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"Open up you stupid thing", Sadie said as she banged her boomerang against the glass of the experiment containers.

"Um...maybe you shouldn't hit the container Sadie", Percy whispered as he zip tied Grunk and Florence.

Bianca inspected Nico. "Are you sure nothing's hurting?"

Nico nodded for the tenth time.

"Are you sure? Because you seem to have bruises..."

"Bianca", Percy said calmly, "he seems to be fine. Now help me with these guards."

Bianca flushed. "Sorry."

Knock knock knock, the group suddenly heard.

"What was that?", asked Sadie.

The knocking became louder. Nico then waved to Bianca and pointed next to him. She looked and remembered that Will was there too. He was there, his bright blue eyes wide open.

"Will! Oh thank goodness you're wake", Percy said, relieved.

"Guys", someone said at the door, " we need to - whoa." Grover stopped to consider the situation. Two guys in tubes, one tying up two other guys with the help of a girl, and another girl banging on the glass of the tubes in vain. A second later he said. " I was saying - we need to go."

"Alright, Sadie, you think you could hurry up?", asked Bianca.

"I'm trying, I don't wanna use a spell, I might hurt Nico", she replied.

"Try one that says 'release'", suggested Grover.

"Um...", Sadie thought for a moment. Meanwhile footsteps could be heard down the hall.

"Sadie hurry", said Grover. The footsteps were even closer.

"Ah ha!", she said. "Saeb!"

Sadie pointed the edge of her boomerang at Nico and the glass and too disappeared, leaving Nico floating above ground for a second before her dropped hard on the ground. "Ouch."

"Sorry", she turned to Will. "Your turn."

"Wait." Percy went to check Will's screen. "Okay go."

"Saeb." Will fell to and Grover rushed to take the wires off of him.

"Time to go."

Everyone ran out of the room. Percy and Sadie covered them as they made their escape. They kept running until they made it to the end of another hallway. They realized they where trapped and panicked as the men got closer.

Percy pulled out his pen, which he uncapped into a sword. "We'll go down fighting."

Grover whimpered. "I don't wanna go down."

"Guys", Sadie opened a door to their left. "In here."

They hurried inside, closed the door and locked it. They blocked the door with a filing cabinet and hoped that the people couldn't tear it down.

Will looked around the room; it was clearly an office. It had a large wood desk designed for two, with three computers on it. They floor was a glossy wood and large windows were in the south and east wall (the door was in the north). A red oriental rug sat under the desk and a picture of a young couple with a baby was sitting on the edge. On the desk it read Chief Scientists Mark and Nayo.

"This must belong to the guys that own this place", said Grover. He picked up the picture on the desk and inspected it closely. "And this must be them."

"Lemme see", Sadie took the photo from Grover as everyone else gathered around.

The man had a playboy surfer look with blond hair and blue eyes. He was averagely muscular and he held his wife's shoulders as if to say she's mine, touch her I'll kill you.

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