when mates are free

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the omega smiled as he ran to the castles makeshift prison.

it was underground, so it was quite a run for the boy. he saw the conditions the castle was in.

it was horrible.

but, the alpha who broke in was the only alpha who successfully made it into the castle without dying.

people didn't know about the alpha upstairs and how he was. yoongi was planning to change that the second he got to his mates.

he ran down the cobblestone steps, grabbing the keys that just so happened to be hanging on a hook beside the entrance.

he smiled when the familiar scents hit him, following one until he found someone.

he found jimin first. the poor beta was asleep, curled up into a little ball in attempt to warm himself. there were dried tear tracks on his face.

yoongi carefully unlocked the cell, testing out the keys until one worked. he then tiptoed inside to the beta, sitting down on the cold ground and gently shaking his shoulder. "minnie, it's me." he whispered.

the boy stirred, giving a small yelp of fear before he noticed it was yoongi. when he did, he attacked him with a hug.

"oh god, I missed you. I cried so much you wouldn't believe. wait! what did that alpha do to you, where is he right now?" the beta questioned, lifting his head to look into yoongi's eyes.

"I'll tell everyone when we find them, come help me?"

everyone had similar reactions when seeing their omega, asking what happened and whispering endless loving words.

they had everyone except for jeongguk.

once they reached the boy, he knew what happened.

true blood alphas have a better sense of smell and are more observant than other alphas, so he smelled the alpha on him even before seeing the mark.

a low growl ripped out of the young alpha as yoongi approached him. "he marked you, he bred you, you could carry his pups."

it was a scarily calm voice that nobody had ever heard from him. yoongi held his tongue while he unlocked the cellar, cautiously approaching the angry alpha.

"it's okay al-"

"no it fucking isn't!" his alpha voice boomed, "he tainted you! he ruined you!"

yoongi felt his stomach drop. his alpha thought he was ruined and tainted. his alpha didn't want him anymore. the only thing keeping him sane while in the arms of the other alpha was the thought that his mates would love him as soon as they were reunited.

ruined and tainted.

already marked and bred.


his alpha didn't want him anymore.

his inner omega felt like it had failed it's one duty.

his mind shut down as he slowly fell onto his knees, a sharp pain in his chest.

is this what it's like to be rejected?

did jeongguk just reject him?

(word count: 476)

ok so not to be that author but could you guys maybe check out a few of my other books? it's okay if you don't wanna lol ahh

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