Part 27

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D: Hey baby
Y/N: Hey
D: I'm so sorry
Y/N: Its not your fault. Daniel I think its best if we split up.
D: What?! WHY?!
Y/N: You are in to much danger being with me. You keep the kids and that way you will all be safe
D: No! Not happening! You are my wife, I am here for you through thick and thin. For better or worse till death do us part!
Y/N:I know baby, it would be sa
D: Y/N!! No!! End of discussion!
Y/N: Okay Daniel. Why do you want to stay with me when you dont love me?
D: Pardon?
Y/N: You text saying you didnt love me anymore and you have a life to live etc
D: I never text you?
Y/N: Ohhh! Jasmine did obviously.
D: Where is my phone?
Y/N: I dont know, sorry.
D: Oh good
Y/N: Why?
D: Dont hate me or fall out with me please.
Y/N: Em it depends.
D: Jasmine injected me with something and she invited a friend over.
Y/N: Okay?
D: The friend kissed me and tried to get my clothes off.
Y/N: Right....
D: I pushed her off, I promise I did Y/N but then when I did they beat me.
Y/N: Did you wake up with clothes on or off?
D: On-ish
Y/N: Oh wow!
D: I didnt mean it Y/N, I promise I didnt.
Y/N: It wasnt your fault. I'll go get the Dr to get you tested.
D: Okay

Y/N goes out and explains to the Dr. The Dr takes swabs from Daniel.

He sends them off to the lab.

Dr: If they come back with traces of someone else's body fluids, then I will inform the police.
Y/N: Thank you. What about STD's and STI's?
Dr: This will tell us as well. Hopefully its neither.
Y/N: Yeah me too

Daniel is lying sobbing in bed

Y/N: Babe it's okay.
D: Its not, I cheated and I hurt you. I'm a terrible husband
Y/N: You never cheated, if anything it would be rape.
D: God I am so sorry
Y/N: Stop apologising.

Y/N walks over to Daniel and he shuffles over in the bed.

She gets up beside him and snuggles into him.

Y/N: I love you
D: I love you too princess

Keri and Jeff arrive with the twins

Aimee-Leigh and Aaron are hiding behind their legs.

D: What's happened?
Y/N: You came home one day and we had an arguement and you said horrid things about the twins. They heard it and they think you dont love them
D: What? I dont remember that.
K: Its okay son, you've had a terrible time
D: Aimee-Leigh Seavey, my gorgeous little princess. Where are you? I cant seem to find you

Aimee-Leigh let's out a little giggle and pops out

A/L: I here daddy!

She runs over to Daniel and jumps on him

D: Ouch!
A/L: Sowwie daddy!
D: Dont worry princess, these hugs of yours make daddy all better.

Aimee-Leigh giggles again

D: Aaron James Seavey, where is my handsome prince gone? A King needs his prince to protect him and love him
A: N-no you dont
D: Oh but I do. He needs to help me fight monsters.
A: No! Not monsters!
D: Ahhhh! Rawwwrrr

Aaron runs out giggling.

D: I love you both so much
A/L: You do?
D: Ofcourse I do
A: Why did you say
D: Listen babies, I never meant to say it. Someone made me unwell and it made me say horrible things.
A: Ohhh, nasty people's
Y/N: Yes darling, very nasty.
A/L: Did the monsters get them?
D: *laughs* Sort of princess, they are being sent to the dungeons for a long time.
A: Ohhh with a dragon?
Y/N: Maybe!
A/L: Yay!

They all sit with Daniel for the rest of the day.

It's time for them to go home.

Y/N: John will be sitting outside.
D: Is that who helped?
Y/N: Yes, I love you baby and cant wait till you get home.
D: Will you 3 be safe? I love you too and I cant wait to get home to my beautiful wife and kids.
K: Yes they are staying with us until you get a new home.
D: Okay, thank you everyone.

Everyone kisses Daniel good bye.

Y/N is about to leave when he pulls her back.

D: Where do you think your going Mrs?
Y/N: Home to bed.
D: Not without a proper kiss and cuddle.

Y/N lays beside Daniel again, she snuggles into him. He wraps his around around her.

He looks down to see Y/N is already asleep.

D: Good night baby

The nurse comes in and looks at Daniel.

N: Sir, would you like a double room?
D: Do you have one? I'll pay for the upgrade.
N: Yes we do and dont worry about money just now.
D: Okay thanks

The nurse gets the double room ready.

Daniel wakes Y/N up so they can move rooms.

Y/N: What's happening? *Yawns*
D: We are being moved into a bigger room so you can stay over.
Y/N: Okay, what about the twins?
D: Dont worry, mom n dad will have them for 2 nights.
Y/N: They shouldnt have to keep having them every time something bad happens.
D: I know babe, it was their idea.
Y/N: Okay dokey,

They move into the bigger room and the bigger bed.

Y/N: Thank goodness, more room
D: *laughs* I know, no big bump knocking me out of bed
Y/N: Heyyyy! You helped with this bump!
D: I know and I wouldnt have it any other way.

*Skip 1 week*

Daniel is allowed home today. They are still staying with Keri and Jeff for now.

Their house went up for sale and they are looking at the one opposite Keri and Jeff's.

It's a similar size to their old house, not as big a garden but its better for safety and security.

Daniel settles in at his parents house.

They all start planning the party again for tomorrow.

D: I cant believe I ruined their birthday.
A: It ok daddy
A/L: We happy you home
D: Hello angels. I've missed you two far to much
A&A/L: We missed you too

The party is all organised for the following day.

Everyone heads off to bed and Daniel tucks the twins in.

He climbs into bed beside Y/N.

Y/N: I'm glad to have you home.
D: I'm glad to be home. Good night babe
Y/N: Good night handsome

Daniel puts his chest/front towards Y/N's back, snakes his arm around her waist and they drift off to sleep.

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