The Stranger

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'At 8:47 on a Wednesday morning, Archie Andrews died

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'At 8:47 on a Wednesday morning, Archie Andrews died. At least, the Archie we knew. What returned to Riverdale was something far different from the red-headed boy-next-door. He was now a stranger, with dark hair and scars both inside and out.', Archie walked from Canada to Riverdale with Vegas barking at everything.

"Vegas?", Fred says as Vegas runs towards him.


"Hey, Dad.", Arch says as he sets his stuff down while his dad hugs him.

"What? What's wrong, son?"

"It's a long story.", Archie told him everything that happened in the cabin, from the girl on the radio to the bear attack.

"I don't remember the rangers finding me. I woke up in the hospital knowing that I couldn't keep running. It was time to come home, back to a normal life, if that's even possible.", they were eating breakfast.

"What about Hiram?"

"I survived a bear attack, Dad. I can't live my life in fear of when he might come after me anymore. To be honest, I'm more worried about him gunning for you."

"I survived the Black Hood. Twice. Hiram doesn't scare me. He's not the only one in this town with friends. What about Veronica? You reach out to her?"


Archie finished his breakfast and went to the speakeasy to see Veronica doing some paperwork.


"Archie?", she takes off her glasses and gets up to hug him tightly.

"What are you doing here? Where have you been? - Why haven't you called me?"

"I wanted to.Everyday.But after the last call-"

"What the hell happened to your hair?"

"I dyed it, so I wouldn't get recognized in case your father came looking for me."


"Veronica, I'm sorry. If-if you don't wanna ever talk to me again, I completely understand that."

"Don't be crazy, Archie. I'm just so happy that you're home and safe.", they start to make out like they always do. She takes his jacket off while he deepens the kiss and picks her up to place her on the counter.


"Two chocolates, one vanilla, and a root beer float for Archie. Welcome home, son."

"Thanks, Pop."

"Since when do you drink root beer floats?", Betty says as she gives pops her card.

"I guess I'm just not in the mood for a strawberry milkshake."

"New drink, new hair, - new haunted, vacant look in your eyes-", Jug says in front of Arch.

"Guys. Archie just lived through The Revenant. Let him order what he wants."

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