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~Warning, mentions of rape~

"So what's your name sexy?", Commodus asked seductively.

Will didn't respond. He was trying to focus on anything else but the awful but honestly handsome man in front of him. He looked at the dry rot walls, the dead leaves and the branches inside the house. Anything but HIM.

"Aww, come on now", Commodus started slipping Will's jeans off. "This will be fun."


Nico was taken to an old train station, bind by Sarah. Octavian had Vladimir carry him, but he walked right next to him, brushing his hand against Nico's hip, kissing his cheek, eye raping the vampwolf. Nico felt disgusted and violated. However, his major concern was Will. What did Octavian mean by "have your way with him"? Was Commodus gay? Or Bi? Was he a molester? Or did he go further?

Neeks was so wrapped up in his thoughts he didn't realise they had reached their destination. It was the area where the power was stored. Nico didn't know what is was called.

Vladimir dropped him roughly and left down a corridor. That left him alone with Octavian.

"Aren't you cute?", Octavian said as he bent over and kissed Nico. The vampwolf pulled away and tried to protest but he still had the silence spell on him.

"What's wrong, are you not used to being kissed", Octavian asked. "Don't worry, I could show you the ropes."

Octavian kissed Nico with a fiery passion, much to the latter's protest. He squeezed Nico butt, causing him to gasp and Octavian stuck his ugly tongue into his mouth. Nico started crying since he was pretty much was being tongue raped and had no Will power to stop it.

Unfortunately he didn't stop there. Octavian got hard because of the kiss and grinded against Nico, causing the boy to whimper.

"Uh oh, seems like I have a little problem", he looked right in Nico's eyes. "Wanna help me fix it?"

Nico shook his head rapidly as Octavian unzipped his own pants. Oh hell no.


Percy and Jason found the subway which Nico was taken to. As they were walking down the corridor, they heard a young girl's tears.

"Who's that?", asked Percy.

"Does it matter? We need to save Solangelo", Jason whispered back.

"It does matter, she sounds scared", Percy shot back. "I'm going to go find her."

"Do you dare, Percy!", Jason hissed.

The merwolf followed the sound of the crying. Jason watched him leave, threw his hands up in defeat and continued following the scent of, at the time he didn't know, Vladimir.

Meanwhile Grover went in the woods and found the treehouse. He climbed up the ladder was about to open it when he heard moaning.

"Ahh~, good my sex toy."

"St-top~ah, please, ahh~"

"You sound like you take pleasure in this, you blond devil."

"In rape? Nev-ahh."

Wait, that sounds like Will, thought Grover, Gross someone's raping him.

Goat boy had to quickly think on what to do. He asked a group of squirrels for a favor and the animals agreed (animals hand a better tolerance to seeing someone naked). The squirrel squadron charged into the treehouse and all hell broke lose in there. It was amazhang that the place stayed intact.

After a minute a squirrel signalled to Grover that it was safe to go in. He slowly went in and found an unconscious dark skinned naked dude in the corner and Will on the complete opposite side, dressed. Grover ran over and used his woodland magic to undo Will's curses.

"Dude what happened?", the satyr asked, concern weaved in his voice.

"I...he...Neeks...", tears rolled down Will's face. "My back hurts. So does my butt."

Grover understood. He played a little Elton John, knowing that one: music always makes Will feel better and two: Elton John was his favorite pianist. Soon, Will fell asleep.


Nico ended up deep thoating Octavian for his pleasure. Nico cried the entire time. And even after. In the end, Nico was practically sobbing on Octavian's lap. Despite this the blond stroked his hair almost lovingly.

"That was so much fun. You're cute", Octavian whispered as Nico just cried. "Maybe I'll do you next."

Nico looked up and shook his head. Please no, he thought, I'm begging you, please.

"You're so eager", Octavian ran his hand down to the inside of Nico's leg. His hand went up again and into Nico's pants. The boy cried harder.

"Come on now, doesn't that feel good", Octavian insisted. "You want more, don't you?"

Nico whimpered and cried and shook his head.

"Alright, let's begin."


Percy ran as he got closer and closer to the noise. He slowed at a corner, sniffed the air, and hid in the shadows. Luckily enough, the two footsoldiers went in the other direction.

He rounded the corner and saw lots of cages. It looked like an abandoned zoo. Why would train track operators need cages? Unless it was build by the same people who kidnapped Will and Nico.

Percy looked in the different cages until he found her. She looked about nineteen, with long brown hair, olive skin and a green baseball cap. She was super dirty and her clothing was pretty much nonexistent. There was a little cloth that was used to hide her chest and lower area, but that was it.

Percy knocked on the bar of the cage. "Psst, hey you!", he whispered.

The girl looked up. Her dark brown eyes were red from tears. "Who are you?"

"My name is Percy, I'm going to help you."

"What? Why?"

"Because you seem so sad and I want to make you happy."

The girl giggled. "You remind me of my brother."

"Well if you tell me how to let you out then we could find him."

"Hopefully." The girl thought hard. "Can I trust you?"

Percy was silent for a moment. "I'm a werewolf. Most over people here are witches, warlocks or vampires."

"Okay that rules out. You smell like a dog. The only way I could think of opening that gate is getting the key from the guards."

"Okay then let's do it!"

"Only one guard has the right key to my cell."

"And how many work here?"

"I've seen over thirty."

Percy sighed. "Never mind then." He lit up again. "Can I pick it?"

"What. The lock"?, the girl looked at the bar. "Okay, yeah, maybe you could."

One of Percy's abilities is Hydrokinesis which is the ability to control water. Using the water dripping from the roof, he messed with the lock until he heard a satisfying click. He swung open the door and the girl ran out like a bat out of hell.

"Geez, girl, was it really that bad?", Percy asked.

"Yes", she said flatly.

They heard footsteps coming. Percy grabbed the girl's wrist and ran until they hid in a closet. Breathing heavily the girl said "Bianca."

"What?", asked the every confused merwolf.

"You never asked my name. It's Bianca."

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