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Author-chan: looks at story to see if it's acting up again.

Story: 1.02k

Author-chan: What!? Holy schists this is so awesome!

Nico: What is?

Author-chan: Vampwolf has over one thousand reads now!

Will: Wow good job.

Author-chan: Thanks Sunshine.

Nico: That's my nickname for him!

Will: *smirks* So no one else can use that name?

Nico: Exactly. *blushes* That's not what I meant!

Will: Oh really?

Author-chan: Oh my smurf thank you all so much for reading. As a special treat I'll do a one shot! It was have nothing to do with the story however since I don't want any continuity errors but-

Nico: Why do it then if it will have nothing to do with the story?

Author-chan: Because I want to! Besides, don't you want Will to cuddle you? (Insert Lenny face)

Nico: Whaa? N-n-no o-of c-course not!

Will: Yes you do Death Boy.

Nico: No I do not!

On with the one shot! Camp Half-Blood AU. Headcanon comes from Pintrest so don't sue

Lightning. For as long as Nico could remember, he was afraid of it. It was a subconscious thing, since his mother was struck by lightning and killed he was scared straight.

He remembered as a child when a storm hit he'd his under his bed with Bianca in the boarding school. But now, since Bianca is gone, he had no one to protect him from a storm. And what's worse? Chiron is letting a thunderstorm in the camp so that the strawberries can grow. Bad right? Well Jason decided to do a light show for the campers during the campfire so Nico hid in his cabin, under the bed.

The entire time he was scolding himself. The almighty ghost king afraid of lightning. What monster going to tremble at my feet huh?

Then another bolt struck and Nico yelped. Why Jason?, he thought with a groan.

Three more bolts later Will wondered where Nico was. The walking shadow didn't show for dinner or the fire. Sunshine decided to look for him.

(Nico: Hey no one gave you the right to blab about my fear!  And I told you not to call Will Sunshine!)

(Author-chan: Shut up Smol Bean I'm telling the story!)

So Will stopped by the Hades cabin to see what was up. He walked in and Nico tried to stay silent so that he would think Nico wasn't there. But then another bolt struck and Nico whimpered.

"Neeks?", called out Will. Said boy looked under the bed and found the son of Hades curled up under it.

"Dude, quit being antisocial and come to the fire", Will prodded. "There's marshmallows."

"No.", Nico said stubbornly.

"Come here."




"Yes", Will gritted through his teeth.


"Well why not Neeks."

Another bolt. Nico jumped out of his skin, bumped his head against the bottom of the bed, and curled into a ball.

Will looked curiously, then dragged Nico from under the bed, causing the boy to let tears fall from his eyes.

(Nico: I was not crying!)

(Author-chan and Will: Yes you were.)

(Nico: Shut up Author I am the ghost king! I will have an eternal torture for you placed in the underworld!)

(Author-chan: First off, shall I remind you that you sob like a baby in this story? And secondly, if you be quiet I'll add a kiss okay?)

(Will: Fine by me.)

(Nico: ...)

(Author-chan: Thought so.)

Will placed his hand under Nico's chin and raised his head up to look into his eyes. He watched as the dark brown colored eyes of his lover released a few more tears.

"What's wrong Neeks?", Sunshine asked concerned.

"I'm just tired", Nico said, trying to play it off.

"Liar", Will said.

"Seriously, I'm sleepy", Nico insisted.

"No, you're trying to stay way from everyone. Come on." Will yanked him up and tried to drag him out the door.

"No Will wait-"

Crash. Nico screamed and fell backwards onto his bottom. Will turned and looked at him. He kneeled down and felt Nico's heartbeat. It was faster than normal and Will realized it.

Nico was afraid of lightning.

Will sat down on the bed Nico was previously hiding under. "Why didn't you say anything earlier?"

Nico realized he was caught. "Why would I admit to being afraid of something like lightning? You know how stupid that is?"

"So", Will shrugged, "everyone is afraid of something. Annabeth's afraid of spiders, Frank's afraid of fire, Percy's afraid of small spaces, Grover's afraid of bunnies and Thaila's afraid of heights."

Nico looked shooked. "The daughter of Zeus is afraid of heights?"

"Yeah, Jason told me. Don't tell her you heard it from me."

Neeks laughed. "Okay." Lightning crashed again and Nico jumped into Will's arms.

"Does the ghost king need protection", Sunshine asked with a smirk.

"Shut up", Nico said as he gave Will a chaste kiss. "Could you stay with me?"

"Why not."

The rest of the night was spent with Will and Nico under the bed, cracking up at corny jokes, cuddling and kissing while the light of the lightning illuminated their faces.

"Hey, Neeks", Will said softly.

"Yea", Nico looked at him.

Will kissed him for about five seconds. "I love you."

Eventually the boys fell asleep.

In the morning Will woke up with Nico curled up in his arms and dust bunnies in his hair. He smiled, so cute.

Will woke him up and crawled out from under the bed dragging Nico behind him. Then he was jumped on by Percy and Jason, while Piper and Annabeth squealed. "Omg, you two are so cute."

Neeks fully woke up then and looked at the two girls. "Whaa?"

"Yes! Solangelo!", Jason cheered as he showed the pictures he had of them under the bed.

"Grace", Nico said in a "Imma throw you into Tartarus" tone of voice.

"So Nico", Percy rested his arm around Nico. "Is that your type?", he pointed his thumb at Will.

Nico glared. "You're all so dead."


(Author-chan: Love all my readers (platonically) the next chapter will be out by next week.)

(Will: So soon?)

(Author-chan: Another gift for so many reads. Chao!)

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