The Red Dahlia

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Izzy's POV

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Izzy's POV

'Riverdale. Once a safe, decent, innocent place, had become noir town, like the setting of a Raymond Chandler story filled with dames to kill for, postmen who like to ring twice and more mobsters than a Scorsese retrospective at the Bijou. We were a town of lost souls, each of us wrestling with demons, each of us with secrets we were trying to keep. Mine was on the large side, 6'5" to be exact.', Jug says as he types it on his typewriter in the blue and gold office.

"Explain it to us one more time.", Fp says as we are in Dilton's bunker sitting in front of Jug, Sweets, and Fangs while Jug explained the story of how he got rid of Tall Boy and let me say this, his story is unbelievable.

"We drove him to the bus station at gunpoint and got him on a bus out of town.", he says as my dad and I looked at each other like seriously.

"He murdered Joaquin!", I say as I got a little closer to them.

"And you thought putting him on a bus was enough punishment? We don't buy it.", Fp says as Fangs and sweets looked suspicious, Fp didn't notice, but I did.

"Look, I made a decision. I'm sorry that you don't agree with that, but he's gone.", Jug says as he's getting frustrated.

"I'm gonna pretend like I believe you idiots for now. I've got my hands full finding Hiram's would-be assassin. Next time you see me, have a better story.", Fp says as he leaves. They all looked at me like why was I still here.

"You guys know that you can tell me anything and I won't tell mister big guy, right?", as I say that they all looked at each other.

"Come on Jug. I trust Izzy?", Fangs says as he sits down beside me.

"Jug, I trust Izzy with my life. Can we please just tell her?", Sweets says as he looks at me and Jug.

"Fine.", Jug says as he looks at all of us.

"You remember us keeping him here?", Fangs asked.

"Of course I do."

"Well, Sweets and I were the ones watching him, but he tried to escape and I panicked.", he finishes and he looks at the two people in front of us.

"What did you do?", I asked as I stood up.

"Look under the bed.", Sweets says as he points under the bed. I walk over to jug to look under the bed. What I saw shocked me to my core.

"You killed him.", I say as I pointed to the dead corpse of Tall Boy.

"I didn't mean too.", Fangs says as he puts his head in his hands.

"What do you want us to do?", Jug finally says something.

"Let's do what we did to the other guy.", I says as I continued looking at the dead guy.

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