Why Not Me?

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Hello my beautiful readers!

I am back with the next update as soon as I could!
I know.. I know... I left you all in a cliffhanger and I was late.. But I am here now!

So without wasting the time any further, let's begin with the chapter!

Always Remember Why You Started!

Trisha's pov

These are my feelings right now!

Agony! These are my feelings right now!

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Why does it happen with me God?

After so much planning and courage, I believed in our plan!

I thought I was free but right now, looking at the person in front of me, I knew, today I am going to Die!

Abhimanyu is going to kill all of us!
His blood shot eyes, his flared nose...his evil smirk and those pet hounds surrounding him!

I am sure, I will not survive another hour!

Flash Back

When Vikrant and Bhai told me about their plan of escape, I was not very confident, may be it was the fear of that Monster!

And why not, it's me who went through that hell!
He had broken my self confidence!

I knew he would go to any extends to fulfill his Ego and Honor!

But because of their beliefs, I could bring myself to my old brave self!

So, I thought to take my chances!

Vikrant gave me the much needed courage at every step possible!
Whenever I thought I would break, he was there to hold me!

My heart is melting with each passing second that I spend with him.

But this is not right!
He deserves someone better!
Some one, less complicated!

Today, I saw a very different shine in his eyes....that gave me hope...!

As planned, I jumped into the pool and within a few dives, a little far away from the finishing line, malini was there!

This girl was really brave!
She was so confident and had so much faith on Vikrant that she was ready to put her life in danger!

That journey from that pool to this tunnel seemed like never ending but I was a free bird, but Alas was I wrong!

I was so wrong!

Here's is my reality!
That Monster!

He will kill me now!
Is it my last day of on earth?
Everything started to revolve around my eyes...!

The death of our Parents!

Dhruv Bhai and my carefree childhood days!

My longings for my own family!

Our hiding from our enemies!

Maanyata bhabi and my unborn nephew/niece!

Oh Vikrant, and his beautiful dreams!
His encouragement!
His caring!

And then this Monster, who is standing right in front of me with his men!

He is again going to destroy me and my family!

He will kill Bhai!
And he sure will kill his unborn baby!

May be if he finds out, he will kill Vikrant too!


I can not let him do this to me!

I have to do something, I can not let this loose!

I can not loose!

Vikrant's words were echoing in my head :

You are a Fighter T!

Look at everything you have done before, endured so far...and overcome.!

Don't give up now Trish!
Don't Give Up!

That was it, I am not going to be a puppet of this monstrous person anymore!

I am going to atleast try to fight!

I don't know, if they have already figured out that I am caught or not, but I can not risk their lives too!

Not anymore!

Fight this Monster T! - my inner self pushed me

I was shivering from my insides, and I knew Abhimanyu was enjoying my fearful face!

Yet I gathered some courage, I made a straight face and looked here and there for an escape!

But got startled when he spoke -

Did you really think you could out smart me Little One?

And I gulped and looked at his face!

The mocking look in his eyes sparked a weird rage inside me!

And for the first time, I looked straight into his eyes and asked -

Why do you think, you are always going to Win?

Who are you!?!
A God???

Let me tell you, Mr. Kapoor!
I am not going to let you destroy my family this time!

I will fight back!
You can not cage me forever for your entertainment!!!

He laughed and spoke-

Oh Really Mrs. Kapoor!!!
And who will save you from me!?!

Your Brother!?!


Let me guess, Your secret Friend!?!

He again spoke laughing like a lucifer.

I walked towards him slowly and stood just a few inches away from his face and spoke - This is your Problem!

You always think, you are the mighty one!

Haven't you heard even an Ant can defeat a mighty Elephant?

Who said, I need anybody's help?
Just my courage is enough to fight with a monster like you!!!

I endured all your torture just so may be we could have a future but who was I kidding?
A monster like you don't deserve a chance!
Your place is in Jail!

And I will make sure you reach your Home!
From today, you all will see a different Trisha!
The Trisha that I was before you kidnapped me!

With that I pricked his neck with my hair pin and pushed him hard, that he stumbled enough to create a gap... And before his dogs could come and hold me....i took that opportunity and within a second I ran!

I ran for my Freedom!!!!

Hola people!

How many stars for this brave Trisha?

Do you think, she can make it?
Do you think, she can defeat Abhimanyu?

Don't forget to comment and vote!

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