Deliver us from Evil: Assault

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-The paladins, Ron and Lora, all stare at the captain as she explains...-

"Only Corsican has enough mana to do something to enemy that size... Even if we worked together.. one ship's about as big as a cruise-ship... and the other's gotta fleet with it..." Jade says... the men look at eachother, ..tension fills the plane, and ramps up as lasers pass by the windows and overhead!! The pirate-ships are fighting each other, and their plane's stuck in the middle!!! Lancelot glared "I'm goin' ou..." he starts, Gawain cuts him off "Out!! You want to say? The airpressure would kill us all! I think the captain meant that only Corsican could cast something from in here and directly at the ship!", Jade walks between them explaining... "But, together we CAN stop the plane from being hit!". Gawain realizes "Yeah...", Lancelot sighed "I hate ta depend on THAT, but we got no choice!", Percival sighed "Let's hurry, before something else happens...". They make a square-formation, hold thier blades direclt in front of their faces and say: "Skyward Shield!". A golden-translucent barrier formed around the plane!!! Ron and Lora awes at the light formed around the aircraft, until a laser hits it!! The plane shakes very little from the impact and the noise was muffled... "Wow!! You guys really are heroes, ya..." Ron starts as he turns around from the controls, ...but to his surprise and horror, the captains are all bleeding terribly!!!? Ron just remembers that magic takes it's toll on the user when overused, and in this case: the barrier was fine and easy, but taking a blast from a airship and keeping it up, is not! "Hurry and land the thing." Jade says as blood pours from her eyes! Ron quickly turns and tries to descend as fast as possible, without losing control... Meanwhile, Lora watches the paladin-captains as tears form in her eyes: she knows them all and seeing them standing motionlessly to keep up a spell that'll keep Ron and her safe.. was too much to bear! She didn't want to see them hurt back then, or now... Lora looks away; wishing to talk to Wit, and ask for help.. but, she has no idea if he was on the plane... for whatever reason, he figuratively and literally pushed her away and now the princess's unsure if he followed... Even if he's here, she wouldn't know how to speak to someone who seemed to try to hurt her right after they both realized they're in love... Lora could only hope the white demon was there... until...

She sees a white body falling towards a passing fleet-ship!!! Lora excitedly watches as Wit lands on it, he turns to see the main-ship following the smaller-ones.. Then jumps from ship to ship, cutting through the air and riding the winds... until he reaches the main-ship... Wit easily crawls up the side as canons start to aim at him... Fortunately, the automatic-firing-sytem can't fire on itself/the ship: so Wit climbs to the cockpit... The white demon peers inside and sees Gerald piloting the ship.. but Wit can see further than this: and notices a somewhat familiar face from hell?? "Azazil!!?" he yells in surprise, "There you are, dear idiot." Gerald replied in two voices...

The white demon quickly elongates his tail through Gerald's heart!!! Unfortunately, a dark, black-smog enters the ship's control-panel "You killed a human? How brave!" he mocked... Wit angrily replies "Fuck off!". The ship suddenly dropped towards its own fleet!!? Wit turns in horror to see it's aimed at the slower plane, then quickly crawls towards a jet-engine, and rips out the fan! The resulting explosion causes the ship to instead fall straight down to the ocean,  the messed-up controls also causes the fleet-ships to randomly fly and shoot each other: indicating that they were all remote controlled.. The opposing ship tries to turn and leave, but the random crashes into it causes the other pirate to fall, too! Wit leaps into the water...

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