Part 4 - Smut content

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The nurse arrives.

She cleans the wounds up and dresses them.

The nurse puts the cast on her leg.

D: Well there goes tonight's plan
Y/N: Behave!
D: Sorry *rolls eyes*
Y/N: Where is my mum?
Y/B/N: Y/N, mum isn't here anymore.
Y/N: What? Why? What did I do wrong?
Y/B/N: Nothing, she was killed in a car crash.
Y/N: Ohhh yeah I vaguely remember.
D: Its okay princess, I will help you remember things
Y/N: Thanks, where are we staying?
Y/B/N: We live with Daniel!
D: Yeah, the house is having to be sold.
Y/N: Oh I see. I'm sorry I'm a bit forgetful
D: Dont apologise princess.
Y/B/N: Its okay sis.
N: Right, you can all go home.
D: Thanks

The nurse leaves the room.

Y/N: She was rude and unpleasant.
D: Mhmmmm
Y/B/N: I think the head injury is made you more upfront
Y/N: Well, it's TRUE!
D: Right let's get going.
Y/N: Yeah get out of this bloody place! Most people look like they have been smacked with a wet fish.
D: *laughs* s-stop I-it
Y/B/N: *falls down laughing* Oh my gosh! I cant! Stop!
K: What's going on?
D: Y/N has just said everyone here looks like they have been whacked with a wet fish! And she said the nurse was rude and unpleasant.
J: *laughs* Oh dear god!
K: I cant believe you said that! Oh my word! *laughs*

Everyone is laughing. The other patients are looking at us.

Y/N: Can we go before I smack someone?
K: Y/N!!
Y/N: What? Its rude to stare!
J: You are going to get us thrown out!
D: Let's go
Y/N: We are due to leave anyways

Daniel helps Y/N up and to the car.

They get in the car and she leans her head on his shoulder. Y/N falls asleep.

J: I cant believe the change in Y/N
K: I know! She would never say anything like that.
Y/B/N: It was funny though
K: True it was but still a shock.
D: She is asleep now, hopefully no more truthfulness for now.
Y/B/N: Shame though! Would have put those bitches at school to shame.
D: Hmmm true!

*Skip 5 months*

School has started again and the bitches have been right on queue.

Jasmine, Julia and Saskia.

Ja: Oh look if it isnt singer boy!
Ju: Can't even get through the first round
S: Not much of a singer are you.

Daniel starts to walk away with his head down and tears rolling down his cheeks.

Y/N: Oh look if it isnt the 3 barbie dolls! More plastic on your bodies than there is on an actual Barbie!
S: When did you get sassy?
Y/N: When you lot started to target my boyfriend!
Ja: Your what?!
Y/N: My boyfriend!! Are your ears made of plastic too?
Ju: Uhhh no! We can hear fine
Y/N: Funny if you could hear "fine" then you wouldnt have asked what I said!!
Ja: I can't believe he chose you over me!
Y/N: He likes his women real not fake!
S: Right you little bitch, thats enough *slaps y/n*
Y/N: Awww is that all you've got?! *Punches Saskia*
S: Owwwww!

Julia goes upto Y/N and pulls her hair. Y/N grabs Julia's hair and pushes her down to the ground.

Y/N: If you or anyone slags Daniel off again, I will end you! You got it!
Ja: Nope! *Kicks Y/N stomach*

Y/N bends over in pain but gets angry. She gets up and walks over to Jasmine!

Y/N: Ohhh you just messed with the wrong person!
Ja: Why's that?
Y/N: Because of this....

Y/N punches Jasmine, kicks her and kicks her down to the ground.

Y/N: I warned you 3! Dont ever talk shit about him!
D: What's happening?
Y/N: Just giving these bitches a taste of their own medicine!
D: You are bleeding!
Y/N: Yeah they will be dead next time they say anything to you again!
D: You done this for me?
Y/N: Ofcourse Seavey! I love you, I have all the faith in you that you are going to go far in your music career!
D: Awww baby! I love you too.
Y/N: Let's get out of here!
D: Agreed!

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