Tomb Raiders

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                                          -The group enters the Augite Desert.....-

It's burning hot from the midday sun, the sand there was too deep to run in and had to be treaded carefully across... Luckily, there's very few sandpits and sinking-sand areas where scattered across the desert and a few palm trees can be seen growing there... They carefully look around for a minute: railroad tracks and a ruins of pyramids, sphinx and other Egyptian looking monuments can be seen... The tracks seem to run into some of these buildings and towards different directions stretching out far from Augite... Everything that gave any hints of being man made was buried under the sand partially or completely as seen by the buildings and destroyed materials scattered everywhere... Beside this, there were many cacti scattered across the desert: some of which were the homes for bees and huge hornets... Aside from natural dangers, there were also a handful of cacti that seemed to be able to move, but usually only made their attempts to capture prey once their backs are turned. Lancelot grimaced at the many cactus-monsters, who're pretending to be normal plants... "Al'ight, everybody! Set 'er up!" he said. The paladins set up a palanquin and run to each end, Lancelot grabs the 4th... "Git on, princess! I would hate myself and so would ya father if we made ya walk th' desert in this hot-assed sun!". She almost resisted the invitation... But realizes it would be rude to the paladins who carried the thing here and she really didn't want to walk the desert as she couldn't breath easy in the heat... Lora sighs as she walks in... "Um... thanks Lancelot, but this is a bit much..." she says sheepishly. He laughs "Ha! You, ya dad and motha are all th' same! Earnest hated these things! But, ya got watch ya health, too!", he then focused on the wizards "I'd git ya kids on too, but you're th' guards! While we carry this across, you 2 fight off th' creatures! We wouldn't do too good anyway, seein' as we hafta run aroun' ta fight the monsters!" Beltane replies cheerfully, but her expression easily suggests she only wishes it wasn't so hot... "You can count on us!". Max cheered "Yeah, we'll get 'em!", Lancelot smirked confidently "Hell yeah! Now let's kick some ass!!!". The group quickly heads across the desert..

Lora watches from inside the palanquin, as her bodyguards fought off the cacti that were stomping to them... "This is so embarrassing.. but it's so hot... and I understand why he did this: no wheels could get us through this. And nobody has enough magic to fly us all across... I have to believe that he planned ahead, in case we would have to cross the desert and knew that only manpower could get us through... that and... I wosn't able to keep up with them... This way, we're all going at the same pace..." she thought... Then suddenly hears a screech and a explosion!

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