Part 2 - Smut again

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You and Daniel were still in your bedroom.

Daniel left kisses down your body, the inside of your leg. He sucked on the skin inside of your leg, leaving a bright red/purple mark.

He then started to lick your clit, running his tongue up n down then around in a figure 8 sign. You started to moan which let Daniel know you were enjoying it.

He puts one finger near your entrance to give you a warning, his finger goes in and out, he then adds another finger making you moan loudly in pleasure.

You felt yourself close to cumming. Daniel sensed this and added a 3rd finger in.

You cam all over Daniel's fingers, you were having your first ever orgasm, you didnt want him to stop but he did just as you were about to orgasm again.

He licked 2 of his fingers and made you lick the 3rd one

He then kissed you, went into his bag and got a condom.

D: Are you ready for the next part babe?
Y/N: Yes just fuck me already
D: *giggles* as you wish my lady, but remember its going to be sore, I'll enter into you slowly, and wait until you tell me to move
Y/N: Okay thank you for being gentle
D: Anything for you angel

Daniel lines himself up at your entrance after putting the condom on, he looked you in the eyes waiting for you to allow him to go ahead.

You nodded your head saying you were ready.

Daniel slowly entered you, you felt slight pain from the stretch, he pushed in a little further and all the way in, he waited till you said it was okay, he seen you had a tear in your eye, he wiped it away

D: We can stop if you want?
Y/N: No, it's okay now, you can start moving

Daniel moved slowly, this frustrated you slightly.

Y/N: Faster
D: As you wish

Daniel picks up the pace, it becomes rough and fast, your moaning in pleasure.

Daniel can feel your walls tightening around him.

D: Damn baby you're so tight, let it go
Y/N: *Let's go* FUCK Daniel!! Harder

Daniel goes harder and faster again, until he reaches his peak and spill in the condom.

Y/N was shaking and panting after her 3rd orgasm,

Y/N: Wow! That was amazing, thank you for being gentle and loving me
D: Your welcome baby, I love you so much Y/N, I hope we can do this together for the rest of our lives
Y/N: *Giggles* Your cheesy do you know that? But I love you so much too and I hope so too.

You and Daniel get dressed again.

You hear your front door shutting, it must be your brother back from work.

He comes up the stairs and opens your door, he sees what has happened and is slightly angry

Y/B/N: WTF? Did you use protection?
Y/N: Yes we did
Y/B/N: When did you two start dating? Seavey you better not hurt her or I'll hurt you, got it?!

Daniel nods his head

D: We only started dating today, I told Y/N to wait but she said she was ready and has known me long enough
Y/N: Its true, I said if I wanted it to be any it would be him
Y/B/N: I'm kind of glad it was Daniel cause I know he wouldnt hurt you, plus I know he is in love with you. Please just dont break her heart.
D: dont worry bro, I wont, I love her to much to do that.
Y/B/N: Good, Y/N mum is away on her business trip, do you fancy pizza? What about all 3 of us watch a movie down stairs?
Y/N + D: that would be great, thank you for understanding
Y/B/N: Both of you go shower, Daniel use my bathroom as it has deodorant etc, I'll leave some sweats out for you on my bed, you best text your mum to say your staying over
D: Thanks man, will do

Daniel texts his mum that he is staying over at Y/N house, he is gonna have a movie night and pizza with her and her brother.

His mum agreed, but she wanted to speak to him regarding his relationship with Y/N.

Skip to the next day:

Daniel goes home his mum talks to him

K: Daniel are you dating Y/N?
D: Yes mum, sorry if it's not okay but I love her
K: Thank goodness, its about time
D: You're not mad?
K: No how could I be?! You and Y/N are perfect for each other but....
D: Oh no what's wrong?
K: I want you to know that if you get Y/N pregnant I wont be happy but I wont be mad all I want is for you to tell me when and if it happens, and I want you to promise never to leave her if she does become pregnant, okay?
D: Thank you mum, I love you, can I phone Y/N to tell her?
K: Of course you can, invite her over for dinner
D: Will do

Daniel goes upto his room and phones Y/N well face times her.

Y/N answers but she is crying

Daniel says he will be right over and hangs up

Daniel gets to Y/N house, knocks on the door and her brother answers, he is also upset.

D: Where is Y/N?
Y/B/N: She's in her room and bro, its not going to be good news

Daniel rushes into her room, pulls her into a hug. She breaks down into his chest.

D: Baby what's happened?
Y/N: Its my mum
D: isnt she okay with us dating? Is she mad? Did she hurt you?
Y/N: No she's dead
D: What?!
Y/N: She died in a car crash on her way to her business meeting
D: Oh baby I am so sorry
Y/N: D-Daniel?
D: Yeah baby
Y/N: Me and my brother are homeless now, please dont leave me too
D: I wont baby, you and your brother can live in my house, I'll phone my mum

Daniel phones his mum and explains everything.

D: Baby start packing, my mum and dad are on their way over with both cars to help you move into our house.
Y/N: Thank you Daniel, wont it be weird living together and dating?
D: Nope it wont, it will work out perfectly. One problem.....
Y/N: what's wrong?
D: you have to share a room with me? I'm sorry, my mum has also told me that if I get you pregnant at any time before we are ready, she wont be mad, she will support us and help us.
Y/N: Wow! I can't believe how nice your mums being with everything.
D: Well actually she practically screamed finally when i told her we were a couple, she said we make the perfect couple

Y/N starts to cry, because she managed to tell her mum via text in the morning before her mum headed to her meeting. Y/N told her mum she and Daniel were dating, she lost her virginity to him etc. Her mum wasnt mad, she was happy and pleased.

Y/N: I managed to tell my mum about us, she was pleased, she basically said similar to your mum....
D: I bet the both of them have been secretly hoping we would date etc for ages
Y/N: Maybe ...

There was a knock at her bedroom door. The door opened and it was her brother

Y/B/N: Hey, I'm sorry I listened in on your conversations and you are both correct, Keri and our mum used to meet up and discuss you two dating, hoping it would happen soon. They both said you two were perfect for each other. That you two support each other so much it was a bond that couldnt be broken. Mum always wanted Daniel to be your first, yeah it's weird saying that but I think they both knew it was meant to happen.

Y/N: Wow! I cant believe they wanted us to be together so badly, I know it seems weird to say this but I know I managed to make one of mum's dreams and wishes come true.
D: I'm glad it all happened when it did, so she knew you would be happy and protected. Oh bro you need to pack your stuff up, I'm going to help Y/N. My mum and dad are on their way with both the cars to move you both into our house.
Y/B/N: your mum n dad are okay with that?
D: Yeah bro, cause they know if Y/N moved away or something that it would break me and be to much

Daniel starts to cry at the thought of losing Y/N because he doesnt want it to happen

Y/N pulls him into a hug and kisses his temple.

Y/N: I love you so much.
D: I love you so much too
Y/N: Forever and always?
D: Forever and Always baby girl

Y/N and Daniel get up and start packing Y/N items.

It's all packed up and ready to go.

Y/B/N and Y/N hug each other and cry, it's an end of an era in this house but a start of a new one at The Seaveys home

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