No Exit

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'What hero's journey would be complete without a self-imposed exile? Witness Archie Andrews

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'What hero's journey would be complete without a self-imposed exile? Witness Archie Andrews. Just as Luke Skywalker went to planet Dagobah, so, too, has Archie been in the Canadian hinterlands, wondering what dark demons he would have to conquer before being able, finally, to go home.', jughead said as Archie was fixing himself breakfast.

'And speaking of home, since Riverdale's quarantine, the crime rate in town had risen. There had been, for instance, a series of daring cat burglaries.', Cheryl and Toni sneak into their room. They took off their cat masks and smiled at each other.

"You make an extremely sexy Robin Hood, T.T. Stealing from the rich to give to, well, us.", Cheryl says as she goes around the bed to face Toni.

"You're so crazy. I love you.", Toni takes Cheryl's hands in hers and smiled at her.

"I love you.", Toni unzips Cheryl's shirt as they started laughing and they lay on the bed with Cheryl on top with all the stuff they have stolen scattered on the bed.

'It's been five weeks since we were cut off from the rest of the world. The quarantine's been lifted, but the town still hasn't gotten its pep back.'

"Blossom, Topaz, break it up.", moose says as he and his team enters the hallway to see Cheryl and Toni holding hands.

"Bite me, Moose."

"It's one of the new school rules, Cheryl, all physical contact must be kept to a minimum.", Kevin says with confidence.

"Well, that doesn't make any sense. There haven't been any seizures for weeks, and everything tested has come back negative."

"The RROTC doesn't make the rules, Toni.", Kevin corrected her.

"No, you just enforce them like the crypto fascists you are.", Cheryl walks towards him pats him on his chest and turns towards Toni.

"Come on, T.T.", they walk away with holding hands.

'And though above ground, Riverdale was a haunted shell of its former self, underground, at Veronica's La Bonne Nuit, life was beautiful.'

"Come hear the music play Come blow that horn Start celebrating Right this way Your table's waiting.", as Josie was singing and everyone was enjoying it with their special someone.

"Cheryl, Toni! Welcome, ladies. I've got your usual table waiting for you.", Veronica says as she walks up to them while a guy takes Cheryl's red fur coat.

"Merci, madame.", Cheryl says as she puts her arm around Toni's shoulder.

"Enjoy.", Veronica walks away from the lovely couple.

"So come to the cabaret."

"What's the good word, Reginald?", Veronica walks to Reggie as he sighs as he looks around.

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