Part 22

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D: What's going on?
Y/N: Trust me! Please I will tell you when the twins are at your mom n dads
D: Okay.

Daniel drives back to his parents.

Keri and Jeff are worried and curious but they will wait patiently to be told

Y/N: Right, in that house there is an underground apartment. This was made incase anyone tried to break in and we had somewhere secure.
D: Right?!
Y/N: I have a slight feeling my real parents are in that apartment.
D: O-okay, so who died?
Y/N: The ones who claimed they were my parents.
D: But the dr says they were your real parents.
Y/N: Daniel, dont get mad okay...
D: Hmmmm
Y/N: That Dr looked familiar! Now it makes sense 
D: What does?!
Y/N: That Dr was one the gang members. He knew my real parents so he managed to get their blood samples and make it like that other couple was my parents.
D: Oh wow! So?
Y/N: My parents are either alive in the apartment or their dead bodies are there.
D: How?!
Y/N: That couple, happen to be my moms adopter sister and her husband. I seen the photos in the house before it was due to be sold.
D: So you let us leave our twins with criminals?
Y/N: No and Yes
D: That makes perfect sense Y/N!!!
Y/N: My real parents were alive during the few months and my "aunt" got my real parents to come over and build trust with us.
D: Why did you not say anything about your aunt?!
Y/N: Tbh Daniel I thought I was imagining things with everything that happened on those few nights away.
D: So who died?
Y/N: My moms sister and my brother beat up her husband.
D: Okay this is confusing.
Y/N: I know!

They arrive to the burnt out house.

They go around the back and at the back entrance there is a hatch door.

Daniel opens the door and they walk down the stairs.

Y/N: Mom? Dad?
D: Stay beside me

As they walk through the back door into the kitchen, they hear some sounds.

Y/N: Mom?! Dad?!
Mom: H-he
D: Babe I hear someone
Dad: Here

Daniel finds Y/N's dad

Dad: Are the twins okay?!
Y/N: They are fine, why did you not sneak them down here.
Mom: *coughs*
Dad: We did!

They find Y/N's mom badly beaten, bleeding and barely alive.

Daniel goes to the exit and phones an ambulance.

D: They are on there way
Y/N: What happened?!
Dad: Quickly get out of here
Y/N: What? Why?
Dad: Angel, please do it. Take your mom with you!

Daniel Carry's Y/M/N out the hatch and to the front.

Y/N is behind him.

She can see her dad getting to the top of the stair when....


Y/N: Noooooooo!
D: Babe come on
Y/N: No my dad!
D: Babe, he will be okay

They walk to the path and the paramedics are there.

P/O: Was there anyone else?
Y/N: Yes my dad! He got to the top of the stairs when the explosion happened.
P/O: Right we will go look

The paramedics have your mom in the ambulance and are taking her away to hospital.

The fire brigade are looking for your dad with the police officer.

A fireman comes on the radio

Radio: We have found the gentleman. We are performing CPR but get another ambulance asap

The other fireman organises an emergency ambulance which turns up.

They put Y/D/N on a stretcher whilst performing CPR.

They get around the front and use the defibrillator to shock his heart.

D: He will be okay
Y/N: I cant be-believe it
D: Shhhh it's okay, try to remain calm for the babies sake please
Y/N: O-okay

They have been working on him for 10 minutes now.

Para: Let's get him in the ambulance.

They get him into the ambulance

Para: Miss? We will shock him one last time and if this doesnt work them I'm afraid there is nothing more we can do
Y/N: O-Okay, can I talk to him?
Para: Sure?
Y/N: Daddy, it's me your little angel. Please stay with me and your 6 grandkids. We need you daddy and papa! Please dad! Please

They shock Y/D/N one last time and do some more CPR

The machine starts to beat. The pulse and heart rate slowly creeps up.

Y/N: Dad, I'm here. So are your 4 unborn grandkids. We are all here dad.
D: Babe, I will meet you at the hospital
Y/N: Okay, drive safely please
D: I will baby

Y/N goes in the ambulance with her dad.

Daniel is driving behind with the police.

Daniel phones his mom in the car.

D: Mom! We have Y/N's parents. Her mom has been rushed into hospital and her dad nearly died. It's a long story. Please can you look after the twins for a few hours?
K: Oh wow! Yes ofcourse not a problem. Drive safe honey
D: Will do mom, I love you and our family alot mom
K: We all love you too

Daniel arrives at the hospital and parks the car. He rushes over to Y/N.

The paramedics take her dad away to theatre.

They are sitting in the waiting area for what seems like forever.

Dr: Mrs Seavey?
Y/N: Yes
Dr: My name is Dr Marshall.
Y/N: How are my parents?
Dr: Your mom will be fine. She will be in hospital for a few weeks due to her injuries but she will be fine.
Y/N: What about my dad?
Dr: Its hard to tell at the moment, he has 3rd degree burns to 40% of his body, sadly some near his throat and chest. He is in surgery just now having some stents put in his heart. The next 48 hours will determine how his body will cope.
Y/N: Can I see them?
Dr: You can see your mom, she is awake but very weak
Y/N: Okay thank you

The Dr shows Y/N to her moms room.

Mom: How did you find us?
Y/N: I remembered stupid little things that were irrelevant at the time and I remembered the underground apartment.
Mom: Thank you for saving us
Y/N: Dont leave me again mom, me and your 6 grandkids need you.
Mom: 6?!

The shock has sent Y/M/N heart into shock. The screen is flat lining

The Drs and nurses run in to work on her.

Y/N and Daniel are standing outside the room watching helplessly

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