when rags met ritches

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king min, an alpha, was enraged when he found out his son was an omega. first off, how could he and his wife, a beta, conceive an omega? second, who was going to rule korea when he had to step down?

to solve his problem, he decided to hold a banquet for his sons 20th birthday, when omegas have their first heat. he figured that his sons mate would find him and hopefully be an alpha or beta.

so all wolves of age attended, no matter the class. classes were very important to king min, he preferred that his sons mate was from the higher class, yet he was desperate for an alpha or beta, so he invited all.

the prince wasn't too keen on the idea, yoongi wanted to meet his mates like every wolf did, go out into the woods on the day of your 20th birthday and your mate will smell your scent and come running. 

yet he had no choice, as usual. he was forced into a white suit with the min symbol written in hangul embroidered into the breast. his makeup was done as well, a small bit of eyeshadow to bring out the dimension of his eyes, lipgloss to draw attention to his lips, and highlight for the fun of it.

yoongi was somewhat excited, his wolf was already squirming in excitement. you see, omegas aren't able to change into their wolf form until they're mated, but alphas and betas have free range of their transformations.

'we get to meet our mate! be excited,' his wolf suga said.

'they're probably an asshole, gonna try to rule korea for me.' he replied with attitude. he knew many people only wanted him for his political position of power, which made him feel like just an object. suga just shook his head and went quiet, not wanting to argue with his human.

the party had already started, yet the prince was told to stay in his room until midnight. it was 11:50, he had ten minutes to mentally prepare himself for the mating cycle.

five minutes went by and anxiety was flowing through his veins. he started pacing back and forth to calm himself.

and as the clock struck midnight, the prince was hit with a burning pain in his abdomen. his pre-heat had started.

meanwhile downstairs, the large group of wolves were eagerly awaiting the arrival of the prince. at midnight, they heard a cry, a scream for help, and six wolves jumped into action, feeling the omega's pain as well.

they looked at each other, not really understanding what was happening, but were brought  back to attention by another ear-piercing scream.

the alphas ran towards the door, the smell of their omega was killing them. whereas the betas walked as calm as they could. they knew the omega was going to panic, he was in so much pain and was gonna be hit with the news that he has six mates. it would be a lot for anybody to handle.

as the rushing alphas opened the door, they were hit with the most beautiful scent and sight they would ever encounter, the omega smelling of sweet honeysuckle was dressed in a white suit like an angel, yet he was crumpled into a ball on the floor with loud cries coming from him.

feeling their presence, the omega looked up, shocked to see four alphas in the doorway and two betas behind. the boy could only stutter out the word "mates?", to which he got nods from the other wolves.

he was in for one hell of a ride.

(word count: 609)

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