when betas get scared

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seokjin tried his hardest to control the raging baby alpha, even using his eldest status against the boy, but it was hard to get through to him.

you see, trueblood alphas were always hard-headed, but usually never towards their mates. 

all namjoon and hoseok could do was hold back their hyung when he launched himself at jeongguk. "hyung,  you can't hit him. he's a trueblood, he could rip you to shreds if his wolf comes out." hoseok said desperately, trying to talk some sense into his hyung.

but seokjin was hard-headed aswell. 

so was anybody really surprised when he launched?

not really. 

but were they surprised when taehyung, who had only awoken minutes before, jumped in between the fighting alphas?

for sure. 

"stop!" he cried, his hands on seokjin's upper chest, tears appearing in his eyes. 

"move, taehyung." the undeniable voice of the trueblood growled, making taehyung cower.

seokjin noticed his fear and pulled the beta into his arms, the eldest's heart rate slowing with the comfort of his mate.

"can't you see? they're terrified of you!" seokjin shouted, attempting to knock some sense into jeongguk.

it worked, the wolf backing down and running away from the throne room.

the alpha dismissed the meeting, maids and butlers scrambling away from the scene. 

(word count: 215)

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