Part 21

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*Skip 2 weeks*

The honeymoon has come to an end

Y/N and Daniel are on there way to the airport.

They arrive, go through security and head for the departure gate.

They board the plane and sit in there seats.

D: Be nice to get home
Y/N: Yeah it will and to see the twins
D: Heck yeah! I've missed them so much but it was nice having 2 weeks for just us
Y/N: Yeah it was, I missed them so much. To think in 7 months time we will have 6 kids
D: Yeah I know! Its gonna be scary and wonderful at the same time
Y/N: It really is! Ive got to push 4 lots of times. That is scary
D: I will be with you every step of the way. And I'll have 2 casts on at the end of it
Y/N: Haha very funny!
D: Who says I'm joking?
Y/N: Put a boxing glove on!
D: Hey that's an idea! Why havent they invented a glove that protects the partners hand from being broken
Y/N: Dont know, it would certainly sell well.
D: Hmmmm
Y/N: Oh no! If it comes on the market soon I know it was you that done it
D: Yup!

Y/N sits looking out the window and giggling at Daniel's idea.

She looks back to see Daniel sitting staring....

A hot young lady had just walked passed him.

Y/N feels tears staining her cheeks

Y/N: If you want her that much you should go get her
D: W-what?
Y/N: You were staring at her, you used to look at me that way but not anymore
D: What? No I dont want her. I want you
Y/N: Daniel we have been together for nearly 10 years, if you want someone else just go for her
D: No! I dont want anyone else okay? Just drop it!!
Y/N: Em O-okay, excuse me

Y/N heads to the door on the plane.

Y/N: How long till the flight leaves?
F/A: It will be 15 mins,
Y/N: I need to use the bathroom.
F/A: Okay, hurry back. We arent supposed to do this but I can see your pregnant.
Y/N: Thank you

Y/N gets off the plane and heads to the toilet.

She starts to feel dizzy and throws up.

There is a knock at the bathroom door

??: Excuse me, are you okay?
Y/N: Yeah thank you, I'll be out in a minute
??: Okay

Y/N is finished in the toilet stall, she gets out to see the flight attended there.

F/A: Are you okay?
Y/N: Yeah I'll be okay thank you
F/A: I think your husband has been looking for you
Y/N: Oh right, I dont really want to see him just now
F/A: He started to panic when you didnt come back to your seat, he is outside waiting.
Y/N: Thanks

Y/N walks out the bathroom to see Daniel sitting on the bench crying

D: Baby! Are you okay?
Y/N: Dont call me that and I'm fine
D: O-okay

Y/N follows the flight attendant and Daniel is behind them both.

Y/N sits down in her seat and Daniel is beside her.

She looks out the window with her head on the chair.

She is drifting off to sleep when she feels 2 arms pulling her into their chest.

She looks up to see Daniel's face looking down at her.

D: I'm such an idiot! I should never have stared at that lady, the last thing I ever wanted was to make you feel like I didn't want you. I shouldn't have made you feel like that and I shouldn't have snapped at you
Y/N: Maybe we got married to young, maybe we should take a break and see other people?
D: What? No! Not happening! I dont want that Y/N! I married you for a reason and that reason was because I love you so freaking much, you are my world, my life and you are mine for the rest of our lives.
Y/N: I dont want it either Daniel but maybe it would do us good.
D: No! End of!
Y/N: Okay, but dont come to me in a few months time saying that's what you want
D: I wont cause I dont want anyone else.
Y/N: I dont want anyone else either and I dont want you leaving me for someone else.
D: It wont happen! We are meant to be together forever.
Y/N: Forever and Always
D: Forever and Always princess
Y/N: Until our hearts stop beating

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