The green Demon

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-The next morning, Wit wakes up at 5:48, he uncurls his tail and climbs atop the inn-

"Fuck... Olimpia's pretty as shit: but I can't talk to her AND I don't wanna hang around for the boring goodbyes thing, so...", the white demon leaps off the building and quickly crawls towards the beach "I'll go fishing! I just realized I haven't tried alot of the shit that comes here!". He stands on the boardwalk over the beach below, nobody was around at this hour... "Damn... the place really IS laid back! Although the castle-town had people up before even I got up..". He turns his back towards the water and drops his elongated-tail, and dip inside "I'll have time to catch something before anyone gets up...", Wit thought, then looks over his shoulder to see fish curiously swimming around his flickering tail. The white demon doesn't notice the green one watching from below... it bubbles up and slides onto the boardwalk and towards him, then takes shape. Wit notices the thing from the corner off his eye and quickly turns to see the green demon "Tuareen! Let me guess, you're here for the same reason?!" he thought aloud.

"Taureen the green demon stands at 5'5 and has a humanoid shape similar to Wit, except it was that off a overweight male human, similar to the others: he had ebony horns, eyes, claws and talons. The differences being that his horns being bull's horns and is nails being a more squarish shape. Further-more, his tail was that of a wolf's?.. His see-through, green-skin shows his ventricles and sinews: veins can also be seen pumping his black blood, and his stomach can also be clearly seen: it bulges out into different shapes, resembling parts of living beings. His voice is garbled and has a overfriendly tone.."

The white demon crawls back slightly as Taureen replied "Of course, Wit! How could you leave your family behind?!". The white demon glared "We're not family, you butthole!", the green demon laughed "This was always your problem: you're the worst, so you hate nice guys like me!". He quickly whipped at Wit with his tail, the white demon tries to dodge, but it almost splits him in half, save for Wit dodging it's sonic-speeds! It stops before cracking the ground, making a sonic-boom. "Stop that!" Taureen yelled and tries to strike again while he thought "He's too fast, not REALLY quick, but... Still, I'm getting too tired chasing...", he quickly whips again. Wit dodges and glared at Taureen's innards... "If I could get close enough to strike, it'll be easy! But he's so gooey, I'll need to make sure it's a heavy-strike!" he thought, until the tail whips toward him again. Wit flips over it, but slips on his back, thanks to Taureen's ooze... he notices there's decomposing slime everywhere: It's just weak and wet/slippery enough to make one slip, yet hold them!... Wit tries to get loose, but is sat on by Taureen! He tries struggling, but the grotesque-demon was too heavy and glue-like. Taureen laughs inanely "Now you're gonna come home! Hahehahehahehahehahahehahe!", Wit wriggled more as the green demon then explained "I heard what you did to Arios, so... I'm gonna bite off your limbs, so you can't fight when I drag you back to hell!". He dislocates his own mouth, making it droop to 2ft long, and aimed the wobbling, canine-filled thing down towards his brethren, Wit then thought "I have no choice! I gotta put everything into this next move!". He suddenly pushed his arm up his gelatinous butt-cheek and grabbed his pelvic-bone, Taureen laughs "Don't touch!" and whips Wit's face hard! Wit angrily elongates his tail at intense speed, but barely pricks open Taureen's heart from behind. The latter prepares to eat his chest instead in anger, but another rush of adrenaline causes Wit to snatch the bone, causing the green demon's spine to un-align: this makes his body less snot-like, letting Wit's tail tear Taureen's heart open... he deflated as black blood pools up inside him. Wit eases from under him as the body loses it's gooey-quality, then grimaces as the slime oozes to him "Come... back... you... turd... ..." it gurgled... then bubbles into black-mist Wit kicks the body into the water "Damn you, dumbass! Who'd like being in hell?!" the body eventually turns to nothing, unable to even pollute the water.... Wit shakes the gelatinuos pieces off his body, making it break into mist like the rest...

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