My Little Lesson To The Good Girl

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Hello friends!
How are you all?

So Vikrant is coming to Trisha'a rescue!
But do you think he is powerful enough to fight against Abhimanyu?
Well, we will find out soon!

Let's read this one first!

The moment I saw her for the first time, I knew she was A perfect innocent trouble maker, A perfect good girl who exactly knew when to be bad!

Abhimanyu's pov

That Little Brat!

How dare she cheat on me....and the hell she tried to destroy my reputation....The only thing I live for!

She deserves severe punishments...and i will teach her the lesson, she would never dream to play with my reputation and Pride...again!

It's not about the money that I lost in that deal with Sheikh but it is the bad mouthing and humiliation that I had to endure and also I had to supress the bit of a wild clue and I know the media is going to hunt me Down. I can not let that Slut, free to hamper my hard earned Empire any further.

I came to this VIP Bar and I drank till I lost my all senses. Those accusing words of that bloody Sheikh were ringing in my ears....the way he insulted me....i could not help myself from filling my devil mind with twisted ways to hurt that bitch!
Everywhere, I saw young girls of her age... Throwing themselves on men...grinding their asses on their manhood and I found her face in each girl...who tried to seduce those lustfilled men.

Bloody whore! Even after becoming fully drunk...i see her everywhere...She has corrupted my mind!

I was so wrong, I thought that she was an innocent spoiled kid but all this while, she was planning to harm me in the very first chance she gets.
And there, Grandma too thought she deserved protection and care! She wanted me to give this marriage A chance!
Chance, My Foot!
This bitch even manipulated Grandma and put front an innocent face.!

She was even ready to spread her legs for her mission....all this to prove me wrong...and take revenge! Afterall her Blood must be boiling to take revenge on me for mistreating her and that Jerk Brother of hers!
But now I know you....the real you, Mrs. Trisha Abhimanyu Roy Kapoor!
And there is no way, I will let you malign my name and reputation!

I will make you feel feared of your own existence!
I will punish you so bad that you wouldn't be able to Heal for Days!

Since the time I married her, at the back of my mind I knew I am unfair to her but I intentionally ignored those guilty. Every morning I woke up and forgot just for a second that it happened. But once my eyes looked me into my reflection it buries me like a landslide of sharp, sad rocks. Once I am awake I feel a lot heavy like there is too much gravity on my heart.
But now, it's all Gone for good!
Now, she will see the real destructive Abhimanyu!

I was going easy on her but now it's time she faces my wrath!

I paid my bill and drove off in my Ferrari.

I reached to my pitch dark was covered with silence.
And it's the silence before the storm!

I reached to her bedroom and banged open her door.

I took predatory steps towards her and she gulped the lump and watched me like a scared kitten!

I was completely out of my senses so i held her jaw tightly and spoke - So, Are you happy now that you destroyed my project?
I must admit, All this was a very well planned scheme to attack my business and my reputation!
And here, I thought you were naive and innocent!
You are really good at planned Games!!!

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