Searching for Pirate treasure: 2

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-The group cautiausly move forward as they now over hear rumors from the tourists...-

Lora awes at the beautiful collection of beaches on every island, the last hint of manmade structures here was a lighthouse, but this was only because it's set high-up so one can see it for miles. Gawain looks over the ocean and grimaced at the many shark-fins pacing or swimming towards the coastlines... "We should hurry, the magical-consciousness is already affecting the animals here: Sharks don't usually congregate near people this way. This is WAY to close to the hotels, we must hurry!", Jacob frowns in worry "H, hey guys... what about what th, those people were talkin' about?" he asks as he steps on a rock bridge-like formation barely covered by water... The paladin replied "It has to just be a rumor.. nevertheless, we must hurry weather or not their anything mysterious happening at night, here..", another merc hops onto the bridge "Let's go, then!". He almost falls until Jacob and Gawain help him up... "Becareful: unlike Neptune, where they apparently did something to the water and/or the stone to make the streets not slippery... This is natural. We could break something or fall off into the water, where I'm too sure a shark's waiting." the paladin warns. The other merc adds "We might not be able to pull eachother up in time, I mean: this is slippery as hell, dude...", Gawain glared "Then we'll huddle together, if one person falls the others will hold him up!" he suggested. Lora steps closer as the air felt light again between the small team. Jacob cheered "Then it's all for one...", the other mercs and Gawain finishes the phrase "and one for all!".

Minutes later, they make it safely to the shipwreck site: Which was not through only the archway as they thought... But spread out across a coast line... The site was strange as of course; as the wrecks were all along the side of the stonebridge's end.. As if something pulled them there. Gawain frowns at the rows of pirate ships... Jacob then spoke up "Are you sure it's here?! This is gonna take forever!", Lora smiles warmly, hoping to cheer them up "It won't! Like I said on the way here: Olimpia said it could've sunk in a shipwreck, which could've only happened at least 10 years ago. We won't bother looking at anything too old..." she explains. The paladin perks up as he sees what she's getting at and adds "Yes, I see! If it was at least only a decade ago, then the belongings and ship itself shouldn't be as dilapidated as the others. ", the princess excitedly turns towards Jacob as he adds "Wait dude, I just realized: they're the government people and shit, right? What if they had some symbol or something?". Gawain replied "You're right! If it was their ship, that narrows it down to all ships with their emblem on the flag or sail! Anything that's new enough to still have that, are the only one's we need to check!", Lora puts her hands together as she chimed "Then let us go!". The paladin quickly says "Sorry princess: zombies or not, it may be safer for you out here, than in the ships. There's no telling what's in this collection of garbage..", he looks around as he continues "At least here: there's only nature... fauna and herbivorous-animals. It'll only takes us at least 5-minutes to check all the ships we'd need to, now that I'm noticing all the ships with the emblem.". Lora sighs "I won't beg to go, but it'll be boring out here staring a ship graveyard...", Jacob sighs "You're lucky!". Gawain turns toward him "What?! What do you mean?", the merc walks up to him "Alright, dude... We heard people sayin' zombie shit, we ALL did... IF there IS... Ya know none of us saw one before, so... let's at least just go in... the first one together?". Gawain sighs "Fine... (but only because I never saw one either...)", they choose a ship with a golden-trident and crossbones emblem, then enter...

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