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"What do you mean by you have a chip in me?", asked Will angrily, and rightfully so. This woman, who by blood is his biological mother, threatened the lives of his friends and experimented on him and his mate. Then she plans to use him to track down his friends to use them.

Can you tell why he wasn't happy?

"Oh Babyboy, I missed you so much", Nayo said happily. She went to hug Will but the teen quickly backed away. "Oh come on don't you miss mommy?"

"Can't miss someone you never knew.", Will said, now admittedly creeped out by the woman. He hasn't seen her in eighteen years and she calmly acts as if he should remember her. As if he was searching for her all that time.

"But I gave birth to you, I loved you all your life."

"I don't know you, can you please get that through your head. It's nice to meet you, and I want to ask you about everything but you're acting like I should know you", replied Will softly.

Nayo lowered her head. "Taiyo, I love you. You're my only child. I want you to come home."

"Then explain what you mean by a chip in me."

Nayo sighed. "When you arrived here and was taken to testing, I immediately knew you were special. So I placed a chip in you, incase you escaped, and did a DNA test, which you saw as positive. You see, all I want is my son back."

"Okay...", Will realized that Nayo was a bit psycho when the word son came into play. So now he would tread lightly. "Well then what happened? How did I end up in the forest?"

"Your father", Nayo said in a cold voice. "The little jerk took you away from me. He said I was 'unstable' and 'crazy'", she did air quotations to prove her point. "He tried to do a court ruling to claim you and to remove my rights, but when that didn't work, he ran off with you. I tried to find out where he hid you but he wasn't telling and eventually we got in a fight over it..." Nayo trailed off with a devilish smile on her face. "And I killed him."

The temperature of the room dropped by twenty degrees. "H-how?", mumbled Will.

"A machete does well in beheading someone", Nayo walked over to her bookcase and took a box out of it. It was a regular cardboard box and it was large enough to hold a basketball. She handed it to Will and said, "Open it, it's a gift for you."

Sunshine gulped and took the box from her. If this has my dad's head, I'll scream, he thought.

He opened it to see something round wrapped up in newspaper. Dropping the box, he unwrapped it and shrieked. His mother had put his father's head in a glass ball filled with goo and gave it to him as a present. And his eyes were opened.

"Like it, I made sure the plasma was your favorite color", Nayo giggled.

"My favorite color is yellow not green", Will said, trying not to look into the eyes. He rested it gently on the floor.

Nayo frowned. "No, it's green. Like mine."


"Green", a dangerous glint shown in her eyes.

"Green", Will agreed quickly.

His mom smiled. "Thought so. Don't mess with me like that boy." Then she laughed like she made a joke. "I love you."

"Ha ha yeah....", Sunshine said softly, terrified at this point.

Nayo grabbed his arm roughly. "Ouch", Will winced.

"Tell me I love you."


"Tell me I love you", Nayo commanded, "Or I break your arm."

Sunshine gulped. She's crazy, my mom's crazy, she's gonna kill me, I'll never see Neeks again...

"Let him GO!", someone yelled angrily and tackled Nayo. It was one of the Meliai. The other drew her sword and tried to kill Nayo but Will stopped them, "Wait!"

Both of them stopped. Big mistake.

Nayo took a vital out of her lab coat and hit the nymph in the face. It blew up in a firery explosion and Will flew backwards, hitting the ground with a thump.

"Ow", he groaned. Sunshine sat up and saw fire. Lots of fire. Red, hungry and terrifying. It spread around the room faster than lightning and destroyed everything in sight. Will sat up, disoriented and scared. The fire reminded him of when the Ares pack attacked and his adoptive dad died.

"Oh no, I'm sorry baby", Nayo cried. "I didn't mean to scare you. It's just that those mean old women wanted to hurt me, and I had to defend myself."

Will looked around for the Meliai, trying to shake off his dizziness. Then Nayo sat on him, straddling his hips. She hugged his shoulders saying, "I can now have my greatest wish. I can die with my son in my arms."

"WHAT!", Sunshine yelled. He tried to wriggle from under Nayo but the woman was heavier than she looked. 

"You know what Taiyo means?", she asked. She had a sadistic smile on her face. "It means the sun in japanese. Your grandmother was Japanese. My name means we are happy in african. So we are happy together my sunshine."

Something black hit the back of Nayo's neck and she retched in pain. Her skin became paler and her veins became more visible. Soon her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she died, falling off of Will to reveal the culprit behind her murder.

Death Boy wiped his mouth and said "He's my sunshine, you twisted freak."

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