Part 26

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*Skip 4 months*

Today is the twins 4th birthday.

They are having a party over at Nana and Pops house.

Y/N is 8 months pregnant now and can hardly move.

Daniel and the boys have been helping set up for the party.

Y/N has been getting the twins ready.

A/L: Mommy?
Y/N: Yes baby
A/L: Why we dress pwetty?
Y/N: Cause it's your birthday. All your Uncles and Aunts will be coming to see you.
A: Where is daddy?
Y/N: Daddy is over at Nana and Pops
A: Ohh
Y/N: What's wrong?
A: Nothing Mommy
Y/N: Baby tell me what's wrong
A: Daddy doesnt love us anymore.
Y/N: What?
A/L: We heard him shout at you and he mentioned us.
Y/N: Awww babies, that doesnt mean daddy doesnt love you.
A/L: He never sees us
Y/N: I know baby but its cause he is working to give you a good life.
A: Mommy, dont be silly. He no love us.
Y/N: Awww darlings please dont think like that.
A/L: It true

Y/N pulls the twins into a hug.

She texts Daniel to tell him how the twins are feeling.

Y/N: Babe, the twins think you dont love them
D: What gave them that idea?
Y/N: Cause of our argument and cause you never see them.
D: I have a life to you know. I cant spend all the time with them. I have to work to earn money to feed your kids.
Y/N: Excuse me! They are OUR kids! You helped make them! Why have all of a sudden you changed your attitude towards your family?!
D: Because I dont love you anymore Y/N!
Y/N: Okay Daniel, that's all you had to say. Dont take it out on the kids! We will be gone by the time you come back. Tell your mom we are sorry but they wont be at the party
D: Ok

Y/N gets up and packs the stuff needed for the twins and the new babies

She gets an Uber to a local hotel and checks in.

She receives a text from Keri.

Keri: Is everything ok?
Y/N: Keri, your son has just admitted he doesnt want his kids anymore and that he doesnt love me. We have packed up and staying in a hotel till I find an apartment.
K: Oh, have you seen Daniel recently?
Y/N: Vaguely when he comes in occasionally. He starts arguments and brings the kids into it.
K: Y/N, Daniel hasnt turned up to help with the party?
Y/N: He just text me saying he didnt love me and he has a life to live. He said he was staying with Eben and Jonah last night.
K: They are here and they havent seen him since 3 days ago.
Y/N: Oh, I dont know then sorry.
K: I think someone has drugged him.
Y/N: Maybe. Hold on I'm getting an Instagram notification.

Y/N checks the notification it's a photo of Daniel at a party.

Caption reads: If you want to see your husband again, you will do as I say and give me what I demand.

Y/N phones Keri and tells her what the photo says.

Keri phones the police.

She drives to the hotel Y/N is staying in and goes to her room

She knocks on the door and Y/N opens it.

Keri see's the twins crying. It breaks her heart to see them upset.

She looks over to Y/N who is sitting there numb again.

Y/N: Can anything else go wrong this year?!
K: It will be okay Y/N. The police are on there way here.
Y/N: Okay
K: Who's party was it?
Y/N: Apparently it was Jasmine's.
K: The Bully from school?
Y/N: Yes

Y/N gets a DM on instagram.

Jas: Well well well Y/N long time no see. I see your a slut now. 5 kids by the age of 22? Wow!
Y/N: What do you want?
J: I want your husband and I want those babies to be ours.
Y/N: Why?
J: Revenge for what you did to me at school.
Y/N: You touch my husband and any of my kids and I will kill you.
J: Awww throwing threats around?
Y/N: No hunny, it's a promise! No one touches my kids or husband and gets away with it.
J: If you dont do it, poor little Daniel here will get hurt... You dont want that do you?
Y/N: No I dont.

Y/N turns to Keri.

Y/N: I know where he is.
K: Where?
Y/N: Look at the twins please. I love you both.
A&A/L: Love you mommy
K: Y/N! No! Let the police deal with it.
Y/N: Not when she threatened my kids!

Keri tries to stop Y/N but it doesn't work.

Y/N: My tracker is on my phone. Get the police to meet me there.
K: Okay, be safe sweetie.
Y/N: I will.

Y/N walks to the place where Daniel is.

The place is Y/N's mom n dads old house. The under ground house that was blown up.

Y/N sneaks in and finds some old weapons her dad has hidden

She walks into the room. She can see blood on the floor. She follows the trails of blood.

She is greeted with a bloody, beaten up Daniel.

She quickly un-ties him and gets him out the building.

Y/N: Go to the police officer.
D: Babe, no dont get yourself hurt.
Y/N: I wont I promise.

Y/N hides in a secret wall area.

She hears foot steps and arguing.

She comes out from behind the wall.

J: How the hell?!
Y/N: Awww hun, did you forget my dad was the leader of a gang?
J: Shit!
Y/N: Mhmmm!
J: How do you know about this place?
Y/N: This place... is my parents house. This underground apartment was kept for protecting the family. Ive known about this place since I was 6!
J: What's in your hand?
Y/N: Wouldn't you like to know....
??: Put that down or you get hurt.
Y/N: Oh really?! Think again sunshine.
??: What?

Just as ?? Says that something come crashing down on his head.

J: Nooooooo!! Jamie!!
Y/N:Now, do you want the same to happen to you?
J: N-no
Y/N: Well you best go outside.

Jasmine walks outside to be greeted by the police.

John brings Jamie out.

John: That's both suspects caught.
P/O: What happened to him?
John: He
Y/N: He tripped one of the boobie traps that my dad has set up if intruders came.
John: Yeah that's correct. There was a thin wire on the ground and if your foot catches it, the plates etc come crashing down.
P/O: Ohh wow! That must have been there for years.
Y/N: Its been there for 27 years!

The police officer takes Jasmine away. The paramedics take Jamie into the ambulance. 

John: Thank for saving me there.
Y/N: No thank you for risking your career for me.
John: I told you I would always be a call or text away.

Your wondering how John knew?!

Y/N sent him a text saying

Y/N: Help needed urgently in my dads old underground House.
J: Okay, be there in 5!

So yeah that's how he knew.

Sadly the twins Birthday party had to wait till Daddy was better

Daniel was admitted into hospital. Had concussion, cuts, bruises and a few broken ribs.

Y/N hated seeing Daniel in so much pain.

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