Part 9

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*Next morning*

You get up, showered and dressed.

Aaron wakes up and you feed him.

Aimee-Leigh wakes up after you've finished feeding Aaron. You feed Aimee-Leigh when Daniel walks in.

D: Morning baby
Y/N: Morning handsome
D: How was it last night?
Y/N: Not to bad, they slept well and fed well too.
D: Good, I cant wait to get you all back home as I missed you so much
Y/N: I missed you too. Can you help get the twins ready please?
D: Ofcourse baby

Daniel and Y/N get the twins ready.

The Dr comes in.

Dr: Right Miss Y/L/N you and your babies are free to go home
Y/N: Thank you.
D: Let's get them in the car seats.

The twins are in their car seats and you are all set to leave.

Daniel takes the twins and Y/N takes the over night bag.

You get to the car and strap the twins in, then get into the car.

Daniel gets in the drivers side.

D: Are you hungry babe?
Y/N: Starving
D: McDonalds breakfast?
Y/N: Ohh my yesss!
D: Right what do you fancy?
Y/N: Emmmm
D: You have time to think so dont worry.
Y/N: It feels weird now that we are a family of 4
D: I know, I cant believe they are here. The boys are so excited to have them home.
Y/N: Awww good, they won't be when they start crying during the night
D: Zach has said if he hears them he will be going into the room to sing to them.
Y/N: He will be to busy sleeping *laughs*
D: *laughs* Yeah he will and same with Jack.

As Y/N and Daniel are talking the twins start to cry.

Daniel starts to sing a song to them to keep them calm.

You arrive at McDonald's.

D: Have you decided yet?
Y/N: Bacon cheese flatbread please or 2 of them
D: Crikey you are hungry
Y/N: Feeding the twins makes you hungry
D: I wouldn't know but I'll take your word for it.

You get your order and head home.

Dont worry we got food for the lads too.

You arrive at home, the boys come running out to the car.

Zach gets Aimee-Leigh's car seat and takes her indoors. Corbyn has taken Aaron in the house.
Daniel has the bag and food.

Z: Thank goodness, you have food
D: I knew you would want something to eat

Everyone is eating their food.

*Skip 3 years*

The twins are now 3 years old! The boys music has really taken off, they are now world wide!

Daniel, Y/N and the twins have moved into their own house.

Y/N still hasn't heard from her brother. That's been nearly 4 years now.

Keri and Jeff have the twins tonight so Y/N and Daniel can enjoy an evening together.

D: What do you want to do today?
Y/N: I dont mind, I'm happy to just be spending the time with you.
D: Awww babe, I love you so much.
Y/N: I love you too
D: Get yourself ready we are going for a meal at 6.30pm
Y/N: Really?
D: Yeah!

Y/N looks at the time. She goes up the stairs and goes into the shower.

She gets out, dries her hair and has some light curls in her hair.

She starts on her make up, she does some light make up.

She is looking through her closet for a dress to wear.

D: *coughs* babe
Y/N: Mhmmm
D: Look on the bed princess.

Y/N turns around to see a beautiful pastel coloured dress, with some jewellery boxes

Y/N: What's this for?
D: Its a thank you for being the best partner and best mommy ever. Me and the twins are lucky to have you. Nothing is to much. You are amazing and I am super proud of you
Y/N: awww baby, thank you so much. Having you and the twins in my life is enough of a reward. Thank you

Y/N puts on the dress with some flat sandals.

She opens the boxes to see a beautiful necklace, bracelet and earrings.

Y/N: Omg these are gorgeous
D: Not as gorgeous as you
Y/N: Cheesy
D: I'm going to get ready

Less than 30 minutes later Daniel comes down the stairs all nicely dressed up. He is wearing a suit.

Y/N: Hmmm someone looks handsome
D: Like what you see?
Y/N: Oh yes! I cant wait to get that off you later
D: Oh I like the sound of that princess.

Daniel and Y/N head to the restaurant. They arrive and are lead the back of the restaurant.

It's got one table with candles on it.

Y/N: Is this just for us?
D: Yes
Y/N: This is so sweet thank you

Daniel takes out a chair for Y/N to sit down on and pushes her into the table.

They order their drinks and food.

They eat their meal and are waiting for their dessert.

Music starts to the play in the background.

Daniel gets down on one knee and says:

D: Y/N we have been friends for a very long time, I was so happy when you agreed to go out with me. I was even more happier when you agreed to live with me and have my kids. I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for me. You have supported me through everything and made me the happiest man alive. I couldnt imagine my life without you or the twins. So I'm wondering will you do the honors in becoming my wife?

The boys come out from behind the curtain. They are singing Dont Change


He slips the ring on your finger.
He stands up and leans in to kiss you.

D: I love you baby
Y/N: I love you too handsome.

The lights start to come on.

There is a DJ, engagement signs and everyone comes out from behind the curtain.

K: Congratulations guys
J: Congratulations
Y/N: Thank you
Gab: The ring is beautiful and congratulations
Chris: Congratulations
Z: Congratulations guys
C, Ja & Jo: Congratulations

Eben comes in the room.

E: Sorry I'm late, congrats you two

The twins are here too.

Keri will be taking them home soon.

You all dance the night away.

You thank everyone for coming along and they all start to leave.

D: Right, are we ready to go?
Y/N: Where too?
D: Its a surprise.
Y/N: What about the twins?
D: Mum n Dad are taking them for 4 days. We are going away for 3 nights.
Y/N: Thank you. I cant wait
D: Me either, it will be nice just the two of us
Jo: Use protection!!
Ja: To late for that!
Z: We already have another baby on the way we dont need more
C: Heyyyy! They make cute babies!
G: True! I cant wait for mine and Jacks little one is here.
Chris: Its gonna be great.
Tate: Its going to get  busy!
Y/N: Yeah it is

Y/N and Daniel say goodbye to everyone and head off on their few days away.

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