Into temptation.

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 -Wit and Lora follow Noella out of the garden and into civilization again, behind the academy...-

The two listen carefully as she turns toward them "Alright, here's what we're gonna do: DON'T tell anyone about the trip! Just say you know how to contact my dad, God. And try to get out of bringing those damned paladins! I hate 'em, angels hate 'em and Dad probably hates 'em, too!", Lora gulps... then walks away "Alright, I'll look for the others..." she informs them... Wit glares at the Engels walking and talking... until Noella asks "And whatcha gonna do?". The white demon sighs "Chill until we hafta go... I can't get in trouble here, so...", he ran away... she flies by him. "Ya seem mad?" she asks... He replied "Of course I am! I had ta push her away so we won't fuck! Why the hell did this hafta happen??!", she cackled "'Cause you're a demon! I guess your punishment for interacting with her, would be that you killed her!". Wit yells "Get the fuck away from me!", he crawls away... Noella giggles as she watched him..

Wit crawls by the Engels, all avoided him unlike before as now his aura's truly angry.. Wit then snatched a fruit from a fruit-stand and ate it... until he sees Noella watching him "Ya know, Lora would say not to steal that..." she says in a sing-song voice... Wit swallows the apple whole and yells "So what??!", she laughs and says "Forget it, I can tell you're not THAT mad at me...." the dark-goddess reveals.. Wit looked away "If ya didn't tell me about it, I woulda killed her, so..." he admits. Neolla smirks "True... she's human and there' no way she would've survived...", she then floats closer "Unless you were careful, ya know, there was NO reason to push her away..". Wit quickly turns around "WHAT!!!? Then why didn't stop me in the garden!!!?", she laughs "Because you were havin' fun! And so was I!", he whipped his tail at her, but she appears behind him "You just pushed her away without a thought: even if ya didn't do it, she'd probably at least like ya now, right?" Wit quickly punched at her, but she disappears... He then crawls away... angry and scared: the only person he loves is probably never going to see him that way again.. he couldn't deal with the feeling, but he loved it and Lora... 

Wit crawls up into a empty-hotel-room and on the bed... until he notices Noella watching him!!? "What, are ya gonna cry?? Ya knucklehead?!" she mocked... Wit grabs her "Shut up!!! This is your fault! You KNEW what I was gonna do, you can read minds, right!? You knew this would happen!!!", Noella giggled "Yeah, you made it easy as hell!". He threw her into the bed she limply falls as she asks "So whatcha gonna do now, big man?", Wit shook her "I... I..." her robe suddenly slides off her shoulders... the girl's smile now looked sensual, yet still mocking.. "I see what you're doing.." Wit seethed... She replies "You won't have her, but I CAN take it!", the white demon drops her.. She rolls over and her powers caused her robe to slide off; revealing her naked-butt... Wit prepares to grab her sides as he growls "Once I'm through with you, you're gonna wish you never fucked me over!". Noella wags her carmel-brown-behind... "We'll see about that Whitey!"  she taunts, Wit's unearthly-long-penis erects as he prepares to angrily violate the awaiting dark-goddess...

Yahwen suddenly appears in a holographic-body "Stop!!!", Noella quickly sat up, as her robe rematerialized on her correctly... "What're you doin' here?!!" she angrily shouted, the blonde replied "I was watching my new friends, when I noticed you were tempting Wit?? Did you mess with him this entire time??!", the dark-goddess yelled "Shut up! You're always like this!".. She teleports away... Yahwen then floats to Wit, who retracts his penis quickly and immediately took a disappointed/self-loathing expression... "Shit..." he curses as he turns to leave... the light-goddess then starts "Wit, you knew what was happening? Why did you...". The white demon  interrupts in a a upset tone "I don't know... it doesn't matter... I fucked up anyway..."... he walks away...

Yahwen stares at him... "!!!" she saw in his mind: something she tried not to do, except in intense moments... but she easily saw.. "Wit IS still in love, he doesn't know what to do now.."

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