Feelings For Nemesis

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Howdy people!

Hope you all are good!
Thank you so much for your support on the story!

Today back with another update!

The saddest part of Betrayal is that, it never comes from your enemies but your supposedly loved ones!
And then, it hurts your Ego!

Writer's pov

Abhimanyu was a man of twisted mind. He always liked to play with emotions to get him satisfaction.
His dark past and upbringing never allowed him to think about right and wrong.!

So, here he was, having kidnapped an innocent soul, without feeling any guilty.
In fact he was weaving further plans.

He had already called his agent to pass his message to Dhruv and his sister, Maanyata. And he was waiting of the Call.

A call from an unknown number appeared and he smirked evil.

Without wasting any time, he received the call as he had already prepared his words well.

(Only initials used for names here)

D - Abhimanyu!!!
You Bastard!!! How dare you!!!

A - Calm down Dear Dhruv!
Dont you know, Yelling is injurious to health!

D - Oh, just shut up!
I dare you Abhimanyu, if you lay a finger on my Trisha, I will burn you alive!

A - Woah there Tiger!
Take it Easy!!!

D - just tell me, What do you want Abhimanyu?

A - Lower your tone Boy!!!! And listen to me very carefully, whatever you two did is beyond forgiveness.
You two had the guts to stab me behind my back and you thought I will just sit back and mourn over my ruined reputation.
Well, guess what! I can die but not let my reputation get maligned.!

You two made a grave mistake and now the poor girl has to pay the Price!

D - What Price!?!
Don't be such a sadist Kapoor!
Abhimanyu keep her away from this!
You know She has no involvement in this!
I swear to god, I will destroy you if you hurt my Trisha!

A - Tsk Tsk Tsk!
Poor Trisha, she doesn't even know her brother is so cruel... He just cares about himself And he let her be on the mercy of a monster like me!
What it I told her, her only brother... Her only Family chose his ladylove over his sister.?
She would be shattered!

Keep her out of this!
She is innocent!
Why are you hell bent on punishing her....And for what... For your fake reputation!??!
We eloped because you did not approve of our relationship. We asked you many times but you never listened.
What we did, is because of love but what you are doing is out of revenge.
Don't be a Monster Bhai!
I beg of you! Just leave Trisha alone....she is just a baby! - this time it was Maanyata on line

A - Come home Maanyu!

M - No way Bhai!

D - She is not coming back to you Abhimanyu.. And besides, we are now legally married....and she is my wife. Even if she comes.... You won't be able to cage her inside your mansion.!

A - Watch your words Dhruv!
I don't believe in your alliance with my sister!
And if you do not co operate, Then, I guess your sister has to pay for your sins!

D - I Dare you Abhimanyu! You touch my sister and I will scrape your skin.
And Maanya is not coming back to you either!
Just accept the Facts!

A - Don't push me Dhruv! I have no tolerance and you know that!

M - Bhai, please don't do anything which you will regret later!
I....i am coming to meet you but till then promise me you will not harm Trisha!

A - We will see about that!

Abhimanyu cut the call and moved towards the room where he locked Trisha. He unlocks the door and steps inside and looks at the fragile sleeping form. He leaned towards her face and saw dried tears on her cheeks, he then noticed the untouched food...he curled his palm into a tight fist and clenched his jaw!

Why am I feeling restless looking at her tears!
Why do I care if she ate or not!
She is just a bait!

His heart screamed - But she is innocent!

But he was blind to even listen to his heart. There was something inside his heart that was stopping him from remaining unaffected.

She is too young to toy with! - his heart voice out

He sighed and shook Trisha by her shoulder. She moved away in fear as she looked at Abhimanyu's big intense eyes.

A - Why did you not Eat your food?

T - Why do you even care?
You wanted me suffer....so here I am starving.
You should be happy, right?

Fierce! I like her already!
What the fuck Abhimanyu!
Focus! - scolded his brain

A - if I were you, I would have watched my tone girl!
Anyways Sweets!
Finish your food and then you have to meet someone very very special!

He began to untie her hands and noticed the purple bruise caused by the tight rope and his expressions changed....he caressed her wrist softly which did not go unnoticed by Trisha.

She asked softly - What is it that you want from me?

She caught you Abhimanyu!
Don't be a weakling in front of her! - his brain warned

A - Dont think too much! Now Eat!

T - Atleast tell me why have you kidnapped me?

A - Someone close to you tricked me and stole something precious of mine!

T - What do you mean?

A - Don't test my patience little one!
Finish your food and I will send someone with your clothes!
And Dare you defy me!
I hate being ignored!

With that, he left not before glaring at the Fragile Doll who was creating foreign sensations inside his ribs! The fact is, he was feeling weak in front of her innocence... And if it goes this way.... He won't be able to deal with Dhruv and Maanyata.

A girl as little as Trisha must not affect him!

Hello wattpadians!

There goes my new update!

Please give your comments and feedbacks.
And do not forget to give it a Star!

See you all soon!

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