Requiem for a Welter Weight

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Izzy's POV

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Izzy's POV

'Gryphons and Gargoyles. Serpents and Ghoulies. Riverdale was a veritable jungle of mythological creatures, species jockeying for power, and the dark heart of it all.'

"Good morning, sunshine. Wakey, wakey. Breakfast is served.", Gladys says as she places a plateful of breakfast in front of jug as he woke up. I slept on the couch with my dad like normal, but I had to wake up with a sore neck and back.

"Wow, Mom. That's way better than my normal breakfast.", he said as I got up and starched my back.

"Good morning, Izzy. Did you sleep well?", she asked me.

"Morning and dad took most of the space on the couch that left me with a sore neck and a sore back. So yea I slept pretty well.", I say as he walked in and looked me with an annoyed look.

"Morning.", she said to him.

"Morning.", he said as he yawned.

"Did you sleep on it wrong?"

"There's no right way to sleep on a couch.", he said as I agreed.

"Do you want the bed?", she asked as JB walked in rubbing her eyes as I walked past the two parents.

"No, I'm fine."

"Yea, you're fine.", I say sarcastically as he looked at me with a look that kills people with.

"I need coffee.", JB said as I sat at the table and placed my head down.

"You let her drink coffee?", he asked as we all looked at him like he was a serial killer.

"Okay, it's fine by me. Help yourself. I gotta get to work. Hey, if you need anything, you call me.", he said with his hands as walked out the door. I don't understand this family sometimes.


I went to pops after I got done getting ready for everything for today. I usually meet with Tyler and Rosalie at pops every morning, but this time it's just Tyler and I.

"How was your night?", he asked as he sat beside and placed his hand on my thigh.

"It was okay besides the point from Ms. Jones coming in and saying that she's gonna be staying for a while as she took the bed with JB and My dad and I have to sleep on the same couch because I can't sleep on the floor and he can't sleep on floor while jug took the air mattress with his cozy little blankets that he sleeps with. Now I have a sore neck and back because you can never sleep on a couch right. I have to visit my mom because I never get to hang with her. I'm afraid that fear old Evelyn Evernever gonna be there and I hate her so much to the core.", I say as I'm relieved that I finally got that out. He just looked shocked as for what I just said.

"Well you can always stay at my house with me.", he said as he had happiness in his eyes. I was thinking and that would be the greatest idea he has ever created.

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