Part 7

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*Skip 2 weeks*

We are off to LA

Our bags are packed and in the car. We are heading to the airport.

K: We have got a house in LA too
D: Really?
J: Yeah, we bought one and will move in 5 weeks time.
Y/N: That is awesome.
K: If you guys want to move in with us, you can
D: Thanks Mom, we will see how the shared housing goes with the twins.
J: Okay son, just know you are all welcome back
Y/N: Thank you

You have arrived at the airport.

You say your goodbyes to everyone and board the plane

After a few hours the plane arrives in LA

You get off the plane and collect your luggage.

D: We will walk towards the entrance where a driver will be waiting
Y/N: Okay

You both walk towards the entrance and see the driver.

Dri: Are you Mr Seavey?
D: Yes I am
Dri: Let me take your luggage and settle you in the car
D: Thank you

Daniel and the driver put the luggage in the car whilst Y/N sits down.

They drive to the Why Dont We house.

Manager: Hey guys! Welcome to your new home.
D: Thank you
M: We have 2 extra rooms for the twins. The 3 rooms are interconnecting rooms.
Y/N: Thank you so much for all this.
M: You are all welcome

Everyone is inside, we say our hello's then head to our room with our luggage.

We start to unpack our luggage and put the stuff away

D: We will need to get some accessories etc for the rooms.
Y/N: Yeah it will be nice to go shopping to make it homely and get stuff for the twins.
D: One thing for sure is we will have to keep our sex noises down!
Y/N: Daniel!
D: What? I'm just saying
Y/N: Yeah I know *rolls eyes* I can not wait to get the Aircon on
D: Feeling warm?
Y/N: To warm!
D: There is a pool out the back
Y/N: What?! I need a new costume!
D: Use your bra and pants.
Y/N: Hmmm maybe.
D: Babe, I know your self conscious but remember your amazing body is doing something amazing! Its growing our babies. You are perfect the way you are. The lads will understand too.
Z: Yeah we will
Ja: Your body is doing something spectacular. So dont feel ashamed of it.
Jo: Even if you want to go in the pool, you can tell us so we dont go in at the same time
C: If it made you feel better?
Y/N: Thanks guys, it's just that I have
D: Y/N has gained alot of excess hair during the pregnancy, she feels embarrassed about it. Plus it's harder for her to shave her legs etc so I have to do it
Jo: Ahh i see, dont worry we understand
Ja: Yeah, maybe you could join the band
Y/N: *laughs* Thanks
Z: See Jack's stupid comments made you laugh
C: I cant wait for the twins to be born. I'm gonna be the best uncle!
Z: No I am!
Ja: I'm gonna be the fave one
Jo: Oh my God! Here we go!
Y/N: You will all be their favourite uncles and be the best uncles ever. They are so lucky to have you guys!
All: Awww thanks

*Skip 4 months*

The boys have been taken off slowly but they are getting there...

Y/N: Daniel!
D: What?!
Y/N: Are you hungry?
D: No! Cant you just shut up for once.
Y/N: Sorry I asked
D: Why dont you and those babies get lost?!
Y/N: O-okay

Y/N starts to cry and walks upto their room.

She packs a few items in a suitcase and goes to leave.

Y/N: Here is your key, I will come back for the other stuff later on.
D: What?!
Y/N: Bye Daniel
D: Where are you going?!
Y/N: We are getting lost like you wanted
D: No, noo please dont leave me! I'm so sorry I shouldnt have taken my stress out on you
Y/N: Daniel I think we need to take a break.
D: Baby, no! Please no

Daniel breaks down in front of Y/N.

D: Please dont leave me. I cant live without you all
Y/N: Owwwwww
D: Baby, what's wrong?
Y/N: I think the babies are coming
D: No this is all my fault, I put you through stress
Y/N: Daniel get the bags and car seats please
D: O-okay I'm gonna get them. Please let them be okay
Y/N: They should be fine.

Daniel goes upstairs to get the bags and car seats.

Y/N: Daniel! My waters just broke!
D: Shit! I'm coming!
Y/N: That's what you said when it got us into this! *laughs*
D: I'm glad you're finding this funny!
Y/N: Awww come on, our babies are nearly here.
D: Yeah I know

Daniel comes downstairs and puts everything in the car.

Daniel comes back and helps Y/N into the car.

D: Are you okay?
Y/N: Apart from a few pains now and then, I'm okay. Are you okay?
D: I'm feeling shit about what I said to you. I dont want you 3 to get lost, If you did I wouldn't be able to live.
Y/N: I know Daniel, it really hurt me. Maybe you were telling the truth
D: No I wasnt, It was far from the truth. I dont know why I snapped at you and I dont know why I said it.
Y/N: Maybe management has been on your case?!
D: Ah you heard that.
Y/N: Yeah I did.
D: Well I told him, he knew about the twins and you before the band started. I told him that and if he had issues with it then I was leaving the band!
Y/N: Daniel, you dont have to sacrifice your career for us.
D: Yes I do, you 3 are more important to me than fame and money.
Y/N: Awww baby, thank you. We love you
D: I love you all too.

Daniel and Y/N arrive at the hospital.

They get out the car and head to the maternity ward.

Reception: How may I help?
D: My girlfriend's waters broke.
R: Okay sir. Let me get the nurse.
D: Thank you
Y/N: Owww
Nurse: Good Afternoon, let me take you to your birthing room.
Y/N: Thank owww.

They arrive at the room. The nurse gets a gown on Y/N and gets her to lie on the bed with her legs up.

N: The Dr and myself are going to check you over now
Y/N: Okay
Dr: This may hurt a little

The Dr examines Y/N and tells her she is nearly fully dilated.

Dr: Right you are 9cm Dilated
D: Already?
Dr: Yes these two arent waiting around for anyone
D: *laughs* Sounds like Y/N!
Y/N: Heyyyyy!! Owww
N: Right I think you can start pushing now.
Y/N: Okay owwwww
N: Right start pushing.
Y/N: Arrrrggggghhhhh
N: Well done, keep going.

Y/N keeps pushing.

N: I can see the head

A few more pushes and the first baby is here

N: Congratulations you have a little girl!
D: Omg! She is precious.
N: Do you want to cut the cord daddy?
D: Y-yes please

Daniel cuts the cord and the nurse hands their daughter to Y/N

Y/N: She is gorgeous.

The nurse takes their little girl and goes to get her cleaned up.

N: Right when you are ready to push again, go ahead
Y/N: I'm to tired
D: Baby, you can do this. Just think after this baby is out no more pushing.
Y/N: Okay Arrrggggghhhhhh
N: Well done
D: Doing great babe,

Daniel kisses the top of Y/N's head and strokes her hair.

Y/N: arrrrgggghhhhh
N: I see the babies head
D: Not long now baby

Y/N does one last push and their little baby is here.

N: Congratulations you have a little boy
D: Well done baby, you done it.
N: Right sir, do you want to cut the cord again?
D: Yes please

Daniel cuts the cord and the nurse hands the baby to Y/N

Y/N: He has your nose
D: Awwww so he does

The nurse takes their little boy away and gets him cleaned up.

Daniel tells the boys that the twins have arrived.

Keri has just arrived to the hospital.

Jeff is at home with the rest of the family.

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