Punished Again

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Thank you so much guys for appreciating this story so much!
I hope I live up to your expectations!

Today's chapter may have a few extreme abusive scenes, if you are not comfortable then you can skip that part!
However, I strongly stand against any kind of abuses against women!

And I strongly believe that women should never tolerate any kinds of violation!

Her life doesn't need to be fixed - just lived!
Her heart doesn't need to be rescued - just loved!

Abhimanyu's pov

I was drunk till my neck yet the humiliation I faced, did not subside...so I continued to drink more...all because of those bloody media houses....i have been their constant subject of scandals and that brought a lot of shame to my status...these past few weeks, all these bloody media channels were playing various tapes which were showing my involvement in illegal Activities.

But the wondering part is that, all these  evidences were protected by my confidential men then how did those bastards got the hold of those tapes!

Is this just a coincidence or is it all pre-planned!?!
But who could be behind all this?
Hmmm... It would be better if I send my men to find out the sources behind all this!

Whoever it is, They left no stones unturned to humiliate me and now the Party also expelled me.
I feel like killing them all, first those greedy party oldies fed on my wealth and now they played betrayal.
I feel like a Looser, I lost my reputation and they embarrassed me till I lost my temper.
And to top of that, that Bastard Dhruv too joined the conference with my sister!
She looked emotionless and they both announced their relationship and that they are expecting their first baby!

Well played Dhruv!
But I am not going to spare you!
You humiliated me in front of whole world now it's my turn!

Abhimanyu Roy Kapoor never leaves the game unfinished!
If you want to play Smart... I know how to play Dirty!

Tsk... Tsk... Now Because of your silly stunt your dear little sister is going to be crushed under my wrath!

That little Bitch is going to pay for my humiliation! I will fulfill my lost reputation with each scream of hers!
But I just have to be careful!

Nobody should know about it!
I see there are a lot of people in her support!
And I have a perfect place to conduct her punishments!

To be honest, It was quite a shock when those media dogs asked me about that girl.!
And who the fuck even leaked so many information about her!
I made sure of everything...infact I did not even register this pathetic marriage!
As I knew she is a minor!
Atleast for now, I am safe from the judicial punishments....but who will save that pathetic sister of that Bastard!
He was so confident today... Let's see how confident his sister is... After my punishments!

I laughed evil and smirked entering my mansion!

Writer's observation

Trisha was watching the Aquarium and admiring the fishes and her calm and happy face made abhimanyu's blood boiled.

I am suffering here and this bitch is having the gala time of her life!
Let me teach her a lesson! - he thought

Do you know how much important is that water to the little gold fish you are admiring little one? - he spoke in a low deadly tone

Trisha's hands froze and she gulped hard looking at the drunk Abhimanyu.
She knew, This is not good for her!

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