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"Sweet mother of mercy this window is hard", Sadie said as she tried in vain to, yet again, break some glass. She banged the glass with the chair about ten times until she gave up. "That crap is invincible."

"We're stuck, there's no use", Grover said sadly.

Will thought hard about what to do. "I have an idea."

Everyone looked at him. "Spill.", said Nico.

Sunshine walked over to the vampwolf in wolf form and placed his bead necklace around his neck. Nico was confused at first, and then he understood. "Your necklace it...", he shot him a glare. "Why are you giving it to me?"

His mate just smiled and kissed him on the nose. "Stay safe."

"Wait what?!"

Will closed his eyes. I wish they were somewhere safe with Jason and the others.

And just like that they were gone, leaving Will to find out some answers for himself.


"How could he! He just- ahh!", Nico cried out in frustration. They were all back in Nico and Will's motel room (including Jason, Carter, Zia and Walt) where Nico was screaming in frustration or crying in despair. He punched the wall several times and curled up in a ball when he didn't. Bianca tried to calm him down but she knew it was pointless. No one could comfort him except his mate, and who knows what's happening to him.

"Shouldn't you do after Will", Carter wrote on a paper. He passed it to Percy and the sea green eyes took their time reading it. He took the pen from Carter and wrote, "Not until Nico calms down enough. If too much of us leave, he might lose it."

Carter: "Then can't you go alone? Most of the workers are lizards trapped in Sadie's bag."

Percy: "Too risky to go alone. And the bosses might still be there."

"But we need to do something"  Sadie wrote after snatching the paper from Carter. "We can't just leave Will."

Seaweed Brain shook his head. "There's nothing much we could do."

Carter: "The Meliai are still there, Maybe they could help."

Percy: "Who?"

Sadie: "Seven super powerful dangerous tree women that has the killing time of a second."

Percy: "Well, if Will could get them on his side, then he should be fine for now. At least until we can go back."

"Will!", Nico yelled. Then he sat down, curled up and sobbed. Bianca hugged him from behind and said nothing. Everyone else stayed silent.

"Nico, we have to get mate back", said Humane.

"Relax Humane Nico, and you, has to calm down enough to do that first", Malicious tried to reassure the werewolf persona. "Please calm down."

"I can't! Mate's in trouble and I....", Humane trailed off. "Nico", he said after a heartbeat, "we're going to get him."


"We are the Meliai, the mighty ash trees!", said one of the seven super powerful dryads that marched through the crowd of men trying to get in the room Will was trapped in. "Surrender or be cut down!"

Like before, the dryads downed their enemies like champs. They cleared everyone away in a matter of seconds and left them unconscious, dead or trembling in fear. One of them kicked down the door like Wonder Woman and they marched inside together. The Meliai met Will looking at a crumpled piece of paper, like he didn't want to believe what was on it.

Sunshine looked up at them and said, "Hello ladies, you must be dryads. Did you come with Sadie?"

"The blond haired mage is one of our leaders", one of them responded.

"Good, them you're on my side. How did you find me?"

"We heard the call of the wild", they responded in unison.

Grover. "That was my friend, he's safe now."

The Meliai processed this information and gathered in a circle to find out what to do. After some discussion one turned to him and said, "Since his is your friend, and you are in danger, we will make sure to escort you out of danger safely."

"Thank you, but first", Will held up a finger, "I need to see someone. And they should be nearby, alright?"


So that's how William Solace was escorted through an experimenting hospital by seven very deadly tree women. They walked silently through the hospital only making noise when the Meliai was killing someone. After fifteen minutes they travelled from the west wing to the east and were stopped by two guards. Before the Meliai could attack, Will raised a hand to stop them. 

"Who are you?", one of the guards asked.

"That seems to be the question now isn't it?", asked Will. "I need to see the owners of this hospital."

"And the authorization to do so?"

Will handed them the mashed paper. They studied it with wide eyes and said "You may proceed but the dryads stay here."

"Three stay, four come", Will bargained.

"Six stay."


The guards whispered to one another. "Alright, you win. Go straight down the corridor to the end. You can't miss the door."

"Thank you.", Will step past them as two of the ash trees followed. "Lets continue."

The three walked in silence until they made it to the end of the corridor. The doors were right in front of them; gigantic steel doors with the engraving M&N on it.

"Well I really couldn't miss it", said Will with a smile. He knocked rapidly on the door and nothing happened at first. Then the doors slowly opened....and slammed closed again. Will growled and started banging on the door. It opened and slammed closed, and this time a do not disturb sign fluttered through it. Sunshine, a tad bit more pissed, knocked louder this time and when the door opened he stuck his foot in it.

"Sir, or madam, can I please come in? I must speak with you. It's urgent.", Will said in a high falsetto.

"What is it?", a vibrant female voice called out. "I am very busy and don't feel like talking about-"

"The hybrids escaped mam", Will interrupted. He heard something drop followed by a cuss word. 

"I knew that! Why are you telling me such nonsense! It doesn't matter that they escaped because the chip in Taiyo will help us find them!"

"WHAT CHIP?!", Sunshine screamed, pushing the door and knocking the woman over. She was the same woman in the picture except with a few wrinkles and in a dirty lab coat. Nayo got up and dusted herself off.

"Oh my word! It's been so long. How have you been my son?"

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