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Izzy's POV

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Izzy's POV

'Riverdale is like Bizarrotown, where murder, mystery, and candy drugs aren't the exception, they're the norm. You forget sometimes that people are still just living their lives. Doing things as ordinary as getting married.', Jug says.

Tyler, Rosalie, and I were all in a booth at Pops, laughing and cutting up. Tyler was sitting beside me, while Rosalie sat in front of us. Tyler places his hand on my thigh and I looked at him with a big smile on my face. I placed my hand on top of his.

"So your telling me that last year where you went to southside high, you stood up against a ghoulie.", Rosalie asked as she takes a sip of her milkshake.

"Yea because Pop is like royalty here. He is a fantastic cook and a fantastic person. I actually worked for him a little while.", I answered her with happy look on my face as I ate a french frie.

"Why aren't you working for him now?", Tyler asked as he squeezed his hand on my thigh.

"I was fired because Hiram owned it at the time and he wanted to get rid of all the serpents back then, but after that I worked for the scrape yard for a little bit until I get a phone call from Hermione saying that she wanted me and my dad to be the sheriffs of Riverdale, but I'm like a rookie right now because I'm still in school.", I answered as I looked at both of them.

"But now you're working for Hermione, which is Hiram's wife.", Rosalie said.

"Well, technically I'm working for my dad because he tells me when he needs me or he tells me to do this and that. I'm not technically working for her.", I say while putting my hand in Tyler's.

"Oh, so that's why you get to stay in school.", Rosalie finally realizing what's been going on.

"Yea.", I say laughing when she picked it up.

"Well I'm proud of you and I'm excited for everything dealing with the gargoyle king to be gone because I know we are being taken care of because of the Jones dad and the Jones daughter.", Tyler says as he leans in to kiss me, but I put my finger on his lips and he opens his eyes with confusion.

"We have a person in front of us, who might feel uncomfortable with us kissing.", I say gesturing towards Rosalie while she just smiles at us.

"That's right, bitch.", she says as I laugh and Tyler just gave her the death stare. I swear it was the most funniest thing I have ever herd of.


After we left Pops, I went home to have a relaxed evening.

"Hey Izzy.", a voice pops out as I was about to lock my car.

"Hey Sweets. How's it going?", I asked as I turned to face the tall raven boy looking at me with a sad look on his face.

"It's been terrible.", he said as he sits down in Jug's chair.

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