Part 17

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Daniel runs a bubble bath for Y/N

He tells her to sit down and wipes off her make up.

As he is doing this he leaves kisses on every part of her face.

She sits giggling.

The honeymoon suite has a jacuzzi style bath.

Y/N: You better not let it fill to full or the bubbles will go everywhere
D: Oh yeah!

Daniel stops the water and Y/N steps in the bath. He turns on the jacuzzi and goes to leave the bathroom when a hand pulls him back

Y/N: Where are you going?
D: Get your pyjamas and towels
Y/N: Hurry back, its lonely in here
D: Will do baby

Daniel gets their pyjamas and towels, he comes back into the bathroom

He undressed himself and goes in the bath sitting behind Y/N.

Y/N leans her head back on his chest.

Y/N: Daniel?
D: Hmmm
Y/N: Thank you
D: For what?
Y/N: For being my best friend for life, being the best daddy to our kids and for being the best boyfriend/husband anyone could ever as for. I love you
D: *cries* T-Thanks
Y/N: What's wrong?
D: Y/N, I think I cheated on you
Y/N: What? When?
D: On my stag party, I am so sorry

Y/N starts to giggle

D: What's funny?
Y/N: Tell me what happened?
D: We went out to the club and have fun, this girl came up to me and said "Hey handsome, you look good tonight, how about we go back to my place" I agreed and went with her.
Y/N: Your so silly!
D: How?!
Y/N: That was me! I got a phone call from Jonah to say you were upset cause some girl asked you out and you said to her you get married in 1 week so the answer was no. She tried to kiss you but you pushed her off.
D: Right?
D: Ohhhh!
Y/N: Jonah phoned me when it was happening so I heard it.
D: Then what happened?
Y/N: You told the girl you were pregnant with our kids *laughs*
D: Oh shit!
Y/N: I nearly wet myself on the other end of the phone! I told Jonah I was coming to get you.
D: Then what did I do?
Y/N:I got into the club and came to get you, you said " I told you already, I have a heyyyyy babyyyyy"
D: Oh crikey! Never let me drink again!
Y/N: That's not the worst part.
D: Oh god no!
Y/N: You went upto Corbyn and kissed him *laughs* then said to everyone this guy right here is the father to my baby! I'm carrying his child
D: Oh fuck!

Y/N is laughing so hard she feels ready to be sick again

D: Baby?
Y/N: I need to get out
D: Okay princess

Daniel gets out and helps Y/N out.

She goes to the toilet and throws up again

D: Baby, I think we need to get you a Dr
Y/N: I'll be okay *sick*
D: No I'm worried this isn't morning sickness. This is something else
Y/N: Daniel
D: Y-yeah
Y/N: I'm so sorry Daniel
D: What is it?
Y/N: Please dont be mad
D: I could never be
Y/N: I l-lost our baby, I'm so sorry
D: What? When?
Y/N: 3 days ago
D: Why didnt you tell me?
Y/N: I had only just found out the same day I lost the baby
D: I should have been there for you
Y/N: The Dr said I would get my period in 24/48 hours but it hasnt arrived. I think maybe it's coming now
D: Okay baby, it will be okay, I promise
Y/N: He said my periods would be heavier and larger blood clots.
D: Okay baby, do you want to postpone our honeymoon?
Y/N: No, I think it will do me good
D: Okay baby, I'm so sorry
Y/N: Its not your fault, it was mine
D: Hey listen, it was not your fault okay, sometimes this happens to women. Maybe it wasnt the right time or maybe the baby was going to be very ill
Y/N: Maybe *cries*

Daniel comforts Y/N, he Carry's her back to the bath. He places her in the bath gently. He gets back in and washes her whilst she is crying.

He washes her hair and then wraps his arms around her waist.

D: I love you baby
Y/N: I love you too

Daniel sings Riptide by Vance Joy.

Y/N snuggles into his chest and cries

Daniel gets out the bath and Carries Y/N to their bed.

Y/N leans in and kisses him

D: Let's get to sleep
Y/N: No, please
D: We cant just incase
Y/N: I dont care

Y/N kisses Daniel and pushes him down on the bed

Y/N: Its our honeymoon and we will be like a normal married couple tonight before the bleeding starts.
D: Okay baby, If your sure
Y/N: I am

Y/N positions her entrance over Daniel's member. She slides down slowly

Daniel can see slight pain in her face

D: Stop!
Y/N: Why?
D: You are in pain
Y/N: Dont you want me?
D: What? No it's not that it's just I dont want to hurt you
Y/N: O-Okay

Y/N gets up and gets her pyjamas on.

She lays down in bed staring out the window with her back to Daniel.

Daniel falls asleep whilst Y/N is still awake.

She sees her suitcase sitting there.

She gets up and grabs it.

She slowly sneaks out the room and heads down the stairs.

The hotel reception is empty.

So she quickly sneaks out the main entrance door

She jumps into a taxi.

T: Where to?
Y/N: The airport please

Y/N is looking up flights to anywhere

She finds one going to Norway. She looks for a hotel near the airport.

She gets it all booked and puts her phone on flight mode so she can keep her ticket on view and so no one can contact her

She arrives at the airport, pays for her taxi and gets to her departure gate

Y/N goes to scan in but she stands there still.....

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