Dirty Mind Games

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And as a warning, this chapter will have some mature content. Please read it on your own risks. It is just to show the personality traits of the characters involved.
Nothing Personal.

Trisha's pov

I was walking like a corpse when Grandma took me to another room.
She made me sit on the bed and offered me a glass of water.
I gulp the whole thing in one breath...thats when I realised that my throat and lungs were so dry.

I looked at Daadi (grandma) who was stroking my back with guilty filled eyes and I broke down again -
What did I do to deserve all this daadi?
That man is a heartless monster!
How could he treat a girl like this?
Can he not atleast keep the respect of the institution of marriage.?

I th... Thought that he atleast knew how to give respect to a girl but he crossed all his limits!
He assaulted me!
What kind of a man he is?

Daadi sighed and said - I know my child! What you are going through is really unacceptable.
But you are not at fault and you should not be ashamed of something you did not  do!
It is all my fault ...i should not have sent you to his room...I thought Abhimanyu would value your presence and treat you right!
But I was clearly wrong and I apologise for that child!
I don't even know when my innocent little boy who used to cry over every small things....turned into an assaulter? The person I saw there, was not my Abhimanyu!
He was a criminal!

I don't even know how to console you...It's all my fault, I should have never asked you to stay here!
Please forgive me Trisha, I am so ashamed of my Abhimanyu! - spoke dadi in a broken voice

I shook my head and said -
You know grandma, all my life I have been craving for true love...the only family I have is my brother. He would tell me....that I would get a husband who would treat me like a Queen.
But look at my fate Daadi!
How am I supposed to deal with this situation! I thought for everybody's peace I would tolerate him but things just tend to turn more ugly with every passing minute!

Everything will be ok my child! I will speak with Abhimanyu....he is not in his right senses.
But when he is sober, I will speak with him. I promise this won't repeat again...Now, you just sleep! - she said lovingly

I am scared Daadi!
What if....he comes again!?!
I can't afford to sleep! - I said sobbing

Relax my child! Nothing will happen.! - She gave me a very light dose of a pain killer pill to make me sleep.

Writer's pov

Arundhati left the room after making sure that Trisha's bedroom was locked. Meanwhile, Trisha took the pill and laid back on the bed. She tried to move but her bottoms hurt so bad that she groaned in pain.
Fresh set of tears started to flow as she remembered how brutally he had hit her on her private parts. She felt disgusted the way he had touched her.

She stared at the ceiling and thought -

Is this what's written in my destiny?
Is this how my life is supposed to be from now on?
Can Grandma rescue me every time from his hatred and punishments?

She sighed and soon her eyes felt heavy and she slept under the effects of the pill that grandma gave her.

On the other hand, Abhimanyu went to his bar and again drank more alcohol. He hated the fact that his grandma had hit him... For that bitch.!

His inner self mocked him - Aye! The famous Abhimanyu Roy Kapoor got slapped for a girl!
She attacked your Ego!
That girl is playing games with my family.
She provoked daadi against me!
She deserves every damn punishment possible!

Time for some Fun Abhi!
He laughed evil.

He asked his staff where was Trisha sleeping in a deadly tone.
Although Arundhati had restricted them to reveal but one glare from Abhimanyu and they spilled the bean.

Abhimanyu smirked and took predatory steps towards her room. He used his master key to open the lock.

There she is! This bitch is sleeping so peacefully after hurting my Ego!
After rotting my Pride! - he thought

Abhimanyu looked at her sleeping form and could not keep his eyes off her milky body.
Trisha, had no idea that her creep husband was lusting over her innocent self while she was sleeping under the effects of some pills.

Her bare waist that showed from her traitor tee and the little peek of her immature but sexy swollen valley had him Hard.
He touched her bare flesh and drew random patterns like a crazy Psycho.
His friend yearn for her touch...her play...!
But Trisha was oblivious of her surroundings. She did not know what dirty mind games Abhimanyu was playing with her body.

He moved towards her bed and sat close to her and held her hand. He open his zip to break free...he put her hand on his length and began to self pleasure him. He caressed and stroked with both their hands joined together on his erection. He closed his eyes in pleasure...his mind twisted his thoughts...he moaned with every stroke and every squeeze. He fastened the pace when he could not take it anymore and pushed his head back in pleasure. He groaned loudly when he felt his seeds scattering all over her clothes. He felt satisfied with his act.
However, he wanted her to be awake and face the humiliation.

Big never mind, soon she will have to pleasure me in her senses.! - He thought wickedly.

When he got his senses back he jerked her hand back. He hated the fact that how this little girl had made him so weak even when she was unconscious. His eyes turned red with more hatred and he swore upon punishing her.

Next Morning

Morning sun rays were falling upon Trisha's flawless skin....she opened her eyes to welcome the bright sunny day. The chirpy sounds of birds from the backyards lifted her mood. She collected her silky locks in a bun then she noticed something unusual in her hand. She couldn't tell....but there was something.....her fingers felt stiff...she could see few marks but she shrugged.

If only she knew what her husband made her do in her sleep! Wait a minute, I'll be right back.

She moved towards the balcony and inhaled the fresh air. But what she saw had her jaws opened. A gasp left her mouth at his toned worked up body!

Abhimanyu was doing push ups! His bare torso was full of sweat beadsbeads that were shinning on his toned muscles. His muscles moved with every push up...showing his perfect godly body. She quickly averted her gaze before she gets caught.
There is no way she is going to drool over that monster!
He may have a body of a Greek God but his heart was possessed by the Devil.!

However, Abhimanyu had already seen her from the corner of his eyes!
He smirked on the thought that she was affected by his toned worked up body!

But then, his grandma's words began to ring in his ears.
How she insulted him...how she called him a useless person who is ruthless and disrespectful. How she threatened him to disown him of his own empire!

All because of this one petty little girl!

Now, she has her own personal account for my revengeful actions!
She wouldn't know what hit her!

Now it's Me Versus Her!
Brace yourself girl, The Abhimanyu Roy Kapoor is coming your way!

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