when yoongi gets cared for

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taehyung ran into the throne room, telling the guards to secure the unnamed alpha if he wasn't already dead.

a few stayed behind to consult their new leaders and understand what was going on.

"the alpha, he marked your king. he is being delt with. when he dies, the mark will fade away and we will officially claim your king." taehyung stated, leaving no room for interruption.

an older man, around his sixties, asked a question. "what will we do about the economy? korea has fallen."

taehyung sighed, feeling yoongi shake more with this information. "we will look into it, thank you for bringing it to my attention." he said respectfully, bowing before excusing himself.

he decided to go to their nest, as yoongi's room probably reeked of the other alpha.

he slowly opened the door, hitting the lights and carrying yoongi to the king sized bed.

"who's clothes do you wanna wear, bubba?" he asked carefully.

"d-dunno." was all he said.

so he was dressed in one of seokjin's pink hoodies, jeongguk's sweatpants, and jimin's fuzzy socks.

the nest was one of the most comforting places in the castle to yoongi, being engulfed in his mates calming scents always helped him calm down.

he pulled taehyung onto the bed, yanking one of the blankets back before climbing under it, taehyung following the boy.

he curled into the man's warm chest, feeling the beta pepper kisses onto the top of his head.

he felt loved again.

(word count: 251)

sorry it's really short ah

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