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-Wit stares at the earrings that suddenly appeared in Lora's soft hands...-

The princess gasps softly "I wonder how?" she starts... Wit replies "Let's not look a gift horse in th' mouth!".. He then smiles wryly " Besides.. I.. Kinda broke your bracelets and sword in those fights.. Sorry..." he says sadly.. Lora stares at him: the demon felt as if he was too destructive to receive a ring, but... She slips it on his finger... "Please keep this: ..here, you don't have to worry about breaking anything..." she says with a slightly cheerful tone.. She then steps back, sliding her own ring on her finger... "God.. Let me go.. I.. I don't want to feel any worse than now.." Lora asks.. God replies " Alright, do not forget to stay vigilant, keep your integrity and stay valiant: your success depends on your keeping love for everyone, deep inside your heart.".. Lora smiles sadly as she suddenly glows... Wit watches her start to vanish...

He suddenly feels horror and regret.. And immediately ran to her, Lora's surprised as Wit grabs her tightly and tries to kiss her.. But she disappears leaving on sparkles... One hits a tear forming in his eye.. He then wipes it... God turns toward the sobbing Yahwen "My dear child, did you slow the process? Lora wasn't suppose to be here even that long..".. She cries " I HAD too! They were suppose to kiss!!", God replies "It's fine.. There's nothing wrong with this, but.. What about the rings? You didn't do both of them..". She sniffles and explains " I was going to give her two of her matching ones, but Noella must have gave her one, too..".. God smiles "I thought so... She loves them both very much, too.." He replies.. Wit turns away as Noella arrives saying "She finally went back home!?". God smiles warmly "Yes my dear, they're done..".. The dark-goddess sighs in relief "Good! That was stupid! They couldn't of REALLY been in love after such a short time!".. God walks away "Maybe not?? Love is a very mysterious thing! They could simply have a crush, or truly be in love!" He hints, then says "Wit.. Please come with me, there's something important I must tell you...", the demon follows Him.. A light breeze suddenly blows through Heaven, making Wit's chain float as he walked: indicating it's not nearly as heavy as it looks, despite dragging on the ground like a normal, metal one...

Wit's shown around the current area, as Yahwen and Noella took turns holding him by the chain and leading him around, until God stops... "Girls, please don't pull his chain and treat him like your pet.. He's still out friend." He explains... Yahwen replies "I just want to make sure Noella doesn't try something strange!", the dark-goddess retorted "I wouldn't! You're a...". God suddenly says : "Stop! I will leave again soon, I only wanted Wit to be familiar with this part, but you must show him everything else!...", Yahwen replies " Yes Father..".. As Noella just folded her arms... God then explained "Girls, Wit.. There's something I must tell you: As I've said, you're all gods. And to further illustrate this, the saints here, have all had turns being Me in specific universes.." Noella replies "We already know that..".. Wit adds " Saint, you mean people like Noah, Elijah and.. Those really old people!?".. God replies "Yes, those who devoted their lives to me and have been carried here in their bodies.. They're different saints from different worlds at different times..", Wit then realizes "That's why there's 12 gates!?". God replies "Yes.. And each devotee can choose a partner to create a new world via my blessing..".. Noella freaks " W, what!! We might be the kids of some nasty mortal human!?".. God replies calmly "No, you're Mine.. But you DO have a mortal-mother who devoted herself to me, and the devotee only brought her to me...".. Yahwen wonders "Is there something that we..." She starts.. God turns toward them, now only 5'7ft "Don't worry for now, my dear, precious child.. I only wanted to tell you so you'd know for later..." He then starts to fade into Holy-Fire "Please be careful if you choose you ever go back that Earth... And Wit, you shall see her again. Don't worry... Do not forget the feeling inside, and the love deep in your heart.. For it shall create worlds, grant wishes, reveal desires and allow you to touch Lora again.. Nomatter what, do not forget it, nor the fact that I love you, forevermore."

God then flies away, His daughters wave as he leaves in blinding, unearthly-light!

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