The white Demon

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            -Wit steps back as he now sees, another white demon who flew up past the trees..-

Wit shivered as he stares the demon, there's already so many, come on man! This one looks way too much like him, except he has a vile-grin.. "Hey you!" the white one said, Wit replies "What the hell are you, fred??". The other demon smirked evilly as he replies "I'm a better version of you, can't you see, stupid eyes?", Wit wonders at what he meant, until the other demon's smile bent "I'm your youngest bro: Scorpiott. And I'm everything you're not! While you got mom and dad's retarded DNA, I got all the good-parts, I'm type A! You and the other siblings suck fucking ass, you killed them by luck, but me: you'll never get past!"...

"The white demon's body's just like Wit's, except it's taller and more muscled and shit... The only other features are that it's eyes are solid lack, something Wit's now lack.. Scorpiott also has a sarcastic grin, something Wit no longer has with him... One last detail is his voice, it's a gravely version's of Wit's that make some girl's moist. The tone's very confident though, as he thinks he's cool and everyone else is slow.."

Scorpiott then laughed at Wit "You beaten the others, but I ain't havin' that shit!", he charges at his elder-brother and Wit rushes him too, our white demon knew what to do! He tries to counter Scorpiott's attacks, but there was something he lacked: Since the younger one was borne from his spores, the demon knew what he'd do, that white whore! Both demons matched each other's attacks, but Scorpiott started to notice what Wit lacks. They fought so hard that they both are scarred, but one's a murderer and the other, more of a bard. They stand apart from eachother, breathing heavily... their bodies slowly repair as the background starts looking heavenly.. Wit thought as he stared at his clone "I know how to get this one, I knows he knows all of my attacks, so I'll make up for the thing I lack!". Scorpiott thought too "I'm gonna kill this fool with my power! He's getting tired, while I can go for hours!" he started to smile! Wit suddenly attacks, his spawn does it back! Wit didn't move normally though, he waited to see his tail go up through Scorpiott's heart, and watched as his younger-brother fell apart... Unortunately, to save Lora, Wit stood there and took body-horror: for  not moving and surprising Scorpiott, the guy followed Wit's plot! He stabbed through his heart too, now they both fell over.. oh noo! But Scorpiott caught himself and stands up calling Wit "You Elf! You can never be as strong as me, you deserve to die, badly! You think I'm gonna break into goo?? I'm not as weak as y... oooo..." Scorpiott dies, ooooh!!! Meanwhile, Lora saw the sight: Like the with the others, she watched this fight! But this time, Wit's stabbed through the heart, Lora could feel hers breaking apart! The princess quickly left the center-room, as her mind filled with doom an gloom... There.. she saw her love lying on the top, and across from not a shred of Scorpiott... The spawn was obliterated, Wit would be too... The princess eyes start to mist... what could she do?? She touches his cold body.. she couldn't hold it in anymore, and starts to cry loudly! And because of the feelings she has, the horror over them starts to pass...

"Wit!!!" she cries... "P, please get up! W, we're s, suppose to go to h, heaven t, together!". She starts to drop further down, despite already being on her knees and by his body... she feels far away from her love... "W, Wit, please g, get up!!! Y, you can't die this way!!! W, we were goi, going to..." she shudders as she cries harder: Wit was very afraid of hell and every demon that lurked in it's depths.. To be murdered by any of them, was something Lora didn't want to happen for the poor demon... She slowly but surely holds him... "Pl, please... I.. I couldn't say it before... , I w, wos afraid h, how you'd react.. but I d, don't c, care anymore.. I' I'll tell y, you this e, everyday, eve, every chance I get...", she weeps horribly as she says: "I love you!!! I love you so much, so, so... you have to get up!". Lora holds him slightly as she says quietly "I only known y, you fo, for a few wee, weeks.. but I, I can't imagine life without you! I don't want to be alone and you're not watching, I don't want to be without you!"... she cries on him... "Please, Wit.."... Noella suddenly appear and floats by her "What the hell's all the dramatics about!!?" she says in annoyed tone.. Lora looks up "W, wit's dead!!" she explains tearfully.. The dark-goddess looks at Wit.. "There's something wrong: didn't you notice, crybaby?" she asks.. Lora sits up.. and looks at Wit as Noella says "He's not obliterated... heck, there's not even smog like with the other ones..". Lora gasps as she realizes: Yeah... Wit's in one piece? She then asks "W, wot happened?? Ho, how??", Noella shrugs as she holds out her hands "I'm not sure yet, but you can see his heart's repairing as we speak... lemme speed it up a little."..A ultra-violet light suddenly flashes and emits a dark one over the demon.. Wit suddenly heals and jumps up in fear.. "Fuck!! Wait, I'm alive??!" he starts, Lora hugs him "Wit!!!" she cheers.. Wit hugs her back... "H, how am I am I here?? I... was going to hell.. I could see them reaching at me..." he says.. Noella explains "You must've been going back to hell, but I healed ya before you could die..". Wit turns toward her as Lora wipes her eyes... he then asks "I'm here? I still have my soul? I'm all here?".. The dark-goddess smirked as she replied "Yeah, scaredy-cat! Originally, you woulda reincarnated in hell, since you have a soul, now. But... since you didn't die.. You keep your soul and body!"... The couple awes happily, until Noella sighed in aggravation "Now let go of each other, ya freakin' creeps! This isn't the time for that mush!".

Thanks to Noella's ruining the moment, the foreboding horror returns from it's slump.. It digs into their vocals again, to make everything sound weird in the end... Lora holds her chest, as Wit misses the feel of her breast. Noella though, felt it get under her skin, and she screamed out against this sin: "Goddamn the person who did this, I outta kick their crotch and make them drink piss!". She turns again toward the couple in anger "Wit help me finish the oni, Lora don't worry about the danger! And after this I'm breaking my knees!", the duo leaves to continue the fight.. While Lora awaits for the end of the fright...

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