As Above, So Below

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"I'm in trouble here, Bee, Izz

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"I'm in trouble here, Bee, Izz. I'm up to my eyebrows in bills. Pop's is hemorrhaging money.", Veronica says in a stressed out tone.

"Well, how far along is the speakeasy? Is it close at least?", Betty says.

"Vee, what? What is it?", I say in comfort way.

"The speakeasy's ready. It has been for a while now."

"What?", I looked at Betty before she said something.

"Why haven't you opened it?"

"I've been waiting for Archie. I just I wanted him to be there, dancing with me on opening night."

"A part of it all This is exactly what Archie didn't want, for you to just put your life on hold. You need to focus on yourself for a change."

"I'm saying this to you as your friend, open the damn speakeasy.", I say grabbing her hand.


"Veronica says she's going to have a pretty strict dress code at her speakeasy.", Betty says while walking through the halls of riverdale high.

"Of course we're calling it a speakeasy."

"And, uh, what are you getting at?"

"Hey, Ethel's back.", I say.

"Yeah, she's talking to that weirdo girl from the Farm."

"Oh, my God."

"What if the game is connected to the Farm? Ben, Dilton, and Ethel started playing the game this summer, which is when the Farm and the Evernevers moved to Riverdale. Evelyn's dad, Edgar, is their leader.My mom won't stop talking about him. He's like some kind of-"


"How much do you know about him? And the Farm?"

"Basically, nothing."

"Should we start with Evelyn or Ethel?"

"Ethel. Evelyn creeps me out."

"Okay, but the last time we talked to Ethel, she had a seizure."

"We'll be more gentle this time."


Today is going to be a long day for all this shit is happening.

"Hey, girlie girl."Rosalie said.

"Ha, Hey."

"Hi,", Tyler said bumping his shoulder into me.

"Do you ever just have the feeling that it's going to be a long horrible day?"

"Girl, that's my life right there."

"Hey- what's that on your wrist?"

"Oh, um, it's nothing to serious."

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