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"Come on Will", said Lee, alpha of the Apollo Pack. The brown wolf pranced around the field outside the forest, laughing and playing with a human, Will Solace. And no, they are not mates, just good friends.

Will is eighteen years old with blond hair and a signature smile that can light up a room. He has blue eyes and adorable freckles on his cheeks. He laughed as he saw his friend trip and land on his face while they were racing across the field, into the woods and back to the pack house.

However, Lee had the last laugh when he beat Will to the house.

"That was a good run today", Will commented softly. He dramatically flopped onto Lee's bed and struggled to catch his breath.

"Thanks for coming with me", Lee stated and he changed into his human form. Then he got dressed (since he was naked) and patted his friend's shoulder and left to work.

Will thought about the change werewolves go through. The cracking of the werewolves' bones when they swapped forms never bothered Will much. He grew up there after all. The human was so loveable when he was found in the woods as a baby the wolves instantly took him in. He never felt out of place while growing up and he played well with the pups of the pack. Lee was one of the pups from his generation.

Will heard a knock on the door and he got up to answer it. "Hey Kayla", he said when he saw his sister from another mister behind the door.

"Hey Will, you wanna help me train the pups today?", Kayla asked, "we're doing swimming and you can help me teach them in their human forms."

"Sure Kayla, let me grab my swimsuit." Will walked out of the room, closed the door and went to his room, which he shared with Austin, to retrieve a swim trunk.

Five minutes later, Will was standing on the river bank, eager to start the lesson.

"Alright, babies are with me, juniors with Will" Kayla commanded. The designated groups split.

Will was left to work with any kid between seven and ten, which was about twelve kids total. He was fine with that.

"Hello kids, today you'll will be learning the freestyle swim. Who here has ever swum without a kickboard?"

Every kid beyond nine raised his hand.

"Okay then those who didn't raise their hand go get a kickboard from Miss Kayla."

All the seven year olds rushed off. Then Maria, a nine year old, asked "Can you show us the freestyle?"

"Sure", Will jumped in the water and preformed an excellent stroke. When he finished all the kids clapped.

"Thank you, thank you very much", he said in his best Johnny Bravo voice.

Howl, a voice rang out in the forest. Will and the kids tensed. "Rouges!", Kayla shouted. "Retreat to the house!"

Everyone ran. Will fell behind everyone else of course but he still ran fast. Since he was wet when he stepped on a patch of dirt, he slipped and fell.

"Wow, I feel like I'm in a horror movie", Will mumbled while trying to pick himself up. However, a large white wolf jumped on him before he could move.

Will knew what to do. "Let me GO!", he socked it in the face. The wolf reared and turned into a human. It was a girl.

She quickly composed herself upon seeing how cute Will was. "Hi there handsome", the girl said, batting her eyelashes. "My name is Drew, the girl of all your wet dreams."

"Disgusting", Will shivered.

"What? Are you not happy to see your mate."

"I would be if you were my mate."

"How can you possibly know that? I can tell you're human."

"I'm gay you slut. And kindly put your clothes on."

"Why you little...", Drew whistled. She changed back into a wolf and several of her packmates came up behind her. Will counted ten at most. That sucked.

"I should go..." Will got up and ran.

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