring them in

Y/N: Omg they adorable. He is so tiny.
D: That is Jamie, he was only 4pounds when born.
Y/N: Look at her, she looks so angelic.
D: Shall we will call her Angelica?
Y/N: Yeah
D: This is Jasper and this is Ayanna
K: Whats their names?
D: Jasper Jeffrey Seavey and Jamie Y/D/N Seavey.
Y/N: Ayanna Jane Seavey and Angelica Y/M/N Keri Seavey.
J: You put our names in them?
D: Yeah we did
K: Omg I'm gonna cry
Y/N: I cant wait to see Aimee-Leigh and Aaron.
A/L: Mommy?
Y/N: Baby!!

Aimee-Leigh runs up to Y/N. Daniel lifts her onto the bed and she snuggles into Y/N

A/L: I missed you mommy, dont leave me ever again
Y/N: Aww baby, I missed you too and I wont.

Corbyn walks in with Aaron.

Y/N:Hey Corbs.
A: Mommy?
Y/N: Hey baby boy.
A: MOMMY! Your alive! I missed you
Y/N: I missed you too and yes I am

Corbyn picks Aaron up and places him at the other side of Y/N.

Y/N looks down at the twins to see them sound asleep

D: They havent slept properly for 3 days
Y/N: Why?
D: They kept waking up screaming.
Y/N: Aww my poor babies
D: They really thought you weren't going to come home again.

There is a knock at the door and the Dr comes in.

Dr: Ah Mrs Seavey you are awake. I have to give you some bad news.
Y/N: Em okay
Dr: To ensure that you survived the ordeal you had we had to remove your womb etc so basically a hysterectomy. We are terribly sorry.
Y/N: No it's okay dont worry, I dont want anymore kids after this ordeal.
D: So does that mean we can have Sex without getting pregnant?
Dr: Yes.
K: I can't believe you just asked that
D: Well I'm not a woman, I dont know these things

*Skip 2 weeks*

Y/N and the babies are finally allowed home.

Y/N isnt allowed to do any heavy lifting, house work etc for 12 weeks.

Y/N: Its going to be a long 12 weeks
D: Yup, but means they can decorate our new house and everything be sorted for us just to move into
Y/N:Did we get the house?
D: Em No
Y/N: Ohh
D: You know that land behind my parents?
Y/N: Yeah
D: Well I bought that and got our own house built. It has good security and big enough garden etc. So we have the same as before.
Y/N: Oh wow! What? How?
D: I kept it as a surprise. They finished building it yesterday. They are doing up the garden etc now.
Y/N: Oh my gosh! Can I see it?
D: In a couple of days when the ground is sorted
Y/N: Okay.

The Dr comes in and discharges them all.

They all get home to Jeff and Keri's house

They settle in and start living life as a family of 8.

*Skip 3 months*

The new house is finally ready. All decorated and furniture in place.

K: I cant believe your moving out again. Lucky its just behind us.
Y/N: I know, I'm so excited.
D: Are we ready?
Y/N: Yeah

Daniel starts putting the car seats in the car.

Y/N is walking out with Aimee-Leigh and Aaron.

They get in the car and drive around to the house

They unload the car and the twins start running around.

A/L: I love it!
A: Look Aimee, there is a garden door to Nana and Pops
A/L: yesssss!!

They run over to the gate to see a door bell.

Aimee-Leigh presses it

Keri comes and opens the gate.

K: Well hello there cuties!
A/L: Hi Nana!
A: Uncle Ty! Pool party?!
Ty: Oh yes!!

They all run into the garden and start playing with Tyler, Christian and Anna.

Y/N's brother never did turn up for the blood donation.

She hasnt heard from him either.

Y/N looks around and smiles.

Her life is complete.

It's been one heck of a rollercoaster ride but its led to the best future.

She sees her husband feeding one of the babies, the other 3 are asleep

Y/N: Ahh This is the life. The best life ever.

They can now live happily in their new home with their 6 kids.

The sound of kids laughing and baby giggles fill the air.

Y/N cant help but smile at the perfect family she has and the best husband.

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