Part 15

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Y/N wakes up alone in bed.

She can hear the shower running and Daniel singing in the shower

Y/N starts to pack their suitcases and take out clothes for today.

D: Morning baby
Y/N: Morning handsome
D: You best get in the shower so we are ready to leave for the hospital
Y/N: Yeah will do
D: Babe I know your worried but today will determine the truth.
Y/N: I know babe, I'm worried incase they try something at the hospital
D: They wont babe, I called John up and he is coming to protect us
Y/N: Thank you babe

Y/N goes into the shower and comes back out 20 mins later, she gets dried and dressed

Daniel had finished most of the packing.

You both put the last few bits in the suitcases and go to check out

You drive to the hospital and go to the reception desk.

The receptionist gives you a form to fill in which you do and your "mom, dad and brother" arrive, they fill in the forms too

Dr: Miss Y/L/N and family?
Y/N: That's us
Dr: Follow me into the room please

They follow the Dr into the room.

Daniel goes into the room also and John sits outside

Dr: We will take a blood test and swab of your mouths. Then we send it to the lab and we will have the results within an hour
Y/N: Okay thank you

The Dr takes Y/N's blood, then her parents and lastly her brother.

Then the nurse takes swabs of their mouths.

Its put into bags and sent to the labs.

Dr: Right folks, we will call you with the results. You are free to go
Y/N: Thank you
Dr: You're welcome and take care, have a nice day
Y/N: Thanks and you too

They all walk out the room

Dad: Do you fancy going for breakfast?
Y/N: Yes please I'm starving
Y/B/N: Still the same old Y/N
D: She sure is, hasnt changed at all. Still had the same big heart and caring nature
Dad: You truly love her, dont you?
D: More than anything. Words can't describe how much I love Y/N
Y/N: Where are we going for food?
Dad: There is a pub that does breakfast just opposite here.
Mom: Let's get going. We have to travel back to LA shortly

They all walk to the pub, get seated and order their breakfasts

As they finished their meal Y/N's phone rings.

Y/N: Hello?
Dr: Hi is this Miss Y/L/N
Y/N: Yes speaking
Dr: Its Dr Summers from the hospital. We have your results back.
Y/N: Em Okay?
Dr: The results have confirmed they are your biological parents but the boy is not your brother.
Y/N: What?
Mom: What?!
Dad: What?!
??: Well well well, it was easier than I hoped for!
Dad: What have you done with our son?
??: Your son?

As this "fake" brother says that Daniel text John to come with men to help.

John arrives at the pub.

J: What's going on?
Dad: This lad has been pretending to be my son
J: I know!
Dad: You did this
J: Ofcourse! I wanted to get close to you guys to earn your trust and it worked.
Mom: Why are you doing this? Dont you love your kids
J: He is my kid!
Dad: Jamie?
J: Bingo!
Mom: How did you get John's phone?
J: We took him hostage!
Y/N: What do you want from us?
J: I want you to come with me!

Jamie holds a gun to Y/N's head

Y/N: Okay, I'll go with you
Dad: No you can't
Y/N: Its okay dad, I'll be fine
Mom: No baby, noooo

Jamie takes Y/N out the pub and into the parking lot

There is a gun shot sound.

Daniel runs out to see Y/N covered in blood

D: Y/N!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!
Y/N: Daniel! Get him off me please
Mom: What?
P/O: Dont worry, we killed him.
Dad: How?
P/O: The hospital alerted us about this gentleman's son impersonating your son.
Mom: Wow! Where is our son?
Y/B/N: I'm here mom!
Dad: Thank goodness your okay
Y/B/N: Sis I'm so sorry I let my "wife" control me! I had to do it to protect you all. Jamie said if I married his daughter he wouldnt harm my family.
Y/N: You done this for us?
Y/B/N: No I done it for my sister! All the stories and lies I told, I done it to protect you. Keri and Jeff knew what was happening. We all agreed to protect you and Daniel.
D: Thank you bro, we really appreciate it
Y/B/N: No worries. I'm just glad its over
P/O: Thank you all for your help getting the rest of the gang members. You can all go and live your lives now
Mom: Thank you officer
Dad: What about John? Is he okay?

John gets out his car and starts walking towards Y/D/N

John: I'm fine, Daniel texting me about it helped us set up this whole plan.
Dad: Thank you John, I really appreciate you helping and protecting my family
John: I know you would do the same for me.
Mom: Right guys, let's get going back to LA and start to live our lives as a family again.
Dad: I cant wait to meet my grandkids
Mom: Me too
Y/B/N: I cant wait to get away from her!

They all make there ways back to their cars.

They all hug each other and start the drive back home to LA

Y/N: Thank you so much for everything baby, I love you so much and you are the best husband to be and best daddy ever
D: Babe, I couldnt do half the things I do without you. You are always there with a smile and warm hugs, you always know what to say at the right time. You make me who I am today and I will be forever grateful for everything you done for me.
Y/N: *cries* Awww baby, I wouldnt be alive today if it wasn't for you. You make me a better person and show me so much love, kindness and respect.

Daniel and Y/N hold hands whilst he is driving with the other hand on the steering wheel.

They put on some songs and start singing along.

Every now and again Daniel looks at Y/N with loving eyes.

She looks back and him with the same look and with a smile.

They truly were meant for each other.

They arrive home and get the kids.

K: Hey Y/M/N, welcome back to LA
Mom: Thanks Keri, I've missed you. Thank you so much for taking caring of my baby girl!
K: You're  welcome
??: Hi, I'm Y/D/N its nice to finally meet you, Y/M/N has told me so much about you all
J: Nice to meet you too
C, T & A: Hey! Nice to meet you
J: Oh sorry these are my other children, Christian, Tyler and Anna.
Dad: Thank you so much for taking care of my kids, I cant thank you enough for taking them in and being so understanding about it all.
J: Dont worry about it, I once applied to be in your gang and got accepted but when I seen what happens I left the group.
Dad: I knew I recognised your face! I'm glad you left when you did. You made the right decision.

The twins coming running through the hall

A/L: Mommmyyyy! Daddy!
A/J: Mommy! Daddy!
Y/N: Hey babies, we missed you so much
D: Come give daddy a hug
A/L: Who that?
Y/N: That's my mommy and daddy
A/J: Pappa and Nona?
D: Yeah lil man that's correct

Aimee-Leigh and Aaron both run over to Y/N's mom n dad and give them big hugs

Mom: Wow! Look at how big you two are! You are both gorgeous
A/L: Fanks Nona
Dad: My beautiful grandkids, they are just perfect
A/J: Pappa?
Dad: Yes lil man
A/J: Who he?
Dad: He is your uncle, he is mommy's brother
A/L: Ohh Uncle Y/B/N
Y/N:  That's right princess
Y/B/N: You told them about us?
D: Ofcourse we did, you are family after all

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