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Now let's read the chapter!

Writer's pov

Abhimanyu was trashing every object that came in his sight. He was an angry Beast and frustrated with the sudden turn of events. He was shaking in anger and he was deadly. None of his staffmen dared to stop him. The only person who could stop him was out of station.
Only His Grand maa, Arundhati Roy Kapoor could control an angered Abhimanyu but she was on a pilgrimage.

Abhimanyu dialled his personal investment and yelled - Did you find it out!?!

PI - Sir, I am working on it! Give me some time, please.

Abhimanyu - You have everything but time!
I am giving you 30 minutes, find out.!
I want her where abouts!
And I want to know each and every detail of him.
Do you understand me!?!

PI - Y..Yes sir! It will be done!

Abhimanyu yelled -

You better do it quick, if you fear your life!

Abhimanyu thrashed his mobile on the wall.....He was furious about how could he let this happen!
How he let things slip out if his hands?
He was disappointed in himself!

He sat on his Mahagony armchair and typed furiously in his laptop but all his concentration was on the event that had snatched his peace and pride both.

His secretary came shaking and stammered -
Sir, you... have...a... a mee....meeting....with the Cabinet ministers.... in an hour.!

Abhimanyu glared at her and yelled -




She nodded her head frantically and left the room shivering in fear.

Abhimanyu's landline ringed....and he took the was his PI.

PI - Sir, find out something!

A - Did you find their location?

PI - Sorry sir.....I am afraid is not possible to trace their location this quick!

A - Then why the fuck you called!?!
Do you think I have time to listen to your unfruitful attempts.!?!

PI - Sir, I have something on him, you might be interested to know!

A - It's better be Good!

PI - Sir, there is a.....

Listening to his PI, Abhimanyu frowned....but devil had possessed his mind came up with a dangerous plan....and he laughed evil!

At a Girl's hostel

Somewhere in the outer skirts of Bangalore, in a reputed Girl's hostel, few young girls were taking a night walk after their could hear their chirpy chit-chat....some of them were having ice creams.....some studying under the moon lit sky.....and suddenly, the lights goes off!!!!!

It was unusual....girls started to scream....guards were trying to calm them.....alarms went on....and suddenly there was sound of few screeching tires.....few airgun fires....girls started to run around ..panicked....and screamed ....and few minutes later .....lights were back!

There was no sign of any cars or gunfire anymore except for the mount of dust.

The warden cane rushing towards her girls along with few guards and asked - Everybody calm down....! We don't know what exactly happened....are you guys all ok? Is any of you hurt? Or anyone of you missing!?!

Girls started to look amongst themselves murmuring.....and nothing  seemed odd at that moment.

The warden asked them to return to their respective rooms and she too followed them.....and suddenly she noticed a torn pink Duppatta lying in the dust....and she panicked....coz she knew to whom that particular Duppatta belonged to.
She stood rooted and closed her eyes!

She knew she had failed to protect HER, she had failed to keep up to her promises!

She quickly dialed a number and narrated the whole story without blinking or taking a breath.

She knew what was coming!

Somewhere on the road

In the middle of a patchy road, passing across a dense forest ....a car was running deadly fast .....and few SUVs were behind it..... shielding it from any kind of possible danger.

After about 3 hrs, the car halted outside a big farmhouse. The doors were opened by the guards on duty and there came out a handsomely devil of a man carrying a fragile beauty on his shoulder and to him it felt like a mere potato sack. His guards bowed their heads and no one dared to utter a word....their master was a wild Beast and they feared his wrath. Taking the stairs, He opened a big door with the help of his foot and entered a lavish room. He put the innocent beauty on the bed and tied her hands with his tie. He took a one last look on the sleeping beauty who was drugged. And he felt proud of his achievements, kidnapping the girl.!

He went near her ears and whispered - Well Hello there Little one!
You are not just my ransom but my way to my lost honour!
That low life does not know, what's coming for HIM!
I will crush both of yours souls and shatter your hearts in a way.... you will never forget who I am!
That's why they say, never be in a hurry and do everything quietly and in a clever way!
Now, You are going to be my bait for them!
They will have to come out of their hidings now!
Enough of this Chase!

He then flickered one of her loose curls behind her ears and He walked out whistling in an evil way.

Little did he know, the dangerous games he is about to play is going to shake his entire existence.
Because destiny's plan is bigger than your mistakes!

Guys, here is another update for my story. Read on as this story will give you goosebumps and thrills.!

I shall see you all soon.
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