when alphas sing

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"what do you mean? the north can't move any military devices into the demilitarized zone!" king min shouted into the phone, stress levels rising.

"i'm sorry sir, we need men and weapons." said the man over the phone, a trusted general of korea's military. king min could only give an exasperated sigh, shouting fine and slamming the phone down.

the north had been trying to test the south recently, building up weapons and moving them into the DMZ, just like hitler before world war II.

king min put his head into his hands before making the call.

namjoon woke up first.

he opened his eyes, squinting at the brightness before glancing around. he blushed when he noticed the situation he was in.

yoongi was cuddled into taehyung's chest, jeongguk cuddling taehyung from behind and seokjin doing the same to jeongguk. jimin was cuddling him from behind, hoseok behind him and he was behind hoseok. it was cute.

a big ol cuddle pile.

he removed himself from hoseok and made his way to the bathroom, starting the shower and waiting for it to warm up.

"teas gone cold I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all.
morning rain clouds up my window,
I can't see at all.
even if I could it'll all be grey
but your picture on my wall,
it reminds me
that it's not so bad,
not so bad at all."

he smiled as he quietly sang, beginning to rap afterwards.

he exited the shower and walked back to the theater where his mates were, not expecting to be stopped by his little omega.

"stan. you like rap?" he asked, namjoon jumping at the suddenness.

"I do, I sometimes write rap lyrics too. you like rap too?" the boy nodded.

"I've always loved it, especially the songs that tell a story, like stan. I've written some lyrics too but they're not that good. my mom used to like it." he sighed.

namjoon noticed the shift in the boys mood, resting a hand on his shoulder before saying "you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, hun."

"okay alpha. we should go wake up everyone else." yoongi mumbled awkwardly, he was still weary of his alphas.

the pair made their way to the theater to wake everyone, yoongi smiling as he poked taehyung's face. "taetae! it's wake up time," he whispered.

taehyung stirred, opening his eyes slowly. he cracked a smile when he saw who awoke him. "man, I could get used to waking up to your beauty."

yoongi blushed before doing the same to jimin, the beta waking surprisingly easily.

namjoon had woken the alphas who were all gushing at their little mates.

(word count: 455)

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