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Four days later Will, Nico, Percy, Grover and Jason stood at the edge of the territory, some ready and some no-so-ready to start the mission. Grover was chewing on a table leg, Jason was talking to Percy about the human world and Will was trying to stop Nico from running off.

Nico's ears and tail were hidden by his clothes: a black hoodie, black cap, black skinny jeans, dark grey tennis and a black Fall Out Boy tee, which was too big since it was Will's.

Will was wearing a bright orange shirt and blue jeans with blue tennis.

Percy was in a sea-green shirt and short Khaki's. He was forced to wear shoes by Annabeth (since he normally doesn't wear any) and was wearing green flip flops.

Jason was wearing blue a superman tee-shirt with dark blue pants and blue and grey tennis.

Grover was wearing a multicolored rasta cap to hide the horns on his head with an oversized red tee and long baggie beige pants to hide his goat legs.

Everyone had a bag slung on their shoulder with supplies especially for them, for example Grover had tin cans in his. The Apollo pack came to say goodbye to the boys and to wish them luck. Kayla threatened Will if he didn't come back alive. The look on his face showed that the green haired girl was really terrifying. Marisa gave each of the boys a kiss as a protection spell. Will wondered if she used the spell on Lee. Austin told his little bro not to get killed. Hazel gave Nico a bear hug and Frank gave him a pat on the back. Percy and Annabeth kissed, Jason and Piper hugged for a long time and Grover held hands with Juniper the wood nymph. Eventually they were sent off and within the hour, everyone was tired.

"Are we there yet", asked Jason miserably, leaning against a tree.

"Nope, not for another", Will looked at his map, " nine miles."

"What? How many miles did we walk?"

"Only one Percy", responded Nico.

Everyone groaned.

"It could be worse.", Will mumbled.

"How Sunshine", Nico snapped.

Thunder. Then lightning. Then a spray. Then rain.

"Stupid movie clichés", Will muttered.

"Come on, we need to find shelter", Grover said as he watched Percy turn and fall straight on his face.

"Ouch bro are you o...", Jason trailed off. He, Will and Nico stared at Percy's tail, which was electric blue with sea-green highlights. His hair was now black with blue tips. He cursed under his breath.

"Help me..."

Jason burst out laughing. "Dude are you okay?"

"Do I look like I'm okay, I'm a fish out of water!"

"How is this possible?", asked Nico.

"His tail reacts to natural water, which includes rain and puddles", Will explained. "So this doesn't happen when he's in a pool or something."

"This ruined a good pair of Khakis", Percy complained, holding up his ripped pants and underwear. "Help me please."

Jason had this smirk on his face like he was trying to decide whether to do so or not. "Na.", he stepped over Percy and walked away. "I'm gonna find a cave, let's go!"

"You douche, help!"

Grover and Will helped Percy along while Jason lead the way to a cave about a quarter of a mile way. Nico walked behind Will and stared at Percy's tail in awe. Then suddenly, Percy turned and said "You like it? It's much more effective in the sea though."

Nico flushed and turned away. "Shut up."

"Guys", Jason motioned to a cave. "Shall we?"

They went in and collapsed on the floor. "Good gracious.", groaned Grover.

"Something smells like wet barn animal", said Nico.

"Did you forget that I'm a satyr", the half goat responded sarcastically.

Burn, said Humane in Nico's head.

Shut up, it wasn't even that good, yelled back Malicious.

Nico forget about those two. He wished that he didn't remember them.

Ouch now that hurt, Humane said dramatically while holding his chest over his heart.

Nico, Jason's talking to you, Malicious warned.

"Um, what was that? Sorry I was thinking.", Nico apologized.

"I said let's get some rest while this storm's out", Jason pulled his soaking wet shirt off. "We can travel again when it stops tonight. I'll take first watch."

"Okay", the vampwolf curled up and rested his head on his pack. Grover was already out cold, muttering about tin cans while Percy was just settling in while still working with his tail. Will, now shirtless, was digging though his bag for something and proceeded to take out earplugs.

"Why the earplugs?", asked Nico.

"Because, Percy has the snore of a beast", Will said.

"Go to sleep Solace.", mumbled Percy, half awake.

Nico rolled his eyes and tried to get some shut eye. But he was having serious trouble doing so. After about twenty minutes of fighting, Jason said "Go sleep with Will."


"You heard me."

"Why would I ever..."

"For starters you'll sleep.", Jason raised an eyebrow. "Is that not a good reason?"

Nico glared at Will. "Fine." He got up and walked over to Will with his stuff, curled up next to Will so that Will was spooning him and rested his head in his makeshift pillow again. Will woke up slightly and Nico muttered "Shut up and go to sleep." Then Will smirked, put his arms around the little thing and buried his face in this hair.

"Goodnight Neeks."

"Goodnight Sunshine."

Meanwhile, Jason recorded the whole exchange, excited to show Pipes when he got home.

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