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"Will you stop that", Nico asked as Will played with his ears, again.

"No", Will teased as he scratched behind the left one. Nico growled a bit then pulled away.

"Stop that!"

The group was staying at a motel that night. They rented 4 rooms: Percy and Grover shared one, Jason and Bianca had their own and Nico shared with Will. Will took that opportunity to tease Nico, and learned the hard way that the young vampwolf's tail and ears were very sensitive.

"Why won't you-", Will brushed Nico's tail slightly, " ~ahh. Crap you"

Will grabbed Neeks, lifted him into bed and cuddled with him. He still play with Nico tail as said boy moaned. "You suck Will."

"Suck what?"

Blushing, Nico said, "Great glory."

Sunshine kissed his forehead. "Good night Death Boy."

"Good night Solace."

~time skip brought to you by a very horny William Solace~

Crash! A noise and a muffled scream woke Will up at around one am. He shot up and looked around tiredly. Not being able to see or comprehend anything, he turned to Nico who was next to him on the bed. Who was.

"Neeks?", he called out softly. "Neeks where are you?"

No response. The hybrid wasn't a light sleeper but anyone would have woman up when the glass broke.

Wait a, and screaming. Oh gosh!

Will flew out of bed and struggled towards the light switch. When he did find it and flicked it on, he met a terrible sight.

The window near the bed was broken. Bright red blood stained the shattered glass. And Nico di Angelo was gone.

"Nico!", Will yelled desperately through the window. His friends heard the commotion and came to see what was wrong. Percy barged in first, followed by Jason, Bianca, and Grover in that order.

"Dude what the hell?", asked Percy sleepily. "It's one in the morning."

"Neeks...", Will crumbled to the ground as everyone finally realized the problem.

"No...", Bianca trailed off. Grover went over and started to comfort Will as Jason and Percy tried to find a scent.

"Humans", Jason muttered, "they took Nico. "

"We need to go after them!", Bianca yelled.

Percy thought for a moment. "We'll split up. Me, Jason and Grover will go look. Then we'll contact you when we find him."

"Well why can't we go too?"

"B, they have the better tracking ability", Will mumbled softly. "And we still need to pay the balance on the rooms."

"Plus Will is still a bit traumatized", Jason whispered in her ear. "He needs someone to stay with him."

Bianca breathed loudly. "Fine. Okay just...bring my brother back safely."

Percy nodded. "We will." He dug the pocket of his pajama pants (which was covered with little sharks) and took out three head pieces. He gave one to Bianca and one to Jason. "This will help us to communicate."

"Whoa, Annabeth is really rubbing off on you.", Jason said, surprised. "'Communicate?'"

"Whatever. Let's go."

"Please hurry", Bianca pleaded. They left by hopping through the broken window.

Will was still curled up in a ball on the floor. "It's my fault. It's all my fault."

"None of this is your fault Will", Bianca said, trying to console the human, "Its those blasted humans."

"I am a blasted human", Will counteracted.

"But you're not one of them, and you have no connection to them", Bianca sighed. "Get some rest, I'll research a spell to fix the window."

"You expect me to sleep after all of this", Will spat back.

"You should since you're no help like this."

"I'm no help regardless, I'm just a worthless, powerless human compared to the rest of you!"

Will's lucky that no one else woke up with all of his noise.

"Will, you are not worthless", Bianca responded. "Nico told me that you're the first person he opened up to since me. And I'm so glad he found a ray of sunshine to fall for. You light up everyone's lives around you. And very few people can do that, so you're not worthless. It would be like saying the sun is worthless."

Will was silent. He hugged B and had everything he wanted to say in the hug, the greatest of all being thank you.


"In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight", Percy sang as they tracked the humans' scents. "In the jungle, the peaceful jungle, the lion...."

"Can it Seaweed Brain", Grover mumbled.

"Hey only Annabeth is allowed to call me that."

"Shut up then", Jason said, "you can't sing."

"What", Percy pretended to be wounded. "My sing voice is top notch! All who hears me sing is blessed."

"O. M. G!", Jason yelled. "If you ruin my chances of saving my ship, I will end you then kill myself."

Percy gulped. "Noted."

"What will happen to Will if Nico....", Grover trailed off.

Jason sighed. "Most times the mate will go color blind unless there is the potential of another mate. But since Will's human, who knows."

"He'll also pine. Like for life. He'll die from depression.", Percy said sadly.

"Hopefully we can find these humans before he becomes like that.", Grover chewed on a Chef Boyardee soup can nervously.

They turned through a dead end where the scent stopped. A strong aroma of gasoline filled the air. Jason dropped and punched the ground angrily. "CRAP!"

"Shut up I have work in the morning!", someone yelled from their window.

"Then why you still awake?!", Jason screamed back. "You lonely?! Jerk", he mumbled.

Grover shifted through the trash and muck in the disgusting alleyway. "Guys", he picked up a card off the ground.

"What is it?", Percy asked as he and Jason walked over.

"This business card, its super clean compared to the rest of this alley. And it smells like the humans that took Nico!"

"Maybe they work here", Jason snatched the card out of Grover's hands.

"Hey, how rude."

"M&N Memorial Hospital. Let's see if anyone can help us there."

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