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Nico and Will raced through the building as the fire burned behind them. They tried to find an exit through a window but it showed that all windows were bulletproof in that dumb hospital. They had to ran all the way down to the last floor and out the main doors since there was no fire escape. How did this place stay open in these conditions?

As they ran, Will turned to Nico and said, "He's my sunshine?"

"Shut up!", Nico looked up at him and his eyes widened. "Hold up."

"Wait what? With a fire chasing after us?"

"Open you mouth."

Will, feeling a little impatient, opened his mouth.

"You have fangs", Nico said bluntly. Then he started running again.

Will started running after him. "What?! Neeks you can't just-"

"You have vampire fangs. Is it clearer now?", Nico responded.

"Uhh....", Sunshine felt like he was slapped. "How....exactly?"

Nico thought for moment. "The experiment. They probably mixed my blood with yours."

"But wouldn't that make me part wolf as well?"

Nico scratch behind his ears. "Dunno. Beats me."

"Beautiful", sarcasm dripped from that statement, "Just beautiful."

The fire leaped closer to them as they rounded a corner and hit a dead end. "Dang it!", yelled Nico.

"Do you have the necklace?", asked Sunshine.

"No...because when we ended up at the motel I threw it off in rage."

Will facepalmed. "Oh great job."

"Excuse me! If you didn't go off on your little "side quest" none of this would have happened! No one told you to go off by yourself!"

"Well no one told you to come back for me either! You probably didn't listen to yourself!

He didn't, said Malicious.

Yes he did, Humane shot back.

"If I didn't come back you'd be burnt chicken by now! You wasn't able to save yourself from that crazy woman!" The fire now surrounded them, but neither cared.

"That woman was my mother, at least yours didn't try to burn you alive!"

"My parents are dead, so that argument is invalid!"

"Well you just killed my mom!"

"Do either of you have time for this?"

Will and Nico turned to who spoke. The sea green eyes of the speaker bore into their souls. "There is a fire. Fire is deadly. We need to get out of fire. Come or else."

After processing the fact that Seaweed Brain was there to save them, Nico grabbed Will's hand and dragged him through the fire as quickly as possible. He covered his mouth and nose with his elbow as they navigated through the fire.

"Percy can't you use your water powers?" asked Nico.

"I can't make water, I could only control it."

"What about your ice Neeks", said Will.

Nico shook his head. "I need water in the air to do that. Without it, that's a lost cause."

Suddenly the roof caved in front of them, blocking their exit. Not stopping for a second, Percy went down another way. The place seemed like even more of a maze now, and a lot more deadly. The smell of burning bodies choked them as they continued on, now meeting the stairs down to the sixth floor. However, they were blocked by more fallen debris.

"Are you kidding me?!", Percy yelled in anger.

They looked around the area for something but there was nothing. Just the wall, a burnt door and an equally burnt room. And since the windows can't open, the smoke was trapped in the building, and the boys was slowly suffocating. Their arms were already had burns. Percy, in his frustration, punch the wall, and it gave way a little. He gave it another punch to test it and it broke off completely. He punched at the hole more, with the help of Will and Nico after they caught on, until there was a hole large enough for them to fit through. The trio looked down to see that it was a six story drop into a very flimsy bush and weighed their chances with the fire.

"We're more likely to survive this", Will pointed downwards, "than that", he indicated to the flames.

"On my count", Percy said. "One..."

"Three!", screamed Nico as he jumped out the window, Will still holding his hand. So Will got dragged down too and Percy decided, whatever, and jumped in behind them.

The three of them successfully landed in the bush, one after the other. Percy climbed off of Will, who climbed off of Nico, who complained about how heavy the other two was.

"Hey I said jump on my count, you didn't listen.", Percy scoffed playfully.

"I didn't listen because you are an irrelevant peasant", Nico smirked, "Who still isn't my type."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Nobody got time for this", Will pointed up at the fire, "Can we leave now."

~time skip brought to you by the bead necklace. Would have been useful if Neeks remembered it~

The trio met the others at a park about half a mile away. When the others saw Will and Nico, they sighed in relief. Then they started reprimanding them for their stupidity. After a while, Nico explained how his wolf told him to find Will and then backed tracked explaining about Malicious and Humane. Percy said he pretty much followed them, but got held off by something.

"What was it", asked Jason.

"It was a big marble wall with hundreds of names on it", Percy said. "They were the experiments that didn't survive."

Bianca swallowed hard. "How do you know?"

"It was the title on the marble."

The female di Angelo started to busy herself by rubbing some cream (which Jason packed) on her brother's burnt arms. Then she handed the tube to Will and Percy.

"We should go back to the motel now", Jason said after he explained how he got the antidote for Reyna.

"Yeah, I'll catch up soon", responded Bianca.

"Where are you going?", asked Nico.

"Just to clear my thoughts."


Nico watched her leave, and realized her arms were bandaged. Not thinking much on it, he left with the others.

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