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The group of boys and their new female companion caught the next bus out of town. Everyone was relived to leave. Will sat with Grover, Percy sat with Jason and Nico sat with Bianca. There was also an old woman wearing large sunglasses, a middle aged man in a dirty suit and the driver. 

The drive was long: from New Hampshire to New Jersey with a travel time of five hours.  The old woman slept the entire time and the man was engrossed in his phone. The driver was tuning the world out, so it was like the only people there was our OTP, Superman, Goat Boy, Seaweed Brain and Bianca.

Jason forgot he is supposed to be the team mom and was shooting spit balls onto passing cars on the highway while Percy was making the stupidest faces at random pedestrians.

Bianca was laughing at them while Nico was telling her stories of him after she was captured. She teased him when he mentioned Will, causing her brother to blush.

Grover and Will was silent for a good while. Will was trying to remove Commodus from his memory, but his voice was right there; You sound like you take pleasure in this, you blond devil.

"Hey Will", Grover poked his leg to get his attention.

"Yeah?", Will turned away from the window to face him.

Grover shifted so that he could be closer to Sunshine. "You wanna talk about it?"

"No", Will said flatly.

"Sure?", Grover asked.

Will was silent. "I...I betrayed Neeks."

Grover blinked, trying to keep an expression off his face. "How?"

"I...", he trailed off.

Silence. Goat boy let Will to speak if he wanted to. He didn't prompt or squeeze it out of him. Will wouldn't have opened up if that was the case.

Finally, Will spoke again. "I e-enjoyed it. The-the rape."

More silence. "Will are you-"

"Sure? Yeah I am. I hated it and loved it at the same time. It was horrible. It was amazing. I wanted to stop. And yet I wanted more. I hate myself right now.", Will put his head in his hands.

Grover placed a hand on his shoulder. "Nico doesn't."


"Nico doesn't hate you, he admitted that he loves you. And you're mates. He knows that it wasn't your choice. Tell him how you feel."

"But what if..."

"He accepts you and your teenage hornyness? Then you two can be happy with no secrets and twin Solangelo babies."

Will looked up. "Really?"

"Just because I hide it doesn't mean I'm not a fanboy", Grover said proudly.

Sunshine smiled a little, but then his light dimmed. "Should I really tell Neeks?"

Grover nodded. 



"Nico, are you alright?", asked Humane.

"That is a really dumb question", Malicious responded.

"Guys stop", Nico said softly.

Nico was sleeping since he didn't get much the night before. Humane and Malicious was worried since they knew Nico's sensitivity to the situation and they weren't much help.

"Nico, we're so sorry", Malicious said. "Unless it's instinct, we aren't strong enough to use our powers. We let you and Will get hurt...we're so pathetic."

Nico shrugged. "The binds stopped your powers anyways. I couldn't sense you at all. It-it was terrifying.", he sniffed.

Humane hugged Nico. "Whatever happens, we're always here okay?" Neeks sighed as a response.

Malicious joined the group hug and the trio hugged it out for a while. Suddenly Humane pulled away. "Nico, what did the men do to Will?"

"Um, I...he was raped." 

"You need to see this", Human pointed out. "We can't go with you though."

"What? Why-"

The vampire and werewolf disappeared and was replaced by a tall dark skinned man whom Nico recognized as Commodus, the guy that kidnapped Will. He was bending over Sunshine, who was curled up into a ball, trembling.

"Will", Commodus grinned evilly, "Come back to me. I know you want more of what we had earlier." 

"Leave me alone!", Will yelled, trying to block him out.

"Aww, do you not love me any more", asked Commodus.

"Shut up!"

"Please beloved, you're lonely without me."

"N-no!", Will's voice was shaky, "I-I have my friends. And Neeks!"

"The hybrid? Why would he love a human? He probably thinks you're weak and pathetic." Commodus draped an arm around Will. "Come back. I can give you true sexual  love."

Nico realized that the guy was real: he actually used magic to invade Will's dreams. He wanted Will back to be his play date, and he wanted him now.

Commodus kicked Will and he toppled over onto his butt. Will screamed as Commodus jumped on him and tried to take his pants off. "Stop being stubborn!" 

"Leave him alone!", yelled Nico.

"What?", Commodus asked. He just noticed Nico and was clearly pissed that he was stopping his fun time.

"That's my mate!", Nico yelled louder.

"Oh, sorry baby boy but he loves me more", Commodus looked down at Will. "Am I not right? Tell your mate how much you enjoyed me."

Will stayed quiet. Commodus slapped him. "Answer me slut!"

Death Boy growled and attacked Commodus, slamming against his side with all his 110 lbs. "Get off of him." 

Commodus was off balance and rolled right off of Will. He tousled with Nico a bit until he ended up on top and gave the hybrid a strong right hook. But that didn't stop Neeks as he shot Commodus an uppercut. He grabbed Nico's collar and banged his head against the invisible floor. And it hurt like hell. Seriously. The bump gave him a concussion, and that slowed him down a bit. Unfortunately, Commodus now had the upper hand.

Will snapped out of his fatigue, crawled towards Commodus and socked him in the head. "Leave. Now."

Commodus got up, undeniably angry. "Never forget Will Solace, you're my slut." His form melted and disappeared.

Nico and Will breathed heavily before Will hugged Nico tightly. "Thank you Neeks."

"Why didn't you tell me that it was this bad", Nico asked sadly. He was worried about his mate.

Will stayed silent. "I...I didn't want to..."

"What? Worry me? Because it's too late for that." Nico's mood switched for sadness to anger. "No excuses. Tell me how he raped you."

Sunshine was shocked. "Neeks!"


He hesitated. "Alright."


About an hour later, Will woke up feeling better than he has in the last couple of hours. Grover looked at him weirdly but when he explained his dream (while sugarcoating it) Goat Boy understood. Nico looked at him from across the aisle and smiled softly. Will grinned in return.

The group of teens got of the bus and breathed in the New Jersey air. And instantly choked.

"Dang what the hell is up with the air here", Percy complained.

Grover sniffed. "I can't smell any kind of nature magic. The air here is terrible. Any dryad that lived here either left or..."

He didn't need to finish that sentence.

"Hey cheer up everyone", Jason said. "We'll be fine. Let's go!"

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